What the best way to make a trade?

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What the best way to make a trade?


Post by usmc groper »

I have found a guy who has agreed to a trade plus cash. We are somewhat near each other, but I'm not sure of the specifics.
1) Do we do the trade in a public place?
2) How do you get a chance to handle the weapon first?
3) Are there gun shops that will allow you to make a trade transaction in their shop?
4) Is it safe to do it at his house?

Thanks in advance for answering my ignorant questions. :headscratch
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Re: What the best way to make a trade?


Post by C-dub »

I have met in a parking lot each time away from everyone else as much as possible, but not hidden. You may park next to each other facing opposite directions so that you can open your doors to create a little more privacy. Otherwise, just don't go waving the gun around above the car or truck and you should be fine.

Or you could agree to meet at a local gun range and trade there. That way you could even shoot before you buy if you're concerned about it.
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Re: What the best way to make a trade?


Post by rm9792 »

usmc groper wrote:I have found a guy who has agreed to a trade plus cash. We are somewhat near each other, but I'm not sure of the specifics.
1) Do we do the trade in a public place?
2) How do you get a chance to handle the weapon first?
3) Are there gun shops that will allow you to make a trade transaction in their shop?
4) Is it safe to do it at his house?

Thanks in advance for answering my ignorant questions. :headscratch
1. Always meet in public. I like Bass Pro parking lot or something similar.
2. Ask. I have never done a trade or sale that the gun isnt checked out.
3. Doubtful, Would likely have to pay the FFL fees.
4. I wouldnt except in limited circumstances.

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Re: What the best way to make a trade?


Post by Mike1951 »

usmc groper wrote:I have found a guy who has agreed to a trade plus cash. We are somewhat near each other, but I'm not sure of the specifics.
1) Do we do the trade in a public place?
2) How do you get a chance to handle the weapon first?
3) Are there gun shops that will allow you to make a trade transaction in their shop?
4) Is it safe to do it at his house?

Thanks in advance for answering my ignorant questions. :headscratch
1) I do many in open parking lots during daytime.
2) you can handle it in the privacy of your vehicle. Only way to shoot it first is to meet at a range.
3) You can most certainly pay a dealer to do the transfer at from $10-$50. Otherwise, I wouldn't expect the dealer to participate.
4) I have. Most sellers would not want this. I know I wouldn't. Usually, there's some distance between us and we pick some midpoint. Unless you're familiar with the location and comfortable with it, I would meet somewhere else.

Also, decide what each party needs/wants in the way of documentation before you meet.
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Re: What the best way to make a trade?


Post by usmc groper »

FYI, this is a sales section not a question section.
I know. And I do apologize profusely. I meant to add to the original post that I wasn't sure exactly where to put this question and get the most traffic.

Thanks to everyone for the answers. Everything here makes sense. I just needed to hear it from experienced guys before going out there on my own.

Again, thanks.
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Re: What the best way to make a trade?


Post by Teamless »

usmc groper wrote: just needed to hear it from experienced guys before going out there on my own.
I was nervous on my first sale too, don't worry about it.
Biggest thing is to list the specifics in advance
What each person is to bring
Where are you going to me
What will each of you be driving
Who will be in the vehicle(s) besides the purchaser and seller (I post this in case someone is going to do a bad thing and try to rob the seller or buyer? - I know, not likely, but something to consider)
How much cash, check, money order, etc
What exactly will be the deal
What type of gun
# of magazines
Other articles?
The last thing you want is to be surprised that you didn't get the right money or items as you "thought"

Personally, I made sure that the buyer had a CHL, that gave me a bit of comfort, maybe falsely, but none-the-less, comfort.
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Re: What the best way to make a trade?


Post by Jumping Frog »

Since it is illegal to trade with a person from another state, and illegal to trade with a person who is not allowed to possess firearms, I want to be able to demonstrate I didn't knowingly do so.

Thus, I 'll ask if they are a Texas resident. I will show my drivers license with my thumb over the identifying information (name/address, etc), letting the other person see that it is a Texas DL and has my picture on it. I'll ask to see the same. Then I'll ask them, "are you legally allowed to possess firearms and ammunition". A "Yes" answer is the right one. . . .

That's enough for me. I don't need names or receipts. I haven't gotten names or receipts when I've purchased a used turkey fryer or other tools at a garage sale or off craigslist, and I do not view a firearm as being any different. I also do not require a CHL. Why limit myself to 3-4% of the available market? There are a lot of good, law-abiding Texans who own guns that are not licensed for a concealed handgun.
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Re: What the best way to make a trade?


Post by texasmusic »

-Meet in the parking lot of a gun-oriented business.
-Do business with CHL if possible.
-Always do a phone call beforehand. Spidey sense here can help avoid a bad deal.
-I give time to examine the gun in my vehicle or theirs. That way there's no worry of someone making off with the goods and it gives time to answer questions and such.
-Gun folks are usually very courteous and respectful individuals. Please help us keep our good name!
- Profile the buyer as you're driving up. Treat the trading firearm as the 3rd firearm between the two of you (yours, his, and the one to be traded).
-Slide locked back, unloaded, and trigger covered via case or holster as a courtesy to the buyer.
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usmc groper
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Re: What the best way to make a trade?


Post by usmc groper »

Thanks for all the help, fellas. Deal went down smoothly and all of this advice helped in a huge way. He was a CHL as well, so that helped a bunch.
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