Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry

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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by RPBrown »

I just have an uneasy feeling about this. I hope I am wrong and all goes well but I have to agree with Wild Bill on this.

If it kills it, it appears we will be shut out on bills passed this session.

Oh I hope I am wrong
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by Papa_Tiger »

I'm trying to look at this somewhat optimistically.

I have to believe there is the support for campus carry in the House however it will never make it to the floor with Strauss as the gatekeeper of the Calendars Committee.

The Senate already approved campus carry, so it isn't too much of a stretch to see it added as an amendment to the HB 910.

As I said previously, this looks like an end run around Strauss. I applaud people for finding ways of working within the system to achieve their desired result.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by safety1 »

Papa_Tiger wrote:I'm trying to look at this somewhat optimistically.

I have to believe there is the support for campus carry in the House however it will never make it to the floor with Strauss as the gatekeeper of the Calendars Committee.

The Senate already approved campus carry, so it isn't too much of a stretch to see it added as an amendment to the HB 910.

As I said previously, this looks like an end run around Strauss. I applaud people for finding ways of working within the system to achieve their desired result.
:hurry: :hurry: :hurry: . Maybe Charles can weigh in on this discussion, Seems like a path has been carved out....what are the potential pitfalls??? time??
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by baldeagle »

Papa_Tiger wrote:I'm trying to look at this somewhat optimistically.

I have to believe there is the support for campus carry in the House however it will never make it to the floor with Strauss as the gatekeeper of the Calendars Committee.

The Senate already approved campus carry, so it isn't too much of a stretch to see it added as an amendment to the HB 910.

As I said previously, this looks like an end run around Strauss. I applaud people for finding ways of working within the system to achieve their desired result.
It won't go through the Calendar Committee. The bill already passed the House. Once a bill has passed the House and been sent to the Senate, if the Senate amends the bill, the House has to pass the amended bill, but it does not go through the Calendar Committee. This is an end run around Strauss.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by safety1 »

baldeagle wrote:
Papa_Tiger wrote:I'm trying to look at this somewhat optimistically.

I have to believe there is the support for campus carry in the House however it will never make it to the floor with Strauss as the gatekeeper of the Calendars Committee.

The Senate already approved campus carry, so it isn't too much of a stretch to see it added as an amendment to the HB 910.

As I said previously, this looks like an end run around Strauss. I applaud people for finding ways of working within the system to achieve their desired result.
It won't go through the Calendar Committee. The bill already passed the House. Once a bill has passed the House and been sent to the Senate, if the Senate amends the bill, the House has to pass the amended bill, but it does not go through the Calendar Committee. This is an end run around Strauss.
So what are if any glitches that may derail this "end around"
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by chasfm11 »

baldeagle wrote:
Papa_Tiger wrote:I'm trying to look at this somewhat optimistically.

I have to believe there is the support for campus carry in the House however it will never make it to the floor with Strauss as the gatekeeper of the Calendars Committee.

The Senate already approved campus carry, so it isn't too much of a stretch to see it added as an amendment to the HB 910.

As I said previously, this looks like an end run around Strauss. I applaud people for finding ways of working within the system to achieve their desired result.
It won't go through the Calendar Committee. The bill already passed the House. Once a bill has passed the House and been sent to the Senate, if the Senate amends the bill, the House has to pass the amended bill, but it does not go through the Calendar Committee. This is an end run around Strauss.
The House still has to vote on it and the time to do that is running out. While Gov. Abbot could add the combined bill to a special session, assuming that he is willing to call one, the odds of any of this passing seem longer than before. I do realize that a lot of games are won in the closing seconds. This session has definitely been a game from a gun related bill perspective.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by Scott Farkus »

This almost sounds too good to be true. What's the catch? Germaneness? Democrats throw a hissy fit and run to Oklahoma again?

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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by Ruark »

I hope it doesn't bog things down. There's a huge amount of public misunderstanding about what this bill does. Everybody thinks it means drunk kids waving guns around at frat parties, shooting professors for giving them bad grades, etc.

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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by treadlightly »

I wonder which is the stronger bond - to the Second Amendment and civil rights, or to Joe Strauss?

Sound like we're about to find out.

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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by jamminbutter »

Not for HB910 unless this amendment is removed.

HANDGUN. A license holder may not openly carry a handgun in a
municipality with a population of more than 750,000 that has
adopted an ordinance prohibiting a license holder from openly
carrying a handgun within the boundaries of the municipality

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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by Papa_Tiger »

jamminbutter wrote:Not for HB910 unless this amendment is removed.

HANDGUN. A license holder may not openly carry a handgun in a
municipality with a population of more than 750,000 that has
adopted an ordinance prohibiting a license holder from openly
carrying a handgun within the boundaries of the municipality
That was Amendment 9 which was an amendment to Amendment 8 which was ultimately tabled. This language does not appear anywhere in the bill sent to the Senate. You can read the full version, as engrossed and sent to the Senate for consideration here: ... navpanes=0" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by OldGrumpy »

All of this sounds like a formula for getting nothing. Campus carry, open carry, no asking for license is far too much to ask and gives pols an easy excuse for not passing (I was really for the open carry but the LE in my area really pressured me because of no asking for license) (I really wanted open carry but ?? University in my district has really pushed against campus carry and I had to vote no because of that). It is a trick used in Washington all the time. We need someone to get smart and get a concerted effort to pass the original open carry bill or we are going to end up with nothing.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by ELB »

WildBill wrote:This sounds like a good way to kill open carry.
The campus carry bill in the House has 57 authors and coauthors. Early on it had more visible support than open carry, altho HB910 ultimately picked up more coauthors. Campus carry also had lots of House support in the previous session, it would have passed then -- if it had come to a floor vote. The problem has been Straus parking it in the Calendars Committee. If a combined OC/Campus Carry bill gets to the House floor, it will pass. This looks like the way to do it.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by ELB »

Scott Farkus wrote:This almost sounds too good to be true. What's the catch? Germaneness?

Mr. Cotton pointed out earlier (in another thread) that the House Parliamentarian has already ruled attaching Campus Carry to Open Carry is germane. There was an amendment by Fletcher to do just that during HB910 second reading, and after it was ruled germane, Fletcher withdrew it. I wonder if he was setting up then for what they are doing now.
Scott Farkus wrote:Democrats throw a hissy fit and run to Oklahoma again?
My impulse is "Let them go. Don't let them come back." However e Republicans are two seats short of having 2/3 of the membership, 98-52, which is two seats shy of a quorum.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by CJD »

OldGrumpy wrote:Campus carry, open carry, no asking for license.
Don't forget 30.06 only being a Class C!

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