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by johnson0317
Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:31 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Highway Patrolman in Tennessee
Replies: 15
Views: 1959

Re: Highway Patrolman in Tennessee

I have the feeling that morons can live in almost any state. I think it was Ayoob who commented that there are two types of LEO's that do not appreciate an armed civilian populace. The first is the Chief who is beholden to an anti-gun mayor. He is going to echo the mayor's feelings. The second is the newer LEO who has a great deal of self-image wrapped up in his badge and weapon. Most LEO's, from what I have read, like having law-abiding citizens carrying.

My sister and her husband live in Tennessee. They bristle with weapons everywhere they go. They reload, they cruise the forums, they prepare to bug out when it hits the fan. They may actually be a little bit over the top, but that is their thing. They have never mentioned Tennessee being a pain relating to carrying. One of my favorite YouTube fellows is Hickok45. He resides there. Fun guy to watch and listen to.


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