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by Bulldog1911
Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:27 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Iran is murdering a pastor for being a Christian
Replies: 44
Views: 5301

Re: Iran is murdering a pastor for being a Christian

suthdj wrote:I know he is Iranian and if he valued his life should have practised in private. My view on religion is different. I believe people should come to you,
Just want to share my thoughts on this. Not to start an argument or anything, but just to share what I believe. Being a Christian, this isn't the right approach. Jesus commanded his disciples(and us) to GO to all nations and preach the gospel. He didn't say sit around and wait for people to come to you. Honestly, I believe this is one of the biggest problems with the church today. People are silent. The fact is that Jesus is coming back one day, and if you haven't been born again, you won't be going with Him to heaven. As a Christian, it is our job to "sound the alarm" and let people know. This Pastor is doing that, and doing it in a country that desperately needs it(as does ours). He understands the risk, and is still willing to take the consequences. My prayers are with him and his family. This man is living out what Peter talks about in the new testament: ... ersion=NIV
suthdj wrote:BTW isn't God the same God for Muslim, Jews, Christians
This is a whole other discussion, but There is only One True God. Isaiah 45:21 (Just one of many references I could give you)
Was it not I, the LORD?
And there is no God apart from me,
a righteous God and a Savior;
there is none but me.
suthdj wrote:I lost hope in religion(not god) a long time ago
I understand your view on "religion". If we wanted to we could start a "1911 Church". Or whatever you want to call your church for that matter, but the bottom line is to preach the Bible(which is God's Word).
2 Timothy 3:16-17 ... ersion=NIV
suthdj wrote:tool for control and money making
Sorry you feel that way, and there are plenty of reasons that you would. There are a host of "televangelist" that are just trying to get your money (not all of them, but a lot). That's why you pay your tithes to your local church. If you want to give above and beyond your tithes, go for it. Here is one passage pertaining to tithing:
Malachi 3:6-12 ... ersion=NIV

I know this was a long post, but there was actually more I wanted to say. Anyway, not trying to upset anyone, or be argumentative, but wanted to put this information outthere. I'd be glad to try and answer any questions anyone may have.

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