dihappy wrote:Im glad things worked out but i have an obervation/question.
Im not so sure your threat of deadly force was justified as he was still in his vehicle.
Showing your handgun was in fact a threat of deadly force, and im not sure it was justified in that situation.
Heck im not even sure if you would have been justified in shooting an unarmed man walking toward you.
Id like to hear some opinions on this.
heres something i found online:
"The use of deadly force may be justified only to defend against force, or the threat of force of nearly equally severity, and is not justifiable unless the defendant reasonably believes that such force is necessary to protect himself/herself) against death or serious bodily harm."
I guess if this is true, then the jury would have to be convinced that shooting the man was the only way to prevent death or serious bodily harm.
Actually under Texas Law, the mere production of a weapon is NOT deadly force, if the purpose of the production was to cause apprehension or the belief that legal deadly force would be used if necessary, so before you speak read the law. the OP did exactly what he should have, however the LEO stuffing his knife and firearm in the glove box was inappropriate, it should have been returned to the OP so that he could holster and cover it and not be resposible for unlawful display due to having to return it to proper carry configuration because the LEO wanted to remain safe from an armed "civilian" just like them