I am also a G27 owner, and also had your concerns when I first bought mine. I was familiar with 1911 pistols, wheelguns and DA autos, with and without decockers.
I carried my Glock around the property for a week before I carried a round in the chamber. Now I was raised by my dad and trained by the Navy not to put my finger in the trigger guard until I was ready to shoot. My unfamiliarity with Glock type weapons caused me to be extra cautious when I first started carrying one. I continue to give the Glock a little extra ....Caution when I handle it.
I also examined my holsters to figure out what to watch for when reholstering. I found that with the leather belt slide I use sometimes to be sure that the thumb break straps were out of the way when I went to reholster.
I observe all the rules about not pointing at anything I don't intend to destroy, clear, check clear, check clear again, so on so forth. I leave my weapon in the holster unless maintenance is needed, or I am shooting, except when I get ready for bed, I unholster and set it on the bedside table, as I am the only one here.
Imagine how I felt the first morning when I went to holster my Glock with a round in the chamber and looked down and one of my goofy labs had her head right below my holster. Enter a new rule; when removing or replacing weapon in holster, place right side of body over a couch, or anything that keeps a loved one from getting a body part in the path of an ND.
In my opinion A Glock is as safe as anything, as long as one is safe him or her self. There are manual safeties available for the Glock, one is a traditional type safety, I believe it requires a gunsmith for installation; the other is a crossbar type safety that is relatively cheap and replaces the trigger. It physically blocks the little lever on the trigger that is essentially the first of the Glocks three safeties.
On a side note; Yesterday a guy I served in the Navy with posted a picture of a new Ruger auto he just bought on his Facebook page. In the Picture he had his finger on the trigger. I commented on his photo "Finger out of the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot gangsta". He commented back that as a duty Gunners Mate you would think that he would practice what he preached. Goes to show you..........................