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Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:14 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Amusing DPS encounter in Hickory Creek (Denton County)
Replies: 58
Views: 12809

Re: Amusing DPS encounter in Hickory Creek (Denton County)

I know the Hickory Creek/Lake Dallas area well. I once got stopped by Hickory Creek all the way close to the Mayfield exit heading north! That's almost twice the length of their jurisdiction AWAY!! I forget the reason for the stop, but it was a warning & allowed to leave.

I have an INTERESTING encounter with DPS near Hickory Creek from about 407 until Swisher road exit. I was not directly involved but witnessed it.

As I was doing about 70-75 thru this area (65/70?), I noticed this red car (make/model since forgotten, it's been about a year) high tailing it up behind me. I normally see people coming up behind & am rarely the guy holding folks up. I move over. Right after I do, I notice a DPS officer coming up behind them. As I get to right before the bridge, the DPS closes to within a HALF A CAR LENGTH of the red car doing 75+. The red car is charging along & I'm watching this DPS on this guys tail weaving with him, never leaving that half a car length gap! I could *NOT* believe it.

I don't think the red car realized it was a cop behind em & just kept trucking along. I exited Swisher & never saw the DPS light em up, but I suspected they probably would've. I wish I had the presence of mind to note the car number to report that. As I understand it, and could very well be wrong, EVERYONE has to obey traffic laws, except when using lights/sirens by LEO/EMS/FIRE. I had to witness 3-4 unsafe lane changes (cutting it REAL close to cars behind the DPS), wreckless driving, unsafe speed, following too close, and I'm sure the other LEOs could offer some more.

Granted, this isn't super heinous by any means, but it bugs me because I've got all those points on my license! ;)

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