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by Dave2
Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:00 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breaking The Gun Control Stalemate (Article)
Replies: 55
Views: 6290

Re: Breaking The Gun Control Stalemate (Article)

DocV wrote:
Heartland Patriot wrote: ...
I'm not a certified and licensed firearms expert in the very least, but that APPEARS to be a shotgun that they are pulling out of the trunk. Which goes along with what I maintain about the media not knowing jack nothing about firearms, but spouting off AS IF THEY ARE EXPERTS...and the ignorant types in our society lap it all up like a sponge... :grumble :mad5
That certainly does not appear to be an AR. The officer is not using a charging handle to clear the weapon. The stock looks like a thumbhole rifle stock.
Yeah... Kinda looked like a semi-auto shotgun (something big fell out when the guy first racked it) with an aftermarket stock.
by Dave2
Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:47 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breaking The Gun Control Stalemate (Article)
Replies: 55
Views: 6290

Re: Breaking The Gun Control Stalemate (Article)

hpcatx wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:BOTTOM LINE: I am NOT giving mine up, no matter what the law says. They are literally going to have to try and take them, and yes, I WILL fire on an American who is treasonous enough to try and enforce something like that. I've had a good life, and nobody lives forever, and my eternal destiny is a settled matter. Maybe if enough old coots go down fighting, enough young coots will stand up to carry the fight forward. I'm deadly serious about this.
Well said, as always, TAM. I can honestly say, that while I share your sentiment, I'm not confident that I wouldn't cave if the heat were turned up and the authorities came knocking. I would like to think I could hold my resolve, but my convictions have become more malleable when thinking about the long term care of our infant. The world post such enforcement events is certainly not a place in which I would like my son to live, though I don't know if having and knowing his father -- and being able to raise him to recognize the tyranny around him -- wouldn't win out. Maybe this line of reasoning is just cowerdly, but I suspect many ardent RKBA/2Aers would be faced with this dilemma. I pray that I may share in your strength.
Ditto, except I don't have kids yet (my 18mo niece is pretty awesome, though). I think I might have to go for an unexpected and extended camping trip with a wind-up radio if it starts looking like this'll actually happen.

Speaking of which, I'm really not sure what to think regarding the chances of a confiscation attempt... As Charles Krauthammer correctly pointed out on Fox News earlier tonight, there's no point in an AWB with a grandfather clause because they're proven to be useless, but an AWB without a grandfather clause would cause an insurrection. Feinstein's bill does have a grandfather clause, but it seems like the list of what she wants to ban could end up being a large portion of what's on the market.
by Dave2
Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:45 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breaking The Gun Control Stalemate (Article)
Replies: 55
Views: 6290

Re: Breaking The Gun Control Stalemate (Article)

SQLGeek wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote: ....or not. There is no requirement to report a theft of your own property, including the theft of a firearm, if I'm not mistaken. It may or may not be wise to do so according to one's conscience, but I don't believe there is any law requiring one to report the theft of a gun.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. My point is that I don't want to bring the gummint into my affairs if it is in any way avoidable. After all, you could be liable to filing a false police report if you weren't telling the truth. Government is never your friend anymore. Might have been at one time, but no longer. If my guns go missing, it's nobody's business but my own.
In doing some research on Connecticut's assault weapon laws, I found that it seems there actually IS a requirement there to report lost and stolen "assault weapons" subject to criminal penalty if not reported in a timely manner. I've heard of this in other locations and I believe certain areas of California (if not the entire state) were trying to push through similar legislation.
What about guns that've been shot so much they've been worn out and thrown away?

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