Mass Shooting in Connecticut-THREAD NAME CHANGE

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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by JALLEN »

TexasGal wrote:Making guns illegal to own will not stop such people. It will only be another choice of method. Perhaps the conversation should be aimed more at addressing the huge lack of adequate mental health treatment.
But the access to guns will be the main, if not the sole, topic of conversation. Nobody will think for a second about changing the gun free zones that are schools, etc.

Just like at Luby's, McDonalds, Virginia Tech and other mass shooting scenes, active CHLs are the only real possibility of preventing, or rapidly ending, such episodes.
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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by rentz »

Heartland Patriot wrote:
CoffeeNut wrote:
TexasGal wrote:They are reporting 18 children dead at the scene and then three more were rushed to the hospital where two have now passed away. That brings the toll to 20 children and 6 adults. Horrible! How many of the crazy and the evil in our nation are now watching the news and thinking they want to make an even bigger shockwave to get even with the world or to be immortal in the record books? Making guns illegal to own will not stop such people. It will only be another choice of method. Perhaps the conversation should be aimed more at addressing the huge lack of adequate mental health treatment.
:iagree: The stereotype around mental health needs to change. We can no longer mock those who seek mental health as "crazy" rather we must treat them as people who simply need help and we must make that help widely available. We also need to get the media to stop making these clowns famous by posting their pictures, names and interviewing their family for weeks. They know they're committing suicide and they know that they will get all of the attention that mommy didn't give them once they commit their horrendous act.
BINGO! I think that this is most certainly a large portion of what is wrong...they want their 15 minutes of fame, and they will do whatever it takes, no matter how vile, to get it.

So many incidents could be avoided with proper care and people knowing the signs, the incident with the chiefs player had warning signs i'm sure.
no "sane" person does something like this.
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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by Vol Texan »

Holy cow - I just landed after a 10-hour flight from Europe, and this is the first thing I saw on my phone. My own daughter is that age, and I have a complete knot in my stomach right now thinking about the possibility that it could happen in her school.

I'm going to be on the phone with my representatives in Austin and in Washington (I've already called on two of them so far, and will continue until I reach them all). I want them to make it their life's purpose to eliminate the 'gun free zones' that restrict where a CHL holder can carry. I encourage each one of you to do the same. Click this link ( to find out who your representatives are for your area, if you don't already know.

Let's burn up their phone lines and emails.

Update (10 minutes later): I just got off the phone with Dan Patrick's office (one of my local reps in Austin). I know him to be 2A friendly, and I know that in calling him, I'm probably preaching to the choir. I was not surprised to hear the staffer that I talked with explain that Mr. Patrick agrees with my position. I was disappointed, however, to hear that the vast majority of the calls he's received today have been from the opposing camp: let's ban more weapons!?!?

Come on everyone, we need to make our voices heard. Please, please, please, call ALL of your reps and senators in Austin :txflag: and in the yankee capitol :patriot:, and let them know that we're expecting them to hear our side as well.
Last edited by Vol Texan on Fri Dec 14, 2012 5:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by thatguy »

I agree, we must have some kind of "meaningful action" to combat these horrific shootings. How we allow not one teacher, staff, faculty or parent to have access to a weapon is despicable. It takes a certain amount of time for the police to respond and not having a viable action plan to protect your school or church is unbelievable. It is time we take responsibility for training certain persons to deal with this kind of thing, we will not legislate away madness.

God bless the children and their families.
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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by JALLEN »

At the same time that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued a statement going full bore after gun owners on the heels of the tragic school shootings in Connecticut, Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston issued a similar statement. It was just as strident and just as political:

As a parent and grandparent, I am overcome with both grief and outrage by the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. This unspeakable act of violence will forever imprint this day in our hearts and minds. My heart goes out to the families impacted by this senseless tragedy and the many others we have recently witnessed across the United States. As a Mayor who has witnessed too many lives forever altered by gun violence, it is my responsibility to fight for action. Today’s tragedy reminds us that now is the time for action. Innocent children will now never attend a prom, never play in a big game, never step foot on a college campus. Now is the time for a national policy on guns that takes the loopholes out of the laws, the automatic weapons out of our neighborhoods and the tragedies like today out of our future. ... un-control

We already have a National Gun Policy, Mayor. It's called "The Second Amendment." Read it one of these days!
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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by Heartland Patriot »

JALLEN wrote:
At the same time that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued a statement going full bore after gun owners on the heels of the tragic school shootings in Connecticut, Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston issued a similar statement. It was just as strident and just as political:

As a parent and grandparent, I am overcome with both grief and outrage by the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. This unspeakable act of violence will forever imprint this day in our hearts and minds. My heart goes out to the families impacted by this senseless tragedy and the many others we have recently witnessed across the United States. As a Mayor who has witnessed too many lives forever altered by gun violence, it is my responsibility to fight for action. Today’s tragedy reminds us that now is the time for action. Innocent children will now never attend a prom, never play in a big game, never step foot on a college campus. Now is the time for a national policy on guns that takes the loopholes out of the laws, the automatic weapons out of our neighborhoods and the tragedies like today out of our future. ... un-control

We already have a National Gun Policy, Mayor. It's called "The Second Amendment." Read it one of these days!
Bloomberg and Menino are VULTURES...and so are the others of their type...circling and looking for sustenance, figuratively speaking.
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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by A-R »

where is that photo from? both source of the photo (where'd you find it) and context - what part of the world do these people live?

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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by ryouiki »

I've been sick to my stomach ever since this story broke, and feel a great amount of sadness... not only for the immediate victims and their families, but also for the LEO's/Medical Examiners/etc. that must have one of the most difficult jobs imaginable at the moment, and will be victims themselves for years to come.

Flipping through the media coverage... I am also sickened by most of the networks... who try to sensationalize every little detail (without any credible confirmation), and try to immediately frame this tragedy with some sort of political agenda.

Regardless of our own positions on the matter... I really don't see this as a "gun issue" (either for or against)... this is a "people issue". I certainly felt the interview with Huckabee earlier was most insightful... we are always trying to deal with the issues on the backend, without really having a grasp on how to address them from the front end. For decades people have pushed so hard to make everything so neutral/politically correct/"soft language"/etc., that morals, ethics, and/or religion feel like they have become something optional rather than required. It doesn't matter how much the politicians want to further their agendas... these type of problems are not something that can ever be legislated away, and until they recognize this, it will unfortunately continue to happen.
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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by CC Italian »

I would bet good money it was Israel.

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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by powerboatr »

CC Italian wrote:I would bet good money it was Israel.
or a south american country,

cnn had a quack on saying we can see the signs of these killers by looking for the following signs
i kid you not

lack of large number of friends
stress from life
mental issues
odd behavior
visiting firearm ranges
owning a firearm or having access to it
right leaning

there you go....we are all going to be locked up.

why don't we have plain clothes armed security at school? we had em at Skyline high school in dallas when i was a student in the early 80's .

oh yes huckabee had a few good ones about lack of God in schools, until an event happens
he said we should have God on the front end vice asking for him at the back end.
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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by barstoolguru »

While everyone blaming the other reasons Obama is basically he is going to push gun restrictions so get ready for the storm because this one like hurricane sandy is going to have some bite. Me; personally I blame the video game that teach the kids it’s OK to kill or maim hundreds of people at a time
Some parents say it is toy guns that make boys warlike. But give a boy a rubber duck and he will seize its neck like the butt of a pistol and shout "Bang!"......George Will

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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by Heartland Patriot »

barstoolguru wrote:While everyone blaming the other reasons Obama is basically he is going to push gun restrictions so get ready for the storm because this one like hurricane sandy is going to have some bite. Me; personally I blame the video game that teach the kids it’s OK to kill or maim hundreds of people at a time
I've played a LOT of "shooter" games on the computer. Hundreds of zombies, henchmen, bandits and mercenaries have fallen to my pixelated firearms over the years. But I simply cannot fathom a situation where I would ever think to do something so vile to little children. It takes a LOT more than playing some video games to get someone to commit such a vile and vicious crime.

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Re: One child reportedly dead after gunman opened fire


Post by Chris »

A-R wrote:where is that photo from? both source of the photo (where'd you find it) and context - what part of the world do these people live?
Probably Israel. When you live in hostile territory like they do, all that touchy-feely stuff goes out the window.
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