Knife rights bills need to be filed

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Knife rights bills need to be filed


Post by cclacy »

I was wondering if Charles or someone else has any ideas on a Rep or Senator who would be friendly to the idea of writing some bills expanding our knife rights here in Texas for this session. There has been a trend in a few states in recent years of making automatic knives (switchblades) legal. The laws that outlawed such knives are remnants from the 1950's, and I would love Texas to do something about it. I personally find it a bit ridiculous that I can carry a handgun but not an automatic knife in my state. Since assisted open knives are legal (which has also been clarified on the federal level, which is great), I see no reason autos shouldn't also be legal. In a practical sense, there really is no difference. New Hampshire, of all places, recently changed state law allowing automatic knives to be carried.

Also Arizona recently made there state knife laws pre-emtive. I actually assumed it was that way in Texas (as state gun laws are) until I recently read that San Antonio outlaws pocket knives with a blade that locks (which are 99.9% of pocket knives). To have one for actual use that didn't lock would be a pretty dangerous tool (to the user) to use. I'd like to see the law in Texas change so cities can't outlaw knives that would otherwise be legal under state law (as our gun laws in the state are written).

I'm a huge supporter of gun rights and went on an all out phone call, flyer hand out, and letter writing campaign in '09 for campus and parking lot carry. I was on the phone with Alice Tripp (TSRA lobbyist) every few days getting updates. She is great btw. I passed out flyers to dozens of people (that had all the bill info and rep and senator contact info on them). I also got two local gun stores to put the flyers I made in their stores for customers to take copies. I'll do the same this time around. I just feel like our rights where knives are concerned often get overlooked. I wouldn't even be totally opposed to a Florida model that has a concealed WEAPONS permit, where one can carry things along with their handgun like auto knives or batons.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here. I just wanted to know if anyone has any ideas on who might write such a bill or bills. I plan to contact my rep and Senator, but neither seem to be too friendly to the cause. Senator Steve Ogden voted against Campus carry in '09. He insisted on the Petroleum company exemption to parking lot carry ( Senate version of the bill ) when it was in committee. I'm not sure I'll get very far with him.

Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

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Re: Knife rights bills need to be filed


Post by hirundo82 »

cclacy wrote:I wouldn't even be totally opposed to a Florida model that has a concealed WEAPONS permit, where one can carry things along with their handgun like auto knives or batons.
I think this would be the best place to start. Due to their overwhelmingly law-abiding record, CHLs are trusted by the majority of Texas lawmakers. In addition, limiting it to CHL holders at first would make it easier to bring into the existing preemption framwork.
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Re: Knife rights bills need to be filed


Post by Douva »

cclacy wrote:I was wondering if Charles or someone else has any ideas on a Rep or Senator who would be friendly to the idea of writing some bills expanding our knife rights here in Texas for this session. There has been a trend in a few states in recent years of making automatic knives (switchblades) legal. The laws that outlawed such knives are remnants from the 1950's, and I would love Texas to do something about it. I personally find it a bit ridiculous that I can carry a handgun but not an automatic knife in my state. Since assisted open knives are legal (which has also been clarified on the federal level, which is great), I see no reason autos shouldn't also be legal. In a practical sense, there really is no difference. New Hampshire, of all places, recently changed state law allowing automatic knives to be carried.

Also Arizona recently made there state knife laws pre-emtive. I actually assumed it was that way in Texas (as state gun laws are) until I recently read that San Antonio outlaws pocket knives with a blade that locks (which are 99.9% of pocket knives). To have one for actual use that didn't lock would be a pretty dangerous tool (to the user) to use. I'd like to see the law in Texas change so cities can't outlaw knives that would otherwise be legal under state law (as our gun laws in the state are written).

I'm a huge supporter of gun rights and went on an all out phone call, flyer hand out, and letter writing campaign in '09 for campus and parking lot carry. I was on the phone with Alice Tripp (TSRA lobbyist) every few days getting updates. She is great btw. I passed out flyers to dozens of people (that had all the bill info and rep and senator contact info on them). I also got two local gun stores to put the flyers I made in their stores for customers to take copies. I'll do the same this time around. I just feel like our rights where knives are concerned often get overlooked. I wouldn't even be totally opposed to a Florida model that has a concealed WEAPONS permit, where one can carry things along with their handgun like auto knives or batons.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here. I just wanted to know if anyone has any ideas on who might write such a bill or bills. I plan to contact my rep and Senator, but neither seem to be too friendly to the cause. Senator Steve Ogden voted against Campus carry in '09. He insisted on the Petroleum company exemption to parking lot carry ( Senate version of the bill ) when it was in committee. I'm not sure I'll get very far with him.

Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
I agree that there should be some sort of knife preemption, in order to prevent municipalities from creating onerous restrictions (i.e., San Antonio's locking blade ban and Corpus Christi's ban on knives over 3 1/2"--an inch and a half shorter than the legal limit in Texas) that visitors have no way of knowing about. If your district's Representative is typically supportive of this type of things, he or she is probably the best place to start. If you don't have any luck with your district's Representative, my suggestion would be to get a list of freshman Representatives and look to see which ones were A-rated by the TSRA. Then send each A-rated freshman an email explaining the problem and asking if they'd be willing to carry legislation designed to fix it. If you have a lawyer who can draft the legislation, being able to shop a file-ready bill might help since legislative council is pretty backed up right now. But there's a good chance that any legislator will still want to have the bill checked by council, so I'm not sure if already having a bill prepared will make that much difference.
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Re: Knife rights bills need to be filed


Post by jdhz28 »

I understand the legality issue of it, but I've never been harassed. I carry an automatic, and have for a few years and I'm not an LEO or current military. I have never had a LEO give me any grief over it. The only one that ever said anything said,"Hey is that a Benchmade?" I told him yes, and he said he had one also. I was unaware they were illegal considering you can buy them easily enough. I agree though, if I can legally carry a gun it only makes sense I shouldn't be restricted with a blade. I can walk into a store and buy a gun and ammo, but not a knife that automatically opens, go figure. :nono:
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Re: Knife rights bills need to be filed


Post by kf5nd »

The Second Amendment includes knives. End of story, as far as I'm concerned.

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Re: Knife rights bills need to be filed


Post by The Annoyed Man »

kf5nd wrote:The Second Amendment includes knives. End of story, as far as I'm concerned.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Knives are "arms" in certain applications. The problem (not my problem, but just the reality of the thing) is that law-makers believe that they can infringe on your right to keep and bear arms.....without actually infringing on the right itself.....a patently STUPID notion. Since lawmakers believe that they can restrict the circumstances under which you can carry a gun (CHL required, for instance), then they naturally assume that they may do the same about all arms, including knives.

So you are right, but the gommint doesn't care.
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Re: Knife rights bills need to be filed


Post by ajwakeboarder »

The Annoyed Man wrote: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Knives are "arms" in certain applications. The problem (not my problem, but just the reality of the thing) is that law-makers believe that they can infringe on your right to keep and bear arms.....without actually infringing on the right itself.....a patently STUPID notion. Since lawmakers believe that they can restrict the circumstances under which you can carry a gun (CHL required, for instance), then they naturally assume that they may do the same about all arms, including knives.

So you are right, but the gommint doesn't care.
Yeah, the second Amendment should also cover automatic weapons, but we all know how that went.
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Re: Knife rights bills need to be filed


Post by TexDotCom »

This is a knife-rights organization from which I've gotten a lot of good information and opportunities to participate in various polls, donations, and petitions related to the use and carrying of knives as both tools and arms:


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