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by packa45
Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:48 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: 5 car pileup, not the ideal first contact.
Replies: 22
Views: 3989

Re: 5 car pileup, not the ideal first contact.

MasterOfNone wrote:So what happens if an at-fault party decides not to take blame for the accident? Once the cars are moved, it can often be hard to establish what happened.

In short that is what the blue form is for... If you get into an accident go to the local police station/ sub station after information is exchanged and get one,fill it out and follow the submission instructions (it has a diagram section or did 5 years ago) so draw the accident scene and fill out the driver information for you and the other party and write your statement. I would also suggest making a copy for your personal records.
by packa45
Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:57 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: 5 car pileup, not the ideal first contact.
Replies: 22
Views: 3989

Re: 5 car pileup, not the ideal first contact.

Fill out a "blue form" and submit it to DPS it's basically the same as an accident report but it is your statement of the event.
I've had a claim go to court over an accident ( minor fender bender) and the fact that I submitted one and the other driver did not was one of the factors that won my insurance company the case (photos of the damage to both vehicles was another)... Not to mention the guy was arrested for a failure to appear on acharge for driving on a suspended license,at the scene he was ticketed because his vehicle registration and inspection were expired... But he had current insurance

No accident report was made however they did note in the arrest report that he was involvedin a traffic accident that he caused at such and such address at approximately such and such time and was given citations for x and y offenses

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