Jasonw560 wrote:Ironic, since they're saying people can have guns in cars and boats around kids, but not on campuses around adults.

Moderator: Charles L. Cotton
Jasonw560 wrote:Ironic, since they're saying people can have guns in cars and boats around kids, but not on campuses around adults.
hirundo82 wrote:OK, so the version of SB905 from the second committee meeting (at least I think it is from the second meeting) is up, and it includes legislators and statewide elected officials like in the engrossed Senate version. I guess the legislators really want their special treatment.
SB905 has also been recommended for the Local and Uncontested Calendar. Am I correct in my recollection that that precludes attempts to amend the bill on the House floor?
Don't think so; I think it's now waiting its turn in Calendars for a vote on the House floor. Because the Senate's original bill was amended, assuming it passes the House, it'll have to go back to the Senate... right?Paragrouper wrote:hirundo82 wrote:OK, so the version of SB905 from the second committee meeting (at least I think it is from the second meeting) is up, and it includes legislators and statewide elected officials like in the engrossed Senate version. I guess the legislators really want their special treatment.
SB905 has also been recommended for the Local and Uncontested Calendar. Am I correct in my recollection that that precludes attempts to amend the bill on the House floor?
I read through the House Committee Report and page three contains this amendment
SECTION ____. Amend S.B. 905 (Engrossed) with the following:
(1)On page 1 line 18 insert "or" after ";".
(2)On page 1 line 20 strike ";"after "States attorney" and replace it with "."
(3)Strike Page 1 line 21 through page 2 line 11.
This amendment removes elected officials and noncommissioned DPS employees. I don't see a second committee report. Am I looking in the wrong place?
http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/BillLook ... Bill=SB905
I think so...RHenriksen wrote:Don't think so; I think it's now waiting its turn in Calendars for a vote on the House floor. Because the Senate's original bill was amended, assuming it passes the House, it'll have to go back to the Senate... right?Paragrouper wrote:hirundo82 wrote:OK, so the version of SB905 from the second committee meeting (at least I think it is from the second meeting) is up, and it includes legislators and statewide elected officials like in the engrossed Senate version. I guess the legislators really want their special treatment.
SB905 has also been recommended for the Local and Uncontested Calendar. Am I correct in my recollection that that precludes attempts to amend the bill on the House floor?
I read through the House Committee Report and page three contains this amendment
SECTION ____. Amend S.B. 905 (Engrossed) with the following:
(1)On page 1 line 18 insert "or" after ";".
(2)On page 1 line 20 strike ";"after "States attorney" and replace it with "."
(3)Strike Page 1 line 21 through page 2 line 11.
This amendment removes elected officials and noncommissioned DPS employees. I don't see a second committee report. Am I looking in the wrong place?
http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/BillLook ... Bill=SB905
Yeah, I was just noticing that this morning. That's the Aliseda amendment that was passed in committee 5/16; we don't know what the amendment was when they reconsidered it in committee 5/19.Paragrouper wrote:I read through the House Committee Report and page three contains this amendment
SECTION ____. Amend S.B. 905 (Engrossed) with the following:
(1)On page 1 line 18 insert "or" after ";".
(2)On page 1 line 20 strike ";"after "States attorney" and replace it with "."
(3)Strike Page 1 line 21 through page 2 line 11.
This amendment removes elected officials and noncommissioned DPS employees. I don't see a second committee report. Am I looking in the wrong place?
http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/BillLook ... Bill=SB905
Certainly no sign of activity on it here.hirundo82 wrote:Yeah, I was just noticing that this morning. That's the Aliseda amendment that was passed in committee 5/16; we don't know what the amendment was when they reconsidered it in committee 5/19.
Anyway, it may be a moot point as any local and consent Senate bill not passed today is dead, and SB905 isn't on the calendar.
Then it's dead. From the Dates of Interest:RHenriksen wrote:Certainly no sign of activity on it here.
http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/BillLook ... Bill=SB905" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 (135th day)
Last day for house to consider local and consent senate bills on second reading or any senate bills or joint resolutions on third reading
[House Rule 8, Sec. 13(c)]
Ding, dong...hirundo82 wrote:Then it's dead. From the Dates of Interest: