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by Jumping Frog
Mon Mar 10, 2014 12:53 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Legal Carry on College Campuses
Replies: 44
Views: 11362

Re: Legal Carry on College Campuses

baldeagle wrote:The mere knowledge of the presence of an armed opponent is often enough to provoke the mass shooter to commit suicide. IOW, rather than being a "cowboy", all I have to be is noisy (e.g. put the gun down or I will shoot!), and the shooter will often stop his rampage and kill himself.
Although that can often happen, one had better not depend upon it or hesitate.

The latest FBI Active Shooter report notes that when an officer is a solo responder (does not wait for the rest of the team before entering), the officer has a much greater chance of preventing additional murders. However, almost 1 in 5 are wounded or killed doing so, making it the most dangerous scenario in law enforcement.

Do not count on the coward committing suicide, as he may just shoot you!

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