Knockout game in Arkansas

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Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by jmra »


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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by mamabearCali »

We have really turned a corner in this nation when this type of random violence seems to be a primary form of entertainment for so many young people. How to fix it....I have no clue. My gut instinct is that those who embrace such levels of violence might be so damaged that they are at least for a time unrecoverable. So removal from common society is the only option.

This particular young man should be charged with attempted murder or something equally serious. He could have easily killed her and for what.....a laugh?
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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by baldeagle »

A question for the self-defense gurus. My gut tells me that the way to address this sort of attack is to close the distance with the attacker in order to reduce the power of his blow. Is that right? (I'm talking about if someone is unarmed.)
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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by TVGuy »

baldeagle wrote:A question for the self-defense gurus. My gut tells me that the way to address this sort of attack is to close the distance with the attacker in order to reduce the power of his blow. Is that right? (I'm talking about if someone is unarmed.)
The problem I see with that strategy is you never know when it is going to happen or who is going to do it. They are all sucker punches.
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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by Superman »

He's walking around with a bat...that would put me on high alert right there. Especially the way he was swinging it while he was walking around.

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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by Abraham »

It's not a game.

It's assault with a deadly weapon when the thug strikes people with a bat.

Without a weapon it can still be deadly.

More than one person has died after being punched.

After being arrested, these thugs could be rounded up, sent to Devil's Island to practice on each other as part of their punishment.
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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by spongeworthy »

These are always infuriating to watch. People like this have nothing to contribute to the human race and should not be given anything less than permanent removal from civil society.

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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by discoqueen »

baldeagle wrote:A question for the self-defense gurus. My gut tells me that the way to address this sort of attack is to close the distance with the attacker in order to reduce the power of his blow. Is that right? (I'm talking about if someone is unarmed.)
If you see it coming, then yes, you want to move in. In this instance with the baseball bat (same would apply with a stick, pool cue, 2x4 - even a good ol' hay maker punch), moving in towards the attacker puts the pain end of the attack behind your head and allows you to counter attack. Your brain and your natural flinch response will tell your body to do otherwise, so you have to train for this response.
We do drills in all of our classes to help people understand this and to make it a reflex.
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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by baldeagle »

discoqueen wrote:
baldeagle wrote:A question for the self-defense gurus. My gut tells me that the way to address this sort of attack is to close the distance with the attacker in order to reduce the power of his blow. Is that right? (I'm talking about if someone is unarmed.)
If you see it coming, then yes, you want to move in. In this instance with the baseball bat (same would apply with a stick, pool cue, 2x4 - even a good ol' hay maker punch), moving in towards the attacker puts the pain end of the attack behind your head and allows you to counter attack. Your brain and your natural flinch response will tell your body to do otherwise, so you have to train for this response.
We do drills in all of our classes to help people understand this and to make it a reflex.
Thanks. That's what I thought. Of course it would be even better if you notice him approaching and turn to face him. He'd probably move on to another victim - at which point I would start following him, loudly warning anyone he approached. And I would be prepared to draw if he decided to turn and confront me.
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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by gthaustex »

Abraham wrote:It's not a game.

It's assault with a deadly weapon when the thug strikes people with a bat.

Without a weapon it can still be deadly.

More than one person has died after being punched.

After being arrested, these thugs could be rounded up, sent to Devil's Island to practice on each other as part of their punishment.
This. :iagree: Most definitely in Texas. It is also a good way to get shot if someone armed sees him approaching. Situational awareness. Unfortunately, too many walk around without the slightest clue of their surroundings. I saw several people in the video who didn't even give this thug a second glance, even though he was walking around swinging a bat. I bet he would have their attention if that had been a long gun of some type....

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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by saltydog452 »

Knee jerk reaction seems to be leaning toward a CHL bystander stepping up and putting an end to to the attacker.

Didn't work out quite that way in Florida when a victim who was getting his head bounced shot the attacker. At considerable expense, the victim was tried twice. Even the President and Attorney General had a hand in turning the image around so as to present the victim as the aggressor and the agressor as a downtrodden youth.

Racism accusations cuts both ways. One edge is terribly unjust, the other is a 'hall pass'. Just depends...

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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by Sidro »

We all should be aware of conditions around us,but this is a totally blindsided occurrence. Hopefully the young woman will be okay. If this is the best Corey has to offer he has a problem.
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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by TexasGal »

So he "saw a movie" and wanted to know what it was like to hit someone with a bat. His family says he has mental problems. Whenever the argument comes up against violence in entertainment, there is an outcry that this does not cause people to become violent. I submit it does not cause normal people to become violent. But violent movies and games do seem to appeal to the deranged. They may picture themselves as the attackers while the rest of us identify with the victim. It smart to routinely keep an eye on people near you and especially those passing behind you. It's not paranoid. It's a habit that might have given that poor young woman a chance to avoid the sick coward's blow.
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Re: Knockout game in Arkansas


Post by rbwhatever1 »

This cretin's existence needs to be terminated. Act's like this will only increase exponentially over time since we Humans have a net-zero natural selection process. This doesn't work in Nature and it will not work with Humans in a Society that feeds and shelters non productive segments. And now the real story...

"Fort Smith police say Corey Mosley, a black male, wanted to join a black street gang. These gangs often use racially motivated attacks on white people as initiations. Police say Corey Mosley went into a Walmart and picked up a metal baseball bat. He wanted the crime to be as shocking as possible, so he looked for the youngest, most attractive white female he could find. He took a running start and bashed the victim in the back of the head."

He should be charged with first degree attempted murder, but will likely only be slapped on the wrist with lesser charges.

Make no mistake. This was a premeditated racially motivated attack. If the races had been reversed, this would be the biggest news story in the USA right now. Instead it is quarantined to local coverage only. ... h-walmart/" onclick=";return false;
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