Search found 2 matches

by RailRider
Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:34 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 36266

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

It's here, time for a Wally Walk. 38 days from my mailbox to dps and plastic in my hands. Not too bad!!!! :txflag: :cheers2: :txflag:

on line application---------- 09/16/10
chl class---------------------- 09/18/10
packet mailed--------------- 09/21/10
under review---------------- 10/02/10
fingerprints complete------ 10/10/10
background check---------- 10/20/10
manufacturing pending---- 10/20/10
mailed----------------------- 10/26/10
plastic in hand-------------- 10/29/10
:party: :party:
by RailRider
Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:25 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 36266

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

Mine is in the mail, 36 days mailbox to mailbox.

on line application-------- 09/16/10
chl class-------------------- 09/18/10
packet mailed------------- 09/21/10
under review --------------10/02/10
fingerprints complete---- 10/10/10
background check-------- 10/20/10
manufacturing pending-- 10/20/10
mailed--------------------- 10/26/10


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