Fat Guy Carry...
Fat Guy Carry...
As a fat guy, I was wondering if ther are any other "girthier" guys out there... I'm looking for recommoendations on holsters? And how you're carrying (3, 5 o'clock)? Am I going to have to get a special belt for a holster too? Any suggestions are welcome.
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Re: Fat Guy Carry...
im 6'2" 300+ lbs and im a south paw and i carry at 9 o clock with a hybrid. the holster still digs into my love handle but the leather makes it a LOT less painful than kydex. right now i ahve just a thick leather belt that ive had for 10+ years an di constantly find myself pulling up my pants so i went to gunbelts.com andbought one of those steel core gun belts. if you prefer kydex (which i do because its so easy to just slide on and slide off when you need to) I'd probably carry at around 8 o clock... also check out the 300th parallel on youtube. i find appendix carry comfortable that way (and i have a pretty big gut haha.) but not for long periods of time.fwant wrote:As a fat guy, I was wondering if ther are any other "girthier" guys out there... I'm looking for recommoendations on holsters? And how you're carrying (3, 5 o'clock)? Am I going to have to get a special belt for a holster too? Any suggestions are welcome.
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Re: Fat Guy Carry...
here ya go. http://www.texaschlforum.com/viewtopic. ... t=beer+gut a topic i posted a bit ago.
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Re: Fat Guy Carry...
I made an IWB hybrid like crossbreed for a Sccy cpx2. I dont need special belt. I carry at about 5 and it is very comfortable. I always wear undershirt so I get no rubbing.
Similar size to grundy1133
Similar size to grundy1133
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Re: Fat Guy Carry...
what kinda undershirts do you wear? all the shirts i find either come untucked, or are so heavy that they get way too hot.NNT wrote:I made an IWB hybrid like crossbreed for a Sccy cpx2. I dont need special belt. I carry at about 5 and it is very comfortable. I always wear undershirt so I get no rubbing.
Similar size to grundy1133
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Re: Fat Guy Carry...
on my weak side I carry an IWB single mag holster as well. With the kydex (in the pic) the gun jabs my side but as I mentioned with the leather hybrid style holsters the leather cushions the jabbing lol. but im torn between comfort and ease of access. If I can find a kydex that doesnt stab my fat gut id definitely choose kydex over hybrid just for easy maneuverability

Last edited by Grundy1133 on Sat Mar 17, 2018 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fat Guy Carry...
Welcome to the Fourm Family.
I am probably one of the largest members here (not bragging rather ashamed of it). Beltman is your best belt in my opinion. You are correct about using a good belt. That is half of the problem when it comes to carrying all day. The over half is a good holster.
I carry IWB appendix some with a Glock 43. I mostly carry between 3:00-4:30 when carrying OWB. I always carry concealed except when I am at my office. Of course it is easier to conceal IWB. I like leather holsters the best, but do use kydex a lot. I always wear t-shirts even when wearing a t-shirt rather than a button up.
I am probably one of the largest members here (not bragging rather ashamed of it). Beltman is your best belt in my opinion. You are correct about using a good belt. That is half of the problem when it comes to carrying all day. The over half is a good holster.
I carry IWB appendix some with a Glock 43. I mostly carry between 3:00-4:30 when carrying OWB. I always carry concealed except when I am at my office. Of course it is easier to conceal IWB. I like leather holsters the best, but do use kydex a lot. I always wear t-shirts even when wearing a t-shirt rather than a button up.
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Re: Fat Guy Carry...
is that a website?carlson1 wrote:Beltman is your best belt in my opinion.
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Re: Fat Guy Carry...
is that a website?[/quoteGrundy1133 wrote:carlson1 wrote:Beltman is your best belt in my opinion.
Re: Fat Guy Carry...
I wear suspenders and don't use a belt wear loose clothes and carry a LCP in my left pocket
From a draw I have a 10 yard target with 6 380hp holes you can cover with a teacup.
Sometime its prints a little but I have never heard anyone comment. I am running over 300# and as old as I am most would not supect
I am carrying. I have a fond experience in my youth of putting on a Sam brown rig with a S&W 6.5 " model 29 loaded walking across a farmers field
about a 1/4 mi and ready to part with that rig. I wish I could have it back I sold it and it would be worth about $2500 buck today. (1960)
From a draw I have a 10 yard target with 6 380hp holes you can cover with a teacup.
Sometime its prints a little but I have never heard anyone comment. I am running over 300# and as old as I am most would not supect
I am carrying. I have a fond experience in my youth of putting on a Sam brown rig with a S&W 6.5 " model 29 loaded walking across a farmers field
about a 1/4 mi and ready to part with that rig. I wish I could have it back I sold it and it would be worth about $2500 buck today. (1960)
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Re: Fat Guy Carry...
I use a Virdian TACLOC it’s very comfortable for EDC, I do have a separate holster under my steering wheel in the truck, it really makes traveling much more comfortable
Disclaimer: Anything I state can not be applied to 100% of all situations. Sometimes it's ok to speak in general terms.
Re: Fat Guy Carry...
That is the one.WTR wrote:is that a website?[/quoteGrundy1133 wrote:carlson1 wrote:Beltman is your best belt in my opinion.
David had offered members here a discount and I bet he would still honor that.
http://texaschlforum.com/viewtopic.php? ... t#p1172905
Re: Fat Guy Carry...
I'm a big guy too.
I always wear thin t-shirt to keep from rubbing. Buy my holsters & belt from R Grizzle. I bought duty suspenders so I could get the belt keppers with the suspender tab. I wear an overshirt to conceal everything. Does get a little warm but I'm used to it.
I wear in about the 5'oclockish position w/G19, G26 or G23.
I am looking to buy non streach suspenders to hold everything where I want it.
I also have an older uncle mikes horizontal shoulder holster that I wear under button up shirts.
Have plenty of options.
I always wear thin t-shirt to keep from rubbing. Buy my holsters & belt from R Grizzle. I bought duty suspenders so I could get the belt keppers with the suspender tab. I wear an overshirt to conceal everything. Does get a little warm but I'm used to it.
I wear in about the 5'oclockish position w/G19, G26 or G23.
I am looking to buy non streach suspenders to hold everything where I want it.
I also have an older uncle mikes horizontal shoulder holster that I wear under button up shirts.
Have plenty of options.
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Re: Fat Guy Carry...
I carry at 3 o'clock IWB in a NSR holster (full kydex with soft loop snaps), IWB dual mag carrier from Dale Fricke at 9 o'clock. I'm 6'2" 330 lbs. Oh and I'm also using a Super Bio belt from Daltech.
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Re: Fat Guy Carry...
I like options. I prefer owb with an untucked shirt. When I can’t do that I carry a Berretta Pico in the front pocket. I can conceal a “big” gun iwb at 4 o’clock comfortably, as well. Sure I’m gonna feel it sometimes. In all cases I carry a spare mag in a horizontal knife case owb on the weak side. Keep in mind that in normal everyday passing, nobody will notice a print or bottom of holster peeking out.