Search found 5 matches

by internetguy
Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:12 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys
Replies: 49
Views: 11471

Re: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys

Excaliber- I train fairly regularly at the Dallas Pistol Club where I'm a member. I'd have to say that of all the scenario's I've rehearsed, mostly to practice drawing, taking cover, moving my feet with gun in hands, and yelling at the pretend aggressor that I honestly never considered the scenario ...
by internetguy
Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:35 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys
Replies: 49
Views: 11471

Re: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys

Annoyed Man- I was wearing tactical pants during the incident. Very large pockets. My .45 is a Kimber Ultra CDP, ie, 3 inch barrel. Was using well made pocket holster- draw is fast, gun orientation correct. So I was wondering which pocket holster you use. One of my regular carry guns is a Stainless...
by internetguy
Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:50 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys
Replies: 49
Views: 11471

Re: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys

Thank you gentlemen for the feedback; it's valuable as it comes from good guys.

Stay safe, remain aware.

by internetguy
Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:58 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys
Replies: 49
Views: 11471

Re: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys

C-Dub-- car was a Nissan Cube, white. Driver/aggressor in this incident is white male, 40's medium heavy build, light brown hair. No tat's or other distinguishing marks that I noticed. Annoyed Man- I was wearing tactical pants during the incident. Very large pockets. My .45 is a Kimber Ultra CDP, ie...
by internetguy
Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:21 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys
Replies: 49
Views: 11471

CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys

Had my first, and hopefully, my last CHL incident last night. Am new to this forum and have been around guns for forty something years. Several years of carry. Am posting this at the request of one of your existing members, DDStuder, with the intent that it may be helpful. I was leaving the local gr...

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