Translation?Tic Tac wrote: evitcetorp os ton si egalomacr evitcetopr ,snosaer eh

Translation?Tic Tac wrote: evitcetorp os ton si egalomacr evitcetopr ,snosaer eh
Roughly translated it means, "out of plane sight doesn't mean you're not a target."RoyGBiv wrote:Translation?Tic Tac wrote: evitcetorp os ton si egalomacr evitcetopr ,snosaer eh
Read it backwards:RoyGBiv wrote:Translation?Tic Tac wrote: evitcetorp os ton si egalomacr evitcetopr ,snosaer eh
Took me a few minutes to figure out your reverse sentence.Tic Tac wrote:
evitcetorp os ton si egalomacr evitcetopr ,snosaer eh
I've been paying quite a bit of attention after someone purposely waited for me to leave the bank before they stopped looking at their phone and followed me out only to strike up a conversation. Asked about my hat which has a very non-military patch on it and if I was based at Ft. Sam and a few other nosy questions. I sat in my car in the bank lot until I saw him leave. It took a bit.knotquiteawake wrote:I pickup our monthly cash for groceries and lunch and such every month on payday. I'm always looking around as I exit the bank to see if anyone is "lurking". Didn't really think about being followed though. Will be checking my mirrors.
GREAT idea!!baldeagle wrote:To combat this sort of thing I have the Home on my GPS set to the local PD station, and I've drilled it in to my wife, if you even think you are being followed, drive straight to the police station.