New York’s attorney general sued the National Rifle Association on Thursday, seeking to put the powerful gun advocacy organization out of business over allegations that high-ranking executives diverted millions of dollars for lavish personal trips, no-show contracts for associates and other questionable expenditures.
Simultaneously, the Washington, D.C., attorney general sued the NRA Foundation, a charitable arm of the organization designed to provide programs for firearm safety, marksmanship and hunting safety, accusing it of diverting funds to the NRA to help pay for lavish spending by its top executives.
Just more Democrat election year activities designed to aid in Trump's defeat in November.
Last edited by Grayling813 on Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” --Thomas Jefferson
It's fine if you disagree. I can't force you to be correct.
NRA Life Member, TSRA Life Member, GSSF Member
A pistol without a round chambered is an expensive paper weight.
Until we begin to organize like the libs and stop playing constant defense at every corner, this will only progressively (pun intended) get worse. The Marxists have discovered one major point of weakness, we are law abiding citizens. Yes. Sadly we are stuck in the worst position ever. Play by the rule of “law” and continue to lose ground, until eventually we will either have to submit to their fascism or break their version of “law” and be able to get “legally” disarmed (think if Biden has his way he won’t push for a felony charge for failure to sell or register your legal firearms? Ergo many all of sudden may become felons). Alternatively if we act unlawfully of course we become the filth that they are. We are stuck in a middle which is a defensive stance at best while they are going full swing offense.
Boys and girls our side better start thinking of a good legal strategy to stop this or this ain’t gonna go well for either side, incidentally. In war, everyone loses.
New York’s attorney general sued the National Rifle Association on Thursday, seeking to put the powerful gun advocacy organization out of business over allegations that high-ranking executives diverted millions of dollars for lavish personal trips, no-show contracts for associates and other questionable expenditures.
Simultaneously, the Washington, D.C., attorney general sued the NRA Foundation, a charitable arm of the organization designed to provide programs for firearm safety, marksmanship and hunting safety, accusing it of diverting funds to the NRA to help pay for lavish spending by its top executives.
Just more Democrat election year activities designed to aid in Trump's defeat in November.
Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit, filed in state court....
Let’s assume for the sake of argument that she’s 100% successful..... at worst, she kills off the NRA IN NEW YORK. She has no authority over any of the NRA's activities outside of her state.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
President Trump also slammed James’ suit against the group, calling it “a very terrible thing.”
“I think the NRA should move to Texas and lead a very good and beautiful life. And I’ve told them that for a long time. I think they should move to Texas – Texas would be a great state or to another state of their choosing – but I would say that Texas would be a great place and an appropriate place for the NRA.”
INMO this is purely a political move designed to elevate her higher in the ranks of the radical anti-American left. In that vein, it is an abuse of power from the office she was elected to. The real problem is not that these elected politicians on the left do what the do. The root of the problem is that people vote them into office.
How does NY state have standing unless they're representing donors? I think that LaPierre is due to be replaced, but the NY AG isn't suing him or the other accused imbezzlers. Essentially they want to take our donations for "OUR" good.
If this were anything but politics, it would be a criminal probe against the accused parties. Instead, they're trying to confiscate conservative lobbying money.
Imagine if Trump directed Barr to sue Everytown for similar allegations; the entire Democratic party would come unhinged.
If I understand this correctly, and if I assume her investigation can prove its allegations, the NY AG is alleging that the NRA was the victim of embezzlement by some of its top leaders. As punishment for the organization being a victim, they are going to dissolve it. Somehow, while this sounds like the actions of certain political groups, it makes no sense to me.
Does anyone know what happens to a corporation's assets when the charter is dissolved by the state that chartered it? I can see how the NRA can be dissolved as an organization if NY revokes the charter, but what happens to the assets? Could the same group of people who are its current members form a new group with the assets by filing for a new charter in another state?
Also, what would happen if the NRA decided to move its charter to another state? Since I don't think she can win this lawsuit, I think it would be entirely appropriate fr the NRA to move its charter to another state anyway, just as I think many gun manufacturers should move out of anti-gun states.
I'm a new Lifetime Member, and fully believe in the NRA's mission, but I gotta say that there have been a lot of strange stuff going on with the finances and Wayne LaPierre has been in charge a looonnnngggg time. I'd like there to be more transparency and disclosure of how and where our money's being spent, and maybe a little more checks and balances. Sometimes it seems all I get from the leadership are requests for more money. WE are the NRA and the leadership needs to understand that.
Tex1961 wrote: ↑Thu Aug 06, 2020 12:44 pm
President Trump also slammed James’ suit against the group, calling it “a very terrible thing.”
“I think the NRA should move to Texas and lead a very good and beautiful life. And I’ve told them that for a long time. I think they should move to Texas – Texas would be a great state or to another state of their choosing – but I would say that Texas would be a great place and an appropriate place for the NRA.”
The NRA rejected the idea of moving to Texas a year ago.
“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” --Thomas Jefferson
E10 wrote: ↑Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:17 pm
WARNING: Trigger Alert for some of you...
I'm a new Lifetime Member, and fully believe in the NRA's mission, but I gotta say that there have been a lot of strange stuff going on with the finances and Wayne LaPierre has been in charge a looonnnngggg time. I'd like there to be more transparency and disclosure of how and where our money's being spent, and maybe a little more checks and balances. Sometimes it seems all I get from the leadership are requests for more money. WE are the NRA and the leadership needs to understand that.
Due to the lawsuits the NRA has been unable to defend itself in the public arena for fear that they might telegraph a legal strategy or defense that the opposition could develop a counter too. The NRA does have an outside auditor go over their books, it's actually required by law. As for going public with their expenditures, that could cause a lot more trouble than it solves, no matter how legitimate their spending is. Compare what is known about the NRA's spending to other entities like Planned Parenthood, Clinton Foundation, ect. and you will be amazed that we know as much as we do.
What if one candidate gets upset because the NRA spends a lot more money in someone else's district instead of theirs? It could be a case where they NRA knows that money will bleed over to other candidates they need to win as well, or it could be because that candidate has done a better job of towing the NRA's legislation even though both are rated A+.
How do you explain a dog named Sauer without first telling the story of a Puppy named Sig?
R.I.P. Sig, 08/21/2019 - 11/18/2019
srothstein wrote: ↑Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:53 pm
If I understand this correctly, and if I assume her investigation can prove its allegations, the NY AG is alleging that the NRA was the victim of embezzlement by some of its top leaders. As punishment for the organization being a victim, they are going to dissolve it. Somehow, while this sounds like the actions of certain political groups, it makes no sense to me.
Sounds like NY is a banana republic:
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The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us. -Thomas Jefferson