I noticed a fellow named "Erich" on several boards with some really nice looking grips on a Makarov. It turns out that they were from Hungarian-made from a place called Marchalgrips, which appears to be run by Denes and Gustav Marschalko.
Eventually (between ammunition/reloading orders), I ordered a set for my Russian IJ-70 Makarov. These were made from checkered Bubinga wood (backstrap checkered as an option, too) and finished with the "red" stain. Total cost, including shipping was $50.00. (You can get Makarov grips for $40 in other woods; the Bubinga wood added $10.00 to the price.)

The grips slide on and off exactly like the tough plastic factory stocks.

From the bottom, it is not difficult to see that these stocks fit very snugly and evenly.

Here we can see the side of the stocks as well as the checkered rear.
I am extremely pleased with the fit, feel and finish on these grips.
For those who might be interested, the standard factory Makarov grips are thinner but not by much.

On the left we see the tough, brown plastic factory grips. These measured 1.10" across. This set of Marschalko grips measured 1.31" across at their widest point.
A grip's comfort is subjective. To me, the Marschalko grips with their palm swell are considerably more comfortable than the factory grips, which I have never found unsatisfactory. I was surprised at how much I like the checkered rear. (I guess it shouldn't have been much of a surprise as I like checkered mainspring housings on my 1911-pattern pistols.)
If you opt to order, the on-line order form will let you easily order for the E. German, Russian or Bulgarian Makarov. This differentiation is not because of different frame dimensions but because of the different diameter screw heads used in the EG guns as compared to the Bulgarian and Russian ones. The grip screw hole diameter is determined by the country of your Makarov's origin.

On the left we see the appropriate factory grip screw for the Russian/Bulgarian guns. The one on the right is for the EG. The threads are the same, however.
My grips were ordered for the Bulgarian/Russian Makarov grip screw. Fits both my Bulgarian and Russian guns just fine. By using an E. German grip screw, the grips fit perfectly on my E. German gun, too. Thus, if a fellow wants to change out grips between an E. German Makarov and say an IJ-70 or a Bulgarian, he can do so by changing to the appropriate grip screw.
As this is written, Makarov grip screws can be found here:
http://www.gunpartswarehouse.com/makarov.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I don't know how long these will last but the $5.00 price is not bad if one wants to buy one of each type grip screw.

Here are the same stocks on an E. German Mak but using the Russian grip screw. (It doesn't turn too deeply into the magazine well. Works just fine.)
I am very favorably impressed. In fact, I just paid for a couple more Makarov grips from Mr. Marschalko.
This company makes grips for several handgun makes at different price levels. They also allow for very easy checking of your order's status on-line.
I am in no way associated with this company, but definitely am a satisfied customer.
If you are interested in their products, take a gander here:
http://www.marschalgrips.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Best and good shooting.