Another False Allegation by LSCDL President Re: SB766

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Re: Another False Allegation by LSCDL President Re: SB766


Post by artx »

I found more posts by him. ... 1&#4858503
Originally Posted By ARTX:
Originally Posted By LoneStarCDL:
What was left out of the new bill.....

(c) The exception provided by Subsection (b)(6) does not apply if the firearm is in or is carried to or from an area designated for use in a lawful hunting, fishing, or other sporting event and the firearm is of the type commonly used in the activity.
(d) The exception provided by Subsection (b)(4) does not authorize the seizure or confiscation of any firearm or ammunition from an individual who is lawfully carrying or possessing the firearm or ammunition.


"LoneStarCDL" does not understand how bills are written and has a fear-monger agenda. It appears he wants to drum up hate for NRA/TSRA and get new converts to his organization.

If a bill is written that adds sections to statutes, as SB 766 does, the existing, unchanged language is not placed in the bill again. Rather, you only add what new or modified items that are changing in the bill.

If you want statutes removed by a bill, the bill must strikeout the text to be removed.

SB 766 does nothing of the things claimed by LoneStarCDL. The sections he says are missing are not struck. Look at the bill text yourself: ... 00766F.htm. You can see other areas of the bill where deletions are made. The sections c and d he refers to are not struck. Thus, they are completely unchanged.

I also do not understand how this new organization can attempt to advance any legislation at all, period, if the leaders do not understand this simple format of bills on the Texas legislature website.

Last edited by artx on Sun May 29, 2011 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Another False Allegation by LSCDL President Re: SB766


Post by artx »

Last one. His response to my comments that SB 766 did nothing of what he said. Maybe he can protect his 'rang' ... 1&#4858503

Originally Posted By LoneStarCDL:
Ramble all you want to ARTX, we can all clearly see how the text was missing. We can also see how it will be addressed as needed.
For your benefit I will take the time to " Educate" you how bill's are written. Bills must be made to include the entire section of the penal code. " That also helps to prevent confusion". When text is added, the draft for the bill must have the added text underlined. To remove text, you strike thru it. By including ALL of the original text and using strike thru and underlining, it help those who read the bill to clearly understand what's being changed.
Go do your homework ARTX becasue the LSCDL folks are keeping an eye out for this sort of thing. If the missing text in SB766 was just a typo im sure it will get cleared up. If we see an issue, WE WILL MAKE THE PUBLIC AWARE. You wont get an apology either. We have many dedicated Texans who contribute their time to tracking legislation.
The rest of your comments wont hold no more water than your pockets will, so you'll just have to wait for us to present the facts.
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Re: Another False Allegation by LSCDL President Re: SB766


Post by gigag04 »

The guy seems like some mall ninja computer gamer that gets more trigger time on an xbox 360 and his alien ware led bearing computer tower, than any real firearm. He is clearly not to be taken seriously on matters of law...or life...
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Re: Another False Allegation by LSCDL President Re: SB766


Post by G.A. Heath »

I usually just lurk on ARF, but when I saw that I had to reply. LSCDL's response to you reminds me of how some elitists will tell you that you do not know what your talking about, you can not know it, and will not know it until they decide to grace you with that knowledge. I am starting to take things a bit more personal with those guys as they seem to be 100% intent on spreading FUD.
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