Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

Discussions about relevant bills filed and their status.

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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by 74novaman »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Thanks for a job well done!
This "little internet group" does what it can!! :txflag:
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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by flintknapper »

74novaman wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Thanks for a job well done!
This "little internet group" does what it can!! :txflag:
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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by Skiprr »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:It hasn't cleared the B&I Committee, but it means we have a very early hearing. The word I get from Austin is that the phones are ringing constantly and the fact that we have a hearing this quickly means our message is getting through.

Thanks for your efforts folks! Keep up the pressure by asking that it be voted favorably from committee during the hearing on Monday. We don't want it left pending; it's a delay tactic. When you call or write, thank the committee members for the early hearing.

Thanks for a job well done!
Since Texas Legislature Online sent notification today that HB 681 had been scheduled for public hearing February 28, and since the House is adjourned until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, I took this as an opportunity to send all B&I Committee members a very short follow-up fax that thanked each of them for the expedient manner the bill was scheduled for public hearing. Just two paragraphs. I closed with: "Thank you again for all your work representing the voters of Texas, and for your 'A' rating by the NRA. With your continued support, and a favorable vote on HB 681 as filed and without amendments..." etc.

For those with an "A" rating, I make sure I reinforce its importance to me in each communication. Only takes a handful of words, and I think it goes a long way in subtly saying, "I vote gun rights, and I'm not alone."

I make a telephone call or two, but I like faxes. I feel like I can send those frequently without becoming annoying, and it keeps adding to a stack of "to be read" stuff that hopefully keeps growing taller. BTW, I send it in standard business letter format, not a fax coversheet thingy. And just below the recipient's address and above the salutation, I include: "Regarding: House Bill 681." I figure that even if no one bothers to read the text of the letter (since my return address shows I'm not in his district), at least with 5-second glance the Representative will know it's another communication about HB 681. The more the merrier!
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I’ve contacted my State Rep, Gary Elkins, about co-sponsoring HB560. Have you contacted your Rep?
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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Texaspublican wrote:Show me what " Constitutional" Right supports this bill that infringes on private property ownership?
Pro gun or Anti gun, it is necessary to respect the wishes of the property owners. If you dont agree, you have the right to leave.
Your little internet group has no measure against Texas Business.
Show me what is constitutional about handicapped access when it comes to private property rights. You can't. Your intellectual dishonesty in this regard is starkly notable. The fact is, whether you like it or not, government has found among the "penumbras" and "emanations" a right of the handicapped to access to your business private property. You can sit here and make jejune arguments about it, but the actual FACT of the matter is that this is a battle you would lose, both here on the field of logic, and in court against a handicapped person or employee.

Government has the right to force you to comply with zoning ordinances and building codes, even against your wishes as the private property owner, if you don't like the regulations. Government has the right to tax you on your property, long after the purchase was made. Government has the power to compel you to do, accommodate, pay for, or allow all kinds of things on your private property. They simply do. You can choose to deny it, but that's all it is - denial of reality. These are FACTS. You can live in denial of them if you want, but the denial is yours, in the face of the facts and the boots on the ground reality of it.

"Your little Internet group..." ...Are you kidding me? You've just proven that you're a troll.
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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

Texaspublican wrote:Your little internet group has no measure against Texas Business.
Well Troll, apparently it got a hearing on the bill in less than 48 hrs. of our call-to-action and your omnipotent business community couldn't stop it. BTW sport, TexasCHLforum averages between 7 million and 9 million hits per month. That's hardly a "little internet group" in terms of it's impact. Numerous public officials and DPS ranking officers/Troopers follow it daily.

BTW, when are we going to get your real name and the name of your business?

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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by jmra »

Dadgummit TAM! You done made me have to break out my dictionary.
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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:Thanks for your efforts folks! Keep up the pressure by asking that it be voted favorably from committee during the hearing on Monday. We don't want it left pending; it's a delay tactic. When you call or write, thank the committee members for the early hearing.

Thanks for a job well done!
No Charles, THANK YOU!!! I still consider myself sometimes to be a relatively new Texan, having only gotten here in 2006. But while I have always been a bit of a political junkie and an observer of the "game," I have never been that personally involved in political activism until recent years. To the extent that I am so today, I owe that directly to your inspiration. You are the person who has most made me aware that my individual participation, above and beyond the ballot box, is not only important, but a duty that cannot be denied.

I can't presume to speak for others here on this forum, but I am daily thankful for everything you have done, and all that you continue to do, and for your inspiration to get involved and make a difference. Voting is the bare minimum responsibility. I don't want to be known for doing only the bare minimum any longer, even if it is only known to me.
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Post by CWOOD »

Rep. Paul Workman (my rep) from Austin and Rep. Sid Miller, from Stephenville, signed on as co-authors TODAY--2-23-11.

I called Rep. Workman on the 15th and followed up with an email to get him to sign on. I didn't know at the time that he was on the committee getting the bill. I was going to call today and renew my request to sign on, when I got an Action email from TSRA. In checking before I called, I discovered that these two had signed on as co-authors. We now have seven members of a nine member committee signed on as co-authors.

The pressure from TSRA and the subsequent calls from constituents has worked.

If you are not a member of TSRA, sign up and get the action alert emails to work as a force multiplier for your individual efforts to affect the changes we want.

In the end, today, I got an answering machine type device and left a messages expressing appreciation for signing on and expressing hopes that he helps get to bill our quickly without amendments.
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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by flintknapper »

Skiprr wrote:

I make a telephone call or two, but I like faxes. I feel like I can send those frequently without becoming annoying, and it keeps adding to a stack of "to be read" stuff that hopefully keeps growing taller. BTW, I send it in standard business letter format, not a fax coversheet thingy.
Same as above, it is easy for me to do....and it keeps the message in front of them and alive.
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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by Griz44 »

Thank you Charles.
I drafted my letter tonight, and it will go out to all listed members via FAX in the morning.
This is one I solidly agree with you on, and will have everyone I work with sign the faxes before I send them out.

I too thank you for a venue in which we can politely agree and disagree as well as gain insight and knowledge to help form an honest and enlightened opinion. You run a great ship here.

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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by Right2Carry »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:Thanks for your efforts folks! Keep up the pressure by asking that it be voted favorably from committee during the hearing on Monday. We don't want it left pending; it's a delay tactic. When you call or write, thank the committee members for the early hearing.

Thanks for a job well done!
No Charles, THANK YOU!!! I still consider myself sometimes to be a relatively new Texan, having only gotten here in 2006. But while I have always been a bit of a political junkie and an observer of the "game," I have never been that personally involved in political activism until recent years. To the extent that I am so today, I owe that directly to your inspiration. You are the person who has most made me aware that my individual participation, above and beyond the ballot box, is not only important, but a duty that cannot be denied.

I can't presume to speak for others here on this forum, but I am daily thankful for everything you have done, and all that you continue to do, and for your inspiration to get involved and make a difference. Voting is the bare minimum responsibility. I don't want to be known for doing only the bare minimum any longer, even if it is only known to me.
:iagree: :clapping: :tiphat:
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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by gigag04 »

Will do. Thanks for keeping us focused.
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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by gwashorn »

carlson1 wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote: If you are so resolute in your opinion and if you are truly a business owner as you say, then give us your real name and the name of your business so your fellow gun owners will know you.
I'll hold my breath.
Charles L. Cotton wrote: At this point, you are most unwelcome.
:iagree: :iagree:
:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:
Thank you Charles.
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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by A-R »

anyone have a draft copy of the fax they're sending out? I don't want to copy anything word-for-word, but just to see a few "examples" before composing my own fax to send on Monday. PM directly to me if you prefer to keep it away from public view/Google searches etc


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Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots


Post by artx »

Sent a round of faxes today. Will call tomorrow. Major thanks to all that have called and faxed in support of HB681!!!

FYI anyone without a landline phone that still wants to fax, can use an internet fax service - there are a ton of web fax services out there. With many of them, you can send a specially formatted email and it will send the fax for you (I use because it was a 'pay as you go' and 7c/a minute, but there are a ton of them out there).

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