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by rmr1923
Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:54 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Shielded Holsters - Crossbreed Style holster for $50

koolaid wrote:
rmr1923 wrote:i wasn't aware the MTACs had retention screws, not worth the extra $30 to me though but that's just one man's opinion.
It is worth it to me not to have to deal with metal belt clips.
can you elaborate a bit? i'm not sure what you mean by not having to "deal with metal belt clips". :headscratch
by rmr1923
Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:55 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Shielded Holsters - Crossbreed Style holster for $50

koolaid wrote:
rmr1923 wrote: the 4th photo is of me holding the holster upside down to show the level of retention, absolutely no concern whatsoever of the gun coming out of the holster if i were to trip, fall, etc. the fit was REAL tight when i got the holster, with instructions to heat the kydex up with a blow dryer and work the gun in and out until the retention level was where i wanted it.
It is probably worth pointing out to people who haven't had a kydex/leather holster before that it is going to loosen up significantly on its own as the leather backing gets broken in and forms to the back of the pistol. If you permanently loosen the fit of the kydex with heat right after you get it, it is probably going to be way too loose after a month of carrying it. This is why the MTAC's have retention screws.
good point, this was mentioned to me by Kurtis (the guy who makes the holsters) so he suggested that i leave it a bit on the tight side, and i have noticed it's gotten a bit looser. he told me to get it to where i could draw the gun with a little more effort than i'd like and wear it like that for a while before i try to loosen it anymore. i did that and after a month or so it's loosened up a bit and is a perfect fit. i wasn't aware the MTACs had retention screws, not worth the extra $30 to me though but that's just one man's opinion.
by rmr1923
Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:41 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

RAM4171 wrote:Em1923, what length is the barrel ? Mine is 4"
i think the barrel on my compact is 3.5"
by rmr1923
Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:59 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

for those that may have not read through this entire thread, the pics above are of a customer made holster by Shielded Holsters. this guy will make it however you want it for $50 shipped and it's guaranteed for as long as you own it." onclick=";return false;
by rmr1923
Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:58 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Shielded Holsters - Crossbreed Style holster for $50

RAM4171 wrote:rmr1923, how much leather extends past the end of the barrel?
ok after looking at the holster, there's less leather beyond the end of the barrel than i thought. looks to be about an inch, maybe less. here are 4 pictures to show you how the holster fits my M&P 40 compact. the back shot shows how the combat cut exposes the grip of the gun, and i even zoomed in to show you where i had to make a cut in the leather around the mag release as i mentioned before. you can see that the leather was covering about half of the mag release and would sometimes press against it hard enough to pop the magazine out... not a good thing if you're carrying in public. the 4th photo is of me holding the holster upside down to show the level of retention, absolutely no concern whatsoever of the gun coming out of the holster if i were to trip, fall, etc. the fit was REAL tight when i got the holster, with instructions to heat the kydex up with a blow dryer and work the gun in and out until the retention level was where i wanted it. i can shake the holster up and down and the gun won't come out, but it comes out plenty easy when drawing.

by rmr1923
Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:05 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

RAM4171 wrote:rmr1923, how much leather extends past the end of the barrel?
i can get a more exact measurement (and pics) when i get home later, but i'd say at least an inch, probably more like an inch and a half. it's enough that if i had a full-size M&P, the leather would probably still extend past the end of the barrel.
by rmr1923
Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:16 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

another consideration with the combat cut is the mag release. on my M&P, if i didn't have the combat cut i'd have a problem with my magazine ejecting randomly. even with the combat cut, the leather was touching about half of the mag release and when i strapped my belt on and got to moving around (especially when sitting down) it would press against the release button just enough to eject the magazine. i made a small cut with scissors to fix this problem though.

as for comfort, at first i was regretting the combat cut because the gun was uncomfortable rubbing against my skin, but now i don't notice it so much. now if you have stippling or grip tape on your gun then i can see where the extra leather would be a necessity.
by rmr1923
Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:50 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

Defndr90 wrote:I am thinking of getting one from the guy on Glock talk. I'm unsure of the combat cut. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
the only disadvantage i can think of with the combat cut is that the grip of the gun will be directly against your skin, unless you wear a shirt tucked in under the holster. the main advantage is being able to more easily get a grip on the gun when drawing. i've never had a holster w/out the combat cut so i'm not sure how difficult it is to get your hand between the gun and the leather of the holster, but if you're not sure then order it without the combat cut and if you decide you want it, you can go ahead and cut it yourself. you might even email or call the guy and ask if he can make some marks on the back of the leather where the combat cut should go just incase you decide to do it yourself later. he was more than accommodating with a few of my nit-picky requests so i'm sure he wouldn't mind doing something like that for you.
by rmr1923
Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:46 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

RAM4171 wrote:
rmr1923 wrote:
RAM4171 wrote:
nyj wrote:Hey, just a heads up -- I was about to order the CBST then found this guy over on GlockTalk:" onclick=";return false;

39 pages of satisfied customers. 50 bucks shipped, lifetime warranty, accepts returns. He said his current turn around is 2-3 days. I ordered mine yesterday.
Thanks' for that nyj, I ordred one for my M&P. I've been on the fence about the CBST, but the wait and the $ for the options that I wanted was keeping me from trying it out. I will definitley post once I get it.
excellent choice, i ordered a holster from this guy for my M&P and it's awesome. not only was it considerably cheaper than a CBST, but i got it in my mailbox exactly a week from the date i placed my order. i've found that "sweet spot" to be at about the 4:00 position with quite a bit of forward cant (as much as the pre-cut holes will allow) and with even a light t-shirt the gun literally disappears.

i'd recommend the combat cut for your M&P, but even with the combat cut i still had to make a small cut around my mag release. i found that when i strapped my belt on, the holster pressed on the mag release just enough to eject it when i'd sit down or move around a bit. other than that, it's a perfect fit.
I did order the the combat cut. I wear a high ride OWB now so I appreciate being able to get a full grip. I've the .45 compact, which M&P did you go with?
I've got the .40 compact
by rmr1923
Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:06 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

Teamless wrote:
rmr1923 wrote:got it within a week of placing the order.
I ordered last week, received it yesterday as well, nice holster!
how are you liking the holster so far? after finding this guy, i can't understand why anyone would pay $30 more for a CBST or Comp Tac
by rmr1923
Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:04 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

RAM4171 wrote:
nyj wrote:Hey, just a heads up -- I was about to order the CBST then found this guy over on GlockTalk:" onclick=";return false;

39 pages of satisfied customers. 50 bucks shipped, lifetime warranty, accepts returns. He said his current turn around is 2-3 days. I ordered mine yesterday.
Thanks' for that nyj, I ordred one for my M&P. I've been on the fence about the CBST, but the wait and the $ for the options that I wanted was keeping me from trying it out. I will definitley post once I get it.
excellent choice, i ordered a holster from this guy for my M&P and it's awesome. not only was it considerably cheaper than a CBST, but i got it in my mailbox exactly a week from the date i placed my order. i've found that "sweet spot" to be at about the 4:00 position with quite a bit of forward cant (as much as the pre-cut holes will allow) and with even a light t-shirt the gun literally disappears.

i'd recommend the combat cut for your M&P, but even with the combat cut i still had to make a small cut around my mag release. i found that when i strapped my belt on, the holster pressed on the mag release just enough to eject it when i'd sit down or move around a bit. other than that, it's a perfect fit.
by rmr1923
Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:20 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

Skaven wrote:The only problem with the CBST is the SUPER long wait time. I actually think that they are taking longer that TX DPS. I ordered it over 6 weeks ago, and I am still waiting. Also for other options check out these guys as well." onclick=";return false;
see my post above. crossbreed-style holster, custom made, $50, got it within a week of placing the order.
by rmr1923
Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:05 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

nyj wrote:Hey, just a heads up -- I was about to order the CBST then found this guy over on GlockTalk:" onclick=";return false;

39 pages of satisfied customers. 50 bucks shipped, lifetime warranty, accepts returns. He said his current turn around is 2-3 days. I ordered mine yesterday.
for anyone considering a Crossbreed Supertuck, i'd HIGHLY recommend checking out the above link. this guy offers top-notch custom made Crossbreed-style holsters for $50 shipped. i emailed him with some questions and he called back that same day and we worked out the details for a custom holster, i paid him on paypal and got the holster within a week. i'll definitely be ordering some IWB mag holders and another holster for my wife's gun from him in the future.

one option that he offers is leather-lined kydex, for those who'd prefer to keep holster wear to a minimum. he did say he recommends to NOT get the leather lining, but if you've got a high dollar weapon then that's something you can have done for only $5 extra.
by rmr1923
Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:36 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
Replies: 54
Views: 17202

Re: Crossbreed Holster Question

nyj wrote:Hey, just a heads up -- I was about to order the CBST then found this guy over on GlockTalk:" onclick=";return false;

39 pages of satisfied customers. 50 bucks shipped, lifetime warranty, accepts returns. He said his current turn around is 2-3 days. I ordered mine yesterday.
hey thanks for the info, those looks like some good quality holsters. i'm definitely going to look into one for my M&P compact.

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