Keith B wrote: When people started open carrying I can garuntee you would see a new crop of signs go up.
Anecdotal evidence from OK is that some went up, and then came right back down. I realize Texas is "a whole different country" but I would be interested to see if anyone could provide evidence of any state that has OC or went to OC and then had a rash of signs go up.
I am still of the mindset that to insure the protection of CHL'er, 30.06 needs to be changed before any form of Open Carry can come about. If 30.06= simple Trespass (and you still have to be asked to leave) I think we all win. Those who carry concealed will actually gain places where they can carry, as 30.06 would become a law without teeth. Those who promote open carry would run the risk of more 30.06 signs going up (assuming they applied to OC as well), but would be the only ones affected if more signs did appear.