5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
My goodness, what does it take to get the Rangers involved to do a proper investigation of those events? Yes, I know the scene is all messed up by now, it's been quite a while gone by. But, they could at least review all the documents, interview everyone, get all the crime scene photos, etc, and try to make some sense out of this mess. The whole thing stinks unbearably, and whatever comes of this, it shouldn't ever be repeated in Texas.
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
But it is repeated. Regularly. Anytime you violently and forcefully raid a non-violent suspect who hasn't even been formally charged with ANY crime, this is the level of destruction.K.Mooneyham wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 12:54 am My goodness, what does it take to get the Rangers involved to do a proper investigation of those events? Yes, I know the scene is all messed up by now, it's been quite a while gone by. But, they could at least review all the documents, interview everyone, get all the crime scene photos, etc, and try to make some sense out of this mess. The whole thing stinks unbearably, and whatever comes of this, it shouldn't ever be repeated in Texas.
What makes this a big deal is the level of corruption, and the fact that since Tuttle was able to shoot several of the home invaders, the story blew up.
If none of the officers had been shot, this wouldn't have been investigated or publicly followed.
If Goines had the chance to plant the 'undeclared' heroin, this wouldn't have been investigated or publicly followed.
If Tuttle hadn't resisted (just falsely arrested and charged), this wouldn't have been investigated or publicly followed.
If the body cam evidence was successfully buried, this wouldn't have been investigated or publicly followed.
If the department had been able to pressure a CI to claim responsibility, this wouldn't have been investigated or publicly followed.
If they had brought along empty baggies and a pistol, this wouldn't have been investigated or publicly followed.
You don't think plants don't happen ALL THE TIME? Its a war man, think like you would think in a war.
Whats sad is that this is a regular occurrence. Only "1% of cops are the bad ones" argument doesn't pan out because the other 99% won't testify against the 1 to clean out the filth. The few times it has happened, the officer that testified was fired or reprimanded. "If you betray us, you are with them".
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
I too am upset about what happened, but the Forum is not going to be an outlet for videos authored by persons unknown. They may be 100% accurate, or 100% false and that's the problem, we don't know.
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
I have become pretty distrustful and cynical in my little over half a century on this earth. However, I refuse to believe all cops are bad or complicit. It's apparent there is a lot wrong in this situation and hopefully those that are involved in wrongdoing and that made mistakes will be held accountable. I too believe an investigation by an outside agency is warranted and long overdue.
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
Like you, I refuse to believe ALL enforcers are bad or complicit. My personal experience has taught me that enforcer community members are no different than society at large.
Many enforcers are dedicated public servants doing their best to perform their job professionally, treat enforcees with respect and above all, obey the laws they enforce. On the other end of the spectrum are the jaded, opportunistic predator enforcers. Everyone else lies somewhere between those extremes.
In life, in general, people usually do pretty much what is expected of them. It is human nature. If you are an enforcer somewhere in the middle of the spectrum and the enforcement department for which you work plays fast and lose with the rules, chances are you will adopt fast and lose tactics too. Again, human nature. Sadly, each individual in that situation is free to decide which rules to ignore or exploit.
I know it is a pie-in-the-sky fantasy but; if only we could stop enforcing laws already and just go back to policing. Who konws? It might work.
Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
?? Context? Did I miss a link?Charles L. Cotton wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:16 am I too am upset about what happened, but the Forum is not going to be an outlet for videos authored by persons unknown. They may be 100% accurate, or 100% false and that's the problem, we don't know.
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
The CI was fake. The "buy" was fake. Was the couple that the police killed actually criminals? Who is held accountable for their deaths if they were defending themselves from a no-knock warrant and did not know the police were kicking in the door?
Annoy a Liberal, GET A JOB!
Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
There were several posts which appear to have been removed. They were links to some poorly done you tube videos of some guy’s analysis of the shoot out. He made one incorrect statement ( homeowner had a revolver, which we now know to be incorrect ) but he also made a number of statements that he may have pulled out of the thin air. Most questionable was the homeowner was a LTC. Odd for a man who didn’t own a hand gun.warnmar10 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 12:22 pm?? Context? Did I miss a link?Charles L. Cotton wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:16 am I too am upset about what happened, but the Forum is not going to be an outlet for videos authored by persons unknown. They may be 100% accurate, or 100% false and that's the problem, we don't know.
He made a number of serious charges against the police for which at this point there is no evidence of.
Just because you post something on you tube doesn’t mean it’s accurate.
Houston has an independent crime lab, only one in the nation. Houston has a very independent DA. Art has said it will be thoroughly investigated “the good the bad and the ugly”, I would certainly like the Texas Rangers overseeing the investigation, but so far HPD seems to be doing a good job of releasing information. We will have to wait.
Only thing besides the event, which is very tragic on many levels, that I am upset with was Art’s use of this tragedy to further his political agenda of gun control.
Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
Maybe a no-knock guns-blazing raid on the home of the judge who rubber stamped the warrant would get their attention?K.Mooneyham wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 12:54 am My goodness, what does it take to get the Rangers involved to do a proper investigation of those events?
I'm not suggesting anybody resort to lex talionis. I'm simply speculating about what might get the Rangers to investigate.

sent to you from my safe space in the hill country
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
Oh, man. Is this seriously true? Link?Pete92FS wrote: ↑Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:15 pm The only heroin found was in Goines vehicle and that was "unreported" heroin. Was the plan to "plant" this heroin in the house after the raid but he wasn't able to follow through since he was one of the officer's shot? The Texas Rangers need to do an independent investigation because I don't think we'll ever get a straight answer out of the chief.
That being said - the 100 club sticker and blue lives matter stickers stay on my vehicle for now.
Teddy Roosevelt weeps.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
Nothing tempers idealism quite like the cold bath of reality.... SQLGeek
Nothing tempers idealism quite like the cold bath of reality.... SQLGeek
Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
Now every case he ever had or involved in comes to question now. Wonder how many will file suit or be affected.
Houston, Tx.
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
I posted a link to a video by News Now Houston (NNH), he is a youtuber who does copwatch/1st amendment audit videos. In the video he shows a map of the house and allegedly how the shootout went down.warnmar10 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 12:22 pm?? Context? Did I miss a link?Charles L. Cotton wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:16 am I too am upset about what happened, but the Forum is not going to be an outlet for videos authored by persons unknown. They may be 100% accurate, or 100% false and that's the problem, we don't know.
In the video the biggest new allegations were that the husband, Tuttle, was alive and left to bleed out for 2 hours before anyone went back in. NNH claims that a neighbor heard Tuttle crying out for over two hours. The neighbor additionally claims that prior to SWAT entering the home (after the 2 hours presumably), Tuttle who was downed in the initial shootout was given an anchor shot through a window.
Afterwards NNH shows some video of the house from the outside, showing the bullet holes and windows broken out.
Last edited by O.F.Fascist on Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
Thanks, I'll check it out.O.F.Fascist wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:43 pmI posted a link to a video by a News Now Houston (NNH), he is a youtuber who does copwatch/1st amendment audit videos. In the video he shows a map of the house and allegedly how the shootout went down.
In the video the biggest new allegations were that the husband, Tuttle, was alive and left to bleed out for 2 hours before anyone went back in. NNH claims that a neighbor heard Tuttle crying out for over two hours. The neighbor additionally claims that prior to SWAT entering the home (after the 2 hours presumably), Tuttle who was downed in the initial shootout was given an anchor shot through a window.
Afterwards NNH shows some video of the house from the outside, showing the bullet holes and windows broken out.
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
The "video" was of some guy drawing sketches on a piece of paper describing what he thought might have happened.warnmar10 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:37 pmThanks, I'll check it out.O.F.Fascist wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:43 pmI posted a link to a video by a News Now Houston (NNH), he is a youtuber who does copwatch/1st amendment audit videos. In the video he shows a map of the house and allegedly how the shootout went down.
In the video the biggest new allegations were that the husband, Tuttle, was alive and left to bleed out for 2 hours before anyone went back in. NNH claims that a neighbor heard Tuttle crying out for over two hours. The neighbor additionally claims that prior to SWAT entering the home (after the 2 hours presumably), Tuttle who was downed in the initial shootout was given an anchor shot through a window.
Afterwards NNH shows some video of the house from the outside, showing the bullet holes and windows broken out.
The actual videos were of the interior and exterior of the house that have been previous posted by others.
They were taken days after the actual raid so there was nothing of any real consequence.
NRA Endowment Member
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray
Allegedly he spoke to at least one neighbor, possibly more. The video is still factually more accurate than the initial reports by mainstream media, and this is one of the first guys to call bull on the initial reports.WildBill wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:50 pmThe "video" was of some guy drawing sketches on a piece of paper describing what he thought might have happened.warnmar10 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:37 pmThanks, I'll check it out.O.F.Fascist wrote: ↑Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:43 pmI posted a link to a video by a News Now Houston (NNH), he is a youtuber who does copwatch/1st amendment audit videos. In the video he shows a map of the house and allegedly how the shootout went down.
In the video the biggest new allegations were that the husband, Tuttle, was alive and left to bleed out for 2 hours before anyone went back in. NNH claims that a neighbor heard Tuttle crying out for over two hours. The neighbor additionally claims that prior to SWAT entering the home (after the 2 hours presumably), Tuttle who was downed in the initial shootout was given an anchor shot through a window.
Afterwards NNH shows some video of the house from the outside, showing the bullet holes and windows broken out.
The actual videos were of the interior and exterior of the house that have been previous posted by others.
They were taken days after the actual raid so there was nothing of any real consequence.