WildBill wrote:I have been told thta lane splitting was against the law in Texas. In California it is not, and it is not unusual for motorcycles to go between traffic. What was very surprising to me was during the Rita evacuation the traffic on I45 was stop and go for miles and miles. [I was stuck for 13 hrs and traveled 32 miles and burned half a tank of gas.] I never understood why the motorcycle riders didn't ride between the cars rather than standing still idling and buring gas.. I would think that even if an LEO could catch them they wouldn't give them a ticket for doing it during this situation.srothstein wrote:Wheelies and lane splitting are two things that motorcyclists do that are not explicitly forbidden under Texas law but sometimes get people tickets or arrested anyway.
I've considered doing it several times, especially when in the summer heat and in traffic. It's not the cops that worry me, it's the drivers that I'm scared of doing something stupid like opening their door because they're mad that I'm skipping ahead.