Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?

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Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by adamryan1978 »

Do any of you guys know of any ranges in the West Houston (Katy, Cypress, etc.) that will allow someone to draw from a holster and fire?
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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by bcooper »

I haven't seen any. I heard Athena gun club at I-10 and Beltway 8 will allow it, but haven't seen it for myself.
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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by misterlarry »

Technically just north of Houston. I talked to the staff and they told me that I just had to demonstrate proficiency in drawing from a holster. Haven't had a chance to do it yet though. Nice facility. Have only shot there once.

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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by Vol Texan »

According to the Boyert Shooting Center website:
You may not draw from a holster unless certified by the BSC staff.
I may be reading too much into this, but apparently there is a way to do so, once you've been certified by them to do it.

They have two locations in your target area:

9099 Westheimer Rd.
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 977-3000

1200 S. Mason Rd.
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 693-4867
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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by eyet »

According to their web site, Top Gun near 59 and Fountain View allows it after qualification.


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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by winters »

eh skip top gun that place is run by jerks.
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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by Excaliber »

winters wrote:eh skip top gun that place is run by jerks.
That wasn't my experience.

I took a work colleague from the UK there for his first time shooting a pistol. They couldn't have been nicer. They even let him pose for photos in their shop with an assortment of military grade weaponry that he'd never be able to touch back home. It was a terrific experience for him and they went well out of their way to make it so.

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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by Dadtodabone »

:iagree: my lone experience there was in the same vein, good.
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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by Skiprr »

Excaliber wrote:I took a work colleague from the UK there for his first time shooting a pistol. They couldn't have been nicer. They even let him pose for photos in their shop with an assortment of military grade weaponry that he'd never be able to touch back home. It was a terrific experience for him and they went well out of their way to make it so.
Somebody went back to the UK spreading the message about Texas. ;-) Maybe we'll get some new, valuable emigrees out of it.

Not conforming to the OP's post about the west side of Harris County, but I have to raise my hand for the best range in the state: PSC, http://www.psc-range.com/. It is a private, members-only range on the outskirts of Pearland, and membership opens only in August of each year (get on the waiting list if interested) but if you shoot and you're anywhere near Houston, it is very much worth it. I'm in Cypress and it's over a 120-mile round-trip for me, but I wouldn't drop my PSC membership for anything.

You can move, draw, and shoot multiple targets in the pistol bays, so long as you do so safely, keep the muzzle pointed downrange, and don't shoot over the end-berm or into a side berm. There are also plate racks, the famous Tin Can Alley, archery and air-gun ranges, and a complete shotgun range including managed throwers for skeet and clays. For rifles, you can shoot from any position: standing, seated, benchrest, prone, or anything else. Rapidity of fire is governed only by your ability to safely do so and the amount of ammo you bring with you (no ammo sold at the range, so always bring twice what you think you'll shoot...it goes fast when you're having fun). Plus, the range hosts IDPA, USPSA, Youth Action Pistol League, pistol pin and silhouette matches, BAPS Steel Challenge, IHMSA Big Bore, small-bore rifle and air rifle silhouette matches, NRA Prone Rifle and other NRA matches, BSA matches, .22 fun shoots, various instructional courses including NRA certification classes, and the best LTC class in the state.

PSC isn't a Gunsite or Thunder Ranch, but for a member-run range inside a major metropolitan area, it's an absolute model.
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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by Abraham »

My experience with Top Gun Range was excellent.

Without going into all the details, suffice it say I had a problem with my Glock 19 and they went above and beyond the call of duty to help me cure the problem.

If I lived near them, they'd be my go to range.

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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by JerryK »

Look up RDPC http://www.rosenbergdefensivepistolclub.net/ and come out and practice on your defensive carry skills under as real life conditions as possible. You will not learn real life skills at a gun range ever.

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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by almostfree »

The Impact Zone in Brookshire will allow draw and fire, but you have to be a member or part of an event in order to shoot there. Membership is at the sole discretion of the property owner, and he doesn't hand it out lightly. It's a really nice range and definitely worth the drive.

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Re: Ranges in Houston that allow draw and fire?


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

The folks at Top Gun can tend to be a bit, shall we say. overconfident in their knowledge of all things gun related. This is common at gun ranges (and also golf courses) in my experience.

For example, On one visit to Top Gun, I saw that they had my carry ammo on sale there (Winchester Ranger HP which is marked "law enforcement" on the box) and asked the guy how much they were charging. He asked me if I was a LEO. I said no, and he responded in a very condescending tone that it was illegal for anyone other than a LEO to buy or own that ammo. I said "that's odd" and showed him the box I had in my range bag that I was planning to shoot. For some reason he did not feel compelled to call the SWAT team on me.

I think it's exchanges like this that cause people to have a bad taste in their mouths about certain gun ranges.
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