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by Jasonw560
Fri May 06, 2011 8:20 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Got pulled over today
Replies: 30
Views: 3806

Re: Got pulled over today

Not long after I was married, we were driving to the Valley from San Antonio, and I was driving a smidgen too fast. Up north of Raymondville (google it), A Trooper pulled me over.

My DW was, of course, freakng out. After lookng in the rear-view mirror at the officer, I told her we woldn't get a ticket.

He asked me to get out of my car, so I did. He asked me for my driver's license, which I gave him.

One quick look at the last name, he let out a few obscenities, then we caught up on our families' statuses. I graduated HS with him.

We had our weiner dogs with us, and when he saw one of them (after giving me a warning), he asked why they weren't in pet car seats. We laughed and we went on our ways.

I got in the car, and handed my wife the warning. I had never seen someone relax that much that quick.

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