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by sigma9
Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:57 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Oct 2010 applications
Replies: 244
Views: 42334

Re: Oct 2010 applications

:thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave

Got my plastic in hand today. My wonderful wide woke me up and gave it to me. What a nice way to be woken up.
by sigma9
Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:19 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Oct 2010 applications
Replies: 244
Views: 42334

Re: Oct 2010 applications

bnc wrote:Mine finally came in today. Sent the packet off at the beginning of October, so it took a month +/- a day (don't remember when I sent it exactly).

bnc, when did yours mail from Austin? I'm going mine gets here tomorrow since it said Saturday morning that it mailed. I'm just south of Dallas.
by sigma9
Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:19 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Oct 2010 applications
Replies: 244
Views: 42334

Re: Oct 2010 applications


I got my SuperTuck yesterday. At least I can walk around at home and get used to it before the CHL comes in.

MAILED AS OF OCT. 30TH!!!! :hurry:
by sigma9
Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:13 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Oct 2010 applications
Replies: 244
Views: 42334

Re: Oct 2010 applications

Had to check again this morning....




:txflag: :woohoo :patriot:
by sigma9
Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:06 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Oct 2010 applications
Replies: 244
Views: 42334

Re: Oct 2010 applications

Painter99 wrote:My stuff just became visible on the website this morning and all is green except for Application received is yellow,fingerprints are yellow,BCG is yellow and of course manufacture is yellow.My question is,since application is yellow (it does show to be received) does that mean something is wrong or missing from the application.Kinda made me wonder since the yellow "yield" sign is out to the side. As I say all is green except for the afore mentioned. Thanks. BK
It's yellow because the process is not complete that's all
by sigma9
Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:26 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Oct 2010 applications
Replies: 244
Views: 42334

Re: Oct 2010 applications

IYAOYAS wrote:On a side note I got my supertuck in the mail today. :)
When did you order your Super Tuck?

Just hang in thee everyone, we will all get it in time.... this coming from someone who checks his status on TXDPS 3 times a day, even on weekends. My wife says I am becoming obsessed.
by sigma9
Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:31 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Oct 2010 applications
Replies: 244
Views: 42334

Re: Oct 2010 applications

Divided Attention wrote:OK, y'all are a bad influence! I wasn't going to check on the weekend because my OCD needed a break, and surely nothing would change - but NOOOOOO.

Our finger prints updated!!! YEAH! :thewave

It is getting more painful daily! I know the background check will likely take a bit longer as we have 2 counties, and I understand Harris is notoriously slow :grumble so I will continue to be patient! :hurry:

bad thing is I have to figure out how to put this in my sig line :headscratch
Our packets must be working their way around together because my fingerprints changed on the 17th also. I thought I had checked on friday night, so I thought for sure nothing would have changed too. But look at that, 4 days for fingerprints to clear. I just hope the background check does the same thing. At this rate I'll have my plastic with no way to carry. (still waiting on my Supertuck)
by sigma9
Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:26 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Oct 2010 applications
Replies: 244
Views: 42334

Re: Oct 2010 applications

rinnels69 wrote:2 weeks....still no status change. :totap:

On a good note, got my Cross Breed Supertuck Deluxe...still need to buy the gun next week :thumbs2:
How long did your Super Tuck take? I ordered mine a little over a week ago so I'm excited to get that in.
by sigma9
Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:59 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Oct 2010 applications
Replies: 244
Views: 42334

Re: Oct 2010 applications

Status Change as Of Oct. 13th.
By the looks of some signitures out there it seems it takes a couple weeks for the figerprints to come back, then another week or two for the background check. I hope they can keep up that pace (or speed it up)

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