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by Ivan244
Sat May 21, 2011 3:48 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93937

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

J.R.@A&M wrote:My main thought about 2013 campus carry is to frame it more in terms of deterrence/prevention of general violent crime, both on an off campus, versus focusing on the mass shooting/Va Tech scenario. The other side appeared to be successful in framing the issue as "making the campus safer" and pointing out that mass shootings are rare. The point is to make individuals safer (or at least give them the choice). The "campus" is just a geographical abstraction.

To that end, I think it would be useful to compile violent crime statistics in college towns (in and AROUND campuses).

P.S. How many of you went to the range yesterday or today for therapy? Yesterday I shot a brick of .22LR through my SP101 and felt a lot better. And it wasn't bad shooting, I might add.
Going tomorrow :)

Son and I trying out new toy Taurus 608 plus the usual stuff.
by Ivan244
Fri May 20, 2011 6:48 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93937

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

Actually we do have quite a bit to be thankful for. If/when the parking lot bill is passed that's a huge deal. Plus all the others are more bricks in the wall for honest, responsible, law-abiding citizen. I guess it's human nature to focus on what you don't have versus what you do have.

Straus needs to be gone as Speaker and I have contacted my rep Mr. Gonzales about that. Education is key for the general public but that takes time and $ to get that message out.

And big shout out to Charles and all the others who have labored long and hard on all the issues. We may not have gotten this one but we are getting a lot more done. I've been lurking on this board since the start of this session and finally officially joined:)
by Ivan244
Fri May 20, 2011 2:49 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93937

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

Monker10 wrote:I complete understand how upset everyone is. Being the law abiding guy that I am I will have to be defenseless on campus while any psycho or opportunist that feels like it can just stroll on to campus and do as try please. I think it's perfectly natural for us all to be disenfranchised with the system at this point. It's not perfect but it's what we got so instead of starting over from scratch we need to be precise and relentless in removing those that tripped us up from office.

I do wonder why Wentworth did not seem to know about the two subject rule. It seems to me that it was something that he should have been aware of. But none the less I feel that he did make a significant effort to move it forward and it got so close to passing even with all the opposition and misinformation out there. We just need to continue to remind those that support us that this issue will not go away and we will continue to fight for it until it gets done.

One of the big issues that I seem to encounter is that alot of people are completely ignorant when it comes to firearms. For several they have only seen them on tv and in the news. So they are easily misled. They are always shocked at first that I own and carry a gun. But curiousity sets in and they want to try it out(which I am always happy to take a newbie to the range). From then on they love it and start thinking that in the future thy want to get their chl. Once they have this awakening then are not as easily swayed by the gun control lies. The key is education.
Last bit is so true. FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) is always the easiest path. Education takes longer but in the end will overcome FUD. Woods group went around screaming about blood in the streets, people firing off guns at keggers, suicides going up yada yada..... We know that is completely without merit. However, the general public does not. It is up to us to spread the word using the facts and showing how other colleges with campus carry are model citizens etc... The more people are educated the less the Woods type can use FUD against them. Unfortunately that does take some time and obviously we will have to try again next session.

But it gives TSRA two more years to show the general public what great citizens CHL are. I would like to see a TV campaign where the DPS stats that Mr.Cotton aide arranged was shown to people. That way the message/idea that CHL are the safest and most law abiding citizens gets out to the general public.
by Ivan244
Fri May 20, 2011 1:54 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93937

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

I agree with the more moderate approach. We gave Lucio and Gallegos a chance and they burned us. You know the old saying, burn me once your fault burn me twice my fault. So next session we need a House speaker that makes sure we have peeps in place in the Calendar committee that will show Lucio/Gallegos the errors of their ways by blocking any and all Dem sponsored bills till Campus Carry is passed out of Calendar and put to a vote. We accepted their handshake and word and they betrayed it. Now their word and handshake is not enough.

Edit: Thanks to all the Reps and Senators who did try hard to bring campus carry to a vote and specifically to Mr. Wentworth. We need to go back to drawing board and come back with better plan and resolve to stick to it.

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