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by GlockBlade
Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:05 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Keeping a Weapon in my car at work.
Replies: 52
Views: 8558

Re: Keeping a Weapon in my car at work.

I agree that as an employee, I can be fired for *anything* (barring EEOC or protected class issues) in Texas. My question is, can I be prosecuted for it under criminal trespass? My HR policy reads
Failure to abide by all terms and conditions of the policies described above may result in
discipline up to and including termination. Further, carrying a weapon onto Company
property in violation of this policy will be considered an act of criminal trespass and will be
grounds for immediate removal from the Company property, and may result in
And evidently I should be careful about checking and responding to my email from my phone when I'm at the range during lunch.
All Company employees are also prohibited from carrying a weapon while in the course
and scope of performing their job for the Company, whether they are on Company
property at the time or not and whether they are licensed to carry a handgun or not.
Employees may not carry a weapon covered by this policy while performing any task on
the Company’s behalf.
Sigh. Anyone need a Microsoft Certified MCITP:EA System Administrator at a business that requires carrying a handgun?

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