Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989

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Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Rec'd today from NRA - ILA

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Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989

HB 255, sponsored by Rep. Raphael Anchia (D-Dallas), was removed from last week’s committee agenda and placed back on this week’s.  It expands the prohibited places that apply to License to Carry (LTC) holders in Penal Code Section 46.035 to include facilities such as golf courses, amphitheaters, auditoriums, theaters, museums, zoos, civic centers and convention centers, provided they are posted off-limits.  HB 255 would essentially repeal portions of SB 273 from 2015 and grant local governmental entities the authority to ban licensees from these same public (taxpayer-owned) properties.  This would include the convention center in downtown Dallas, where NRA's Annual Meeting will be held in 2018.  :mad5

HB 234, also by Rep. Anchia, would gut portions of SB 273 from last session by limiting the law’s 30.06 signage restrictions and fines for improper posting to governmental property that’s occupied only by governmental agencies.  This would exclude any public property occupied by private persons or entities on an occasional or recurring basis.  The taxpayer-owned property that could be impacted and end up off-limits to LTCs is expansive.  Some prime examples include the same venues as those specifically listed in HB 255, where private groups or entities hold short- or long-term contracts with a city or county to use their facilities.  Other examples include gun shows, car shows and rodeos.  This is simply another way of getting to the same spot that HB 255 is aiming for – fewer locations where law-abiding citizens can legally carry firearms and protect themselves.

HB 3989, sponsored by Rep. Eric Johnson (D-Dallas), expands the Penal Code Section 46.035 prohibition on possession of firearms by LTC holders in “amusement parks” by expanding the definition of such venues to include short-term events that offer amusement rides to the public – such as the Texas State Fair.  This could include any parking or loading areas available inside the entry points to such events.  Other venues, such as the Dallas Zoo, have used “loopholes” in the existing definition of “amusement park” to ban law-abiding citizens from carrying firearms on their premises. This is yet another attempt along the lines of HB 255 and HB 234 to create more “gun-free” zones that unfairly target the most law-abiding segment of our population.

Also, urge committee members to VOTE AGAINST HB 899, a measure by Rep. Poncho Nevarez (D-Eagle Pass), which the committee held a public hearing on last week and could vote on at any time.  This measure, being supported by state gun control groups that receive national funding from New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg, guts the 30.06 and 30.07 signage requirements to provide less notice to LTCs on posted private property. 
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by TVGuy »

Done, thanks for posting!

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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by cprems »

Done. I got alerts from the NRA-ILA email (frontlines)
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by Ruark »

These are incredibly repressive bills, and would have utterly NO effect whatsoever on criminal shooters, and thus are pointless. Any legislator who votes for them will hopefully be roasted over hot coals in the next election.

It's particularly appalling that these bills will be heard, while bills like 560 are reportedly dead.
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by Liberty »

Seems as though we are spending more time defending bad legislation than promoting good bills. This sesion is looking to be the most disappointing session in 20 years .. Very little forward movement, lots of potential setbacks. I hope this isn't a trend for the future.
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by Beiruty »

Why should we have trouble defeating those measures when we have Super Majority in both chambers and the Governorship?
The committee can kill those bills, all the above bills can be defeated in both chambers and all can vetoed too. Are we scared of our shadows?
Are the CHLers so dangerous folks? What kind of political rubbish is that?

Our house is not built on ICE, nor we are living in house of cards. Please tell me if I am not in the clear. :totap: :totap:
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by Ruark »

Beiruty wrote:.....we have Super Majority in both chambers and the Governorship
Then why did HB 560 die at the starting line?
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by Beiruty »

Ruark wrote:
Beiruty wrote:.....we have Super Majority in both chambers and the Governorship
Then why did HB 560 die at the starting line?
Because, so many of the supporters in the legislature are afraid from LEO unions or fearing that their voting block of their constituents are weak. It was not the case. GOP won Texas by double digits
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by Mxrdad »

Done deal. The battle will never end. We can not tire and keep doing our part even when it seems hopeless. Lets let them know by contacting them and make our voices heard.
Just some guy's opinion.
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by Beiruty »

I will do my part too
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by TreyHouston »

NRA- should have backed 560 and this would not be a problem. Think proactive and not REACTIVE. Glad they let LTC holder know what fence they where on early!
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

Done, received this notice too. Sent extra emails yesterday as well!
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by Lambda Force »

Ruark wrote:These are incredibly repressive bills, and would have utterly NO effect whatsoever on criminal shooters, and thus are pointless.
Agree. Agree. Disagree.

Gun control is not, and never has been, about preventing crime. The only point is to oppress the good people.
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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by tx mountaineer »


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Re: Texas: Urge Committee Members to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation, House Bill 255, 234 and 3989


Post by NotRPB »

Morning Video Feed http://tlchouse.granicus.com/MediaPlaye ... nt_id=3032
Afternoon Feed may change, so > http://www.house.state.tx.us/video-audio/
On this link you can click each Bill # http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/ ... 808001.HTM

COMMITTEE: Homeland Security & Public Safety
TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Tuesday, April 18, 2017

PLACE: E2.014
CHAIR: Rep. Phil King

The committee will meet to consider pending business and:

SB 12 West | et al.
Relating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor.

HB 234 Anchia
Relating to wrongful exclusion of handgun license holders from property owned by or leased to a governmental entity and to certain offenses relating to the carrying of handguns on that property.

HB 255 Anchia
Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises or property of certain recreational facilities.

HB 2380 Swanson
Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handguns.

HB 2735 Bohac
Relating to the carrying of a handgun by certain first responders and volunteer emergency services personnel; providing for a fee.

HB 3006 Swanson
Relating to temporary secure storage of weapons at certain public buildings; authorizing a fee.

HB 3223 Goldman
Relating to liability for the sale or transfer of law enforcement vehicles before removal of certain equipment and insignia; providing civil penalties.

HB 3390 Meyer
Relating to the exemption from range instruction for certain persons applying to obtain a license to carry a handgun.

HB 3478 Hinojosa, Gina
Relating to the issuance of and the requirements for obtaining certain driver's licenses or identification certificates; authorizing a fee.

HB 3547 Phillips
Relating to the requirement that the name of a state agency be printed on certain state motor vehicles.

HB 3640 Hunter
Relating to the confidentiality of an emergency call.

HB 3989 Johnson, Eric
Relating to the locations where a person may openly carry a holstered handgun.

HB 4013 Frullo
Relating to the release of a child taken into possession by a law enforcement or juvenile probation officer.

HB 4040 Gutierrez
Relating to a pilot program for the establishment of a call center to assist victims of sexual assault.

HB 4200 Hinojosa, Gina
Relating to the acquisition or attempted acquisition of a firearm by a person prohibited from possessing a firearm.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

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