2023 Pro Gun legislation?
Moderator: carlson1
2023 Pro Gun legislation?
Haven't seen any mention of any pro-gun legislation. Things like reducing off limits locations for License holders, carry in 51% locations specifically. Anything interesting happening this session?
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Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
It is still early in the session, not much will be done until April/May.
There have been several good bills filed and referred to various committees in the House and Senate.
Here are the Pro-2A bills I'm tracking:
88(R) HB 175 Author: Schaefer
Last Action: 03/21/2023 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files for certain defendants placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for the unlawful carrying of a handgun.
Comment: Records Expungement
88(R) HB 192 Author: Schaefer | et al.
Last Action: 02/23/2023 H Referred to Community Safety, Select
Caption: Relating to the possession of a weapon in certain locations of a government court.
Comment: Offices utilized by the court clarification - this is a much needed clarification to restrict off-limits places to ONLY certain places within a "courthouse". This prevents governments from claiming that a whole municipal complex is off limits because a court happens to be in one of the rooms of the complex.
88(R) HB 636 Author: Patterson
Last Action: 03/21/2023 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to the applicability to election judges of a prohibition on the carrying of a handgun at a polling place.
Comment: Carry by Election Judges
88(R) HB 1229 Author: Harris, Cody
Last Action: 03/21/2023 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to the collection and confidentiality of information regarding weapons in agency foster homes; creating a civil penalty.
Comment: Foster Home firearm disclosure
88(R) HB 1760 Author: Hefner
Last Action: 03/21/2023 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
Comment: School off limits - owned and under the control of. This clarifies when and where school sponsored activities apply - only when the school owns the property and is under the control of the school.
88(R) SB 599 Author: Birdwell | et al.
Last Action: 03/16/2023 S Reported engrossed
Caption: Relating to the carrying or possession of a handgun by a district clerk and the issuance of a handgun license to a district clerk.
Comment: District Clerk LTC/Carry - Passed in the Senate and on the way to the House
There have been several good bills filed and referred to various committees in the House and Senate.
Here are the Pro-2A bills I'm tracking:
88(R) HB 175 Author: Schaefer
Last Action: 03/21/2023 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files for certain defendants placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for the unlawful carrying of a handgun.
Comment: Records Expungement
88(R) HB 192 Author: Schaefer | et al.
Last Action: 02/23/2023 H Referred to Community Safety, Select
Caption: Relating to the possession of a weapon in certain locations of a government court.
Comment: Offices utilized by the court clarification - this is a much needed clarification to restrict off-limits places to ONLY certain places within a "courthouse". This prevents governments from claiming that a whole municipal complex is off limits because a court happens to be in one of the rooms of the complex.
88(R) HB 636 Author: Patterson
Last Action: 03/21/2023 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to the applicability to election judges of a prohibition on the carrying of a handgun at a polling place.
Comment: Carry by Election Judges
88(R) HB 1229 Author: Harris, Cody
Last Action: 03/21/2023 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to the collection and confidentiality of information regarding weapons in agency foster homes; creating a civil penalty.
Comment: Foster Home firearm disclosure
88(R) HB 1760 Author: Hefner
Last Action: 03/21/2023 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
Comment: School off limits - owned and under the control of. This clarifies when and where school sponsored activities apply - only when the school owns the property and is under the control of the school.
88(R) SB 599 Author: Birdwell | et al.
Last Action: 03/16/2023 S Reported engrossed
Caption: Relating to the carrying or possession of a handgun by a district clerk and the issuance of a handgun license to a district clerk.
Comment: District Clerk LTC/Carry - Passed in the Senate and on the way to the House
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Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
Disappointing not to see any real progress on reducing off limits places.
Getting rid of the hypocrisy around "private property rights" that's used as justification for businesses open to the public to be allowed to prohibit 2A while at the same time it's just fine to tell those same businesses what days/hours they are allowed to operate (blue laws) or that they are required to make accommodations for disabled (ADA), obey occupational safety rules, pay licensing fees, meet building codes, etc. ad-infinitum... How many library shelves are filled with volumes of government rules telling "private businesses" what they must and cannot do?
I'm not in any way suggesting that most of the rules we put on businesses are bad.... (except maybe Blue Laws)...
I'm just saying that on one hand government has no problem putting burdens on "private businesses" while at the same time claiming some sort of "private property" straw man argument that somehow ties their hands and prevents them from requiring those same businesses to honor a constitutionally enumerated right.
If a business wants to ban guns, then it should close its doors to the public and make itself a members only organization, with appropriate rules requiring them to prove they are not open to the general public.
And.... Private businesses that ban 2A should be required to scan everyone for weapons to assure that "bad guys" are not taking advantage of the gun free zone and, they should also be required to provide secure on site storage so that guns are not stored in vehicles, thereby reducing the number of stolen guns.
Getting rid of the hypocrisy around "private property rights" that's used as justification for businesses open to the public to be allowed to prohibit 2A while at the same time it's just fine to tell those same businesses what days/hours they are allowed to operate (blue laws) or that they are required to make accommodations for disabled (ADA), obey occupational safety rules, pay licensing fees, meet building codes, etc. ad-infinitum... How many library shelves are filled with volumes of government rules telling "private businesses" what they must and cannot do?
I'm not in any way suggesting that most of the rules we put on businesses are bad.... (except maybe Blue Laws)...
I'm just saying that on one hand government has no problem putting burdens on "private businesses" while at the same time claiming some sort of "private property" straw man argument that somehow ties their hands and prevents them from requiring those same businesses to honor a constitutionally enumerated right.
If a business wants to ban guns, then it should close its doors to the public and make itself a members only organization, with appropriate rules requiring them to prove they are not open to the general public.
And.... Private businesses that ban 2A should be required to scan everyone for weapons to assure that "bad guys" are not taking advantage of the gun free zone and, they should also be required to provide secure on site storage so that guns are not stored in vehicles, thereby reducing the number of stolen guns.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
Nothing tempers idealism quite like the cold bath of reality.... SQLGeek
Nothing tempers idealism quite like the cold bath of reality.... SQLGeek
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Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
Tuesday is the first major day for discussion of gun bills in the Texas House of Representatives. The Community Safety Select committee will be holding public hearings on many of the pro- and anti-2A bills filed in the house this session. A list of the bills that will be discussed can be found here: House Community Safety Select Committee Calendar for April 18, 2023
Weapons related bills relevant to LTC holders that have had movement within the legislative process outside of being referred to a committee include:
HB 165 Author: Johnson, Ann | et al.
Last Action: 04/13/2023 S Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for an aggravated assault occurring as part of a mass shooting; increasing a criminal penalty.
HB 1760 Author: Hefner
Last Action: 04/17/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption Version: House Committee Report
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
HB 2454 Author: Guillen
Last Action: 04/10/2023 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
Caption Version: House Committee Report
Caption: Relating to the unlawful acquisition of certain weapons; creating a criminal offense.
SB 23 Author: Huffman | et al.
Last Action: 04/13/2023 H Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence: Apr 13 2023 1:37PM
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to increasing the minimum term of imprisonment and changing the eligibility for community supervision and parole for certain felony offenses in which a firearm is used or exhibited and to certain consequences on conviction of certain offenses.
SB 599 Author: Birdwell | et al.
Last Action: 04/18/2023 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to the carrying or possession of a handgun by a district clerk and the issuance of a handgun license to a district clerk.
SB 728 Author: Huffman | et al.
Last Action: 04/10/2023 H Referred to Community Safety, Select: Apr 10 2023 3:28PM
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual disability information with respect to certain children for purposes of a federal firearm background check.
SB 1216 Author: Paxton | et al.
Last Action: 04/12/2023 H Referred to Community Safety, Select: Apr 12 2023 12:21PM
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to the issuance of a license to carry a handgun to certain active and retired judicial officers.
SB 1236 Author: Flores
Last Action: 04/04/2023 H Received from the Senate
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to the use of certain weapons in or on the bed or bank of a navigable river or stream; providing a penalty.
SB 1709 Author: King
Last Action: 04/12/2023 S Placed on intent calendar
Caption Version: Senate Committee Report
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offenses of sedition and engaging in organized criminal activity; increasing criminal penalties.
Another one that is beneficial for religious organizations utilizing volunteer security is below:
SB 694 Author: Hughes | et al.
Last Action: 04/13/2023 H Received from the Senate
Caption: Relating to liability of a religious organization or an employee or volunteer of a religious organization for security services provided to the organization.
One that should be of interest to ALL Texans is:
SJR 59 Author: Birdwell | et al.
Last Action: 04/06/2023 H Received from the Senate
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the time during which the legislature may act on bills or resolutions during a regular session.
This bill would allow Texans to vote on a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature more time to discuss and pass bills. The author's statement of intent is an interesting read. The bill was changed in the Senate Committee to preserve a 30-day carve-out for filing bills and holding hearings, but bills and resolutions can continue to be introduced up to the end of the session. Currently bills and resolutions can only be introduced in the first 60-days of the session leaving 80-days of the session for passing bills that have been introduced.
Weapons related bills relevant to LTC holders that have had movement within the legislative process outside of being referred to a committee include:
HB 165 Author: Johnson, Ann | et al.
Last Action: 04/13/2023 S Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for an aggravated assault occurring as part of a mass shooting; increasing a criminal penalty.
HB 1760 Author: Hefner
Last Action: 04/17/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar
Caption Version: House Committee Report
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
HB 2454 Author: Guillen
Last Action: 04/10/2023 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
Caption Version: House Committee Report
Caption: Relating to the unlawful acquisition of certain weapons; creating a criminal offense.
SB 23 Author: Huffman | et al.
Last Action: 04/13/2023 H Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence: Apr 13 2023 1:37PM
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to increasing the minimum term of imprisonment and changing the eligibility for community supervision and parole for certain felony offenses in which a firearm is used or exhibited and to certain consequences on conviction of certain offenses.
SB 599 Author: Birdwell | et al.
Last Action: 04/18/2023 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to the carrying or possession of a handgun by a district clerk and the issuance of a handgun license to a district clerk.
SB 728 Author: Huffman | et al.
Last Action: 04/10/2023 H Referred to Community Safety, Select: Apr 10 2023 3:28PM
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual disability information with respect to certain children for purposes of a federal firearm background check.
SB 1216 Author: Paxton | et al.
Last Action: 04/12/2023 H Referred to Community Safety, Select: Apr 12 2023 12:21PM
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to the issuance of a license to carry a handgun to certain active and retired judicial officers.
SB 1236 Author: Flores
Last Action: 04/04/2023 H Received from the Senate
Caption Version: Engrossed
Caption: Relating to the use of certain weapons in or on the bed or bank of a navigable river or stream; providing a penalty.
SB 1709 Author: King
Last Action: 04/12/2023 S Placed on intent calendar
Caption Version: Senate Committee Report
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offenses of sedition and engaging in organized criminal activity; increasing criminal penalties.
Another one that is beneficial for religious organizations utilizing volunteer security is below:
SB 694 Author: Hughes | et al.
Last Action: 04/13/2023 H Received from the Senate
Caption: Relating to liability of a religious organization or an employee or volunteer of a religious organization for security services provided to the organization.
One that should be of interest to ALL Texans is:
SJR 59 Author: Birdwell | et al.
Last Action: 04/06/2023 H Received from the Senate
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the time during which the legislature may act on bills or resolutions during a regular session.
This bill would allow Texans to vote on a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature more time to discuss and pass bills. The author's statement of intent is an interesting read. The bill was changed in the Senate Committee to preserve a 30-day carve-out for filing bills and holding hearings, but bills and resolutions can continue to be introduced up to the end of the session. Currently bills and resolutions can only be introduced in the first 60-days of the session leaving 80-days of the session for passing bills that have been introduced.
Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
Many thanks for that update. 

“Be ready; now is the beginning of happenings.”
― Robert E. Howard, Swords of Shahrazar
― Robert E. Howard, Swords of Shahrazar
Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/Hi ... Bill=HB192
That bed or riverbank thing prohibits shooting the water moccasin / cottonmouth snake about to bite me or my family? What's the point of concealed kayak carry then?
(I didn't read it yet)
https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/Hi ... ill=SB1236
does 2454 grandfather the pink AR-15 my Pastor gave his 9 year old daughter she deer hunts with or does he have to be an Indian Giver? oh, she's 14 now, and still hunts. I guess he cannot hand her the softball bat again though, nor the whatchacallit knives met cleaver machete to gut that deer she shoots
https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/Hi ... ill=HB2454
https://www.youthshootingsa.com/product ... ng-sports/

https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/Hi ... Bill=HB192
That bed or riverbank thing prohibits shooting the water moccasin / cottonmouth snake about to bite me or my family? What's the point of concealed kayak carry then?
(I didn't read it yet)
https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/Hi ... ill=SB1236
does 2454 grandfather the pink AR-15 my Pastor gave his 9 year old daughter she deer hunts with or does he have to be an Indian Giver? oh, she's 14 now, and still hunts. I guess he cannot hand her the softball bat again though, nor the whatchacallit knives met cleaver machete to gut that deer she shoots
https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/Hi ... ill=HB2454
Burnet 4-H shooting Sports(2) intentionally or knowingly sells, rents, leases,
or gives or offers to sell, rent, lease, or give to any child
younger than 18 years of age any firearm, club, or
location-restricted knife;
https://www.youthshootingsa.com/product ... ng-sports/

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Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
Dr. John Lott testifying against bad bills in Austin
Deplorable lunatic since 2016
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Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
5/12/23 Update
The past 2 days and today are the first major culling of bills. Bills on the General State Calendar that were not read for a second time in the House yesterday and passed to engrossment are dead.
There haven't been any significant gun bills that have died this year other than:
HB 192 - Died without a hearing
Clarified what "Offices Used by a court" are.
HB 356 - Didn't make it to the House floor for a vote
Eliminating civil liability for businesses that allow concealed carry
HB 2705 - Didn't make it to the House floor for a vote
Making it legal to own a short-barrel rifle if not on the NFA
A major win for gun rights this year is:
HB 1760 - Passed both House and Senate and on its way to the Governor
Clarifies that a location with a school sponsored event has to be owned and under the control of the school and post-secondary educational institution in order for it to be off limits to weapon carry. Also defines "Post-secondary educational institution" and "School" to prohibit zoos, museums, and other locations that can serve an educational function from claiming they are off limits by statute.
There are still MANY good bills making their way through the process. We'll see what makes it into the sausage tube!
The past 2 days and today are the first major culling of bills. Bills on the General State Calendar that were not read for a second time in the House yesterday and passed to engrossment are dead.
There haven't been any significant gun bills that have died this year other than:
HB 192 - Died without a hearing
Clarified what "Offices Used by a court" are.
HB 356 - Didn't make it to the House floor for a vote
Eliminating civil liability for businesses that allow concealed carry
HB 2705 - Didn't make it to the House floor for a vote
Making it legal to own a short-barrel rifle if not on the NFA
A major win for gun rights this year is:
HB 1760 - Passed both House and Senate and on its way to the Governor
Clarifies that a location with a school sponsored event has to be owned and under the control of the school and post-secondary educational institution in order for it to be off limits to weapon carry. Also defines "Post-secondary educational institution" and "School" to prohibit zoos, museums, and other locations that can serve an educational function from claiming they are off limits by statute.
There are still MANY good bills making their way through the process. We'll see what makes it into the sausage tube!
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Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
Thanks Papa Tiger. Too bad we don't have someone that is tracking and reporting on bills on a regular basis. 

Texas LTC, SSC & FRC Instructor
NRA Pistol, Home Firearms Safety, Personal Protection in the Home Instructor & RSO
NRA & TSRA Life Member
Texas LTC, SSC & FRC Instructor
NRA Pistol, Home Firearms Safety, Personal Protection in the Home Instructor & RSO
NRA & TSRA Life Member
Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
MY OPINION is thatPapa_Tiger wrote: ↑Fri May 12, 2023 9:33 am 5/12/23 Update
The past 2 days and today are the first major culling of bills. Bills on the General State Calendar that were not read for a second time in the House yesterday and passed to engrossment are dead.
There haven't been any significant gun bills that have died this year other than:
HB 192 - Died without a hearing
Clarified what "Offices Used by a court" are.
A major win for gun rights this year is:[/b]
HB 1760 - Passed both House and Senate and on its way to the Governor
Clarifies that a location with a school sponsored event has to be owned and under the control of the school and post-secondary educational institution in order for it to be off limits to weapon carry. Also defines "Post-secondary educational institution" and "School" to prohibit zoos, museums, and other locations that can serve an educational function from claiming they are off limits by statute.
There are still MANY good bills making their way through the process. We'll see what makes it into the sausage tube!
the most important bill other than the budget and lowered property tax, were these two gun bills, which have the same importance as campus carry did to me.
HB 192
Clarified what "Offices Used by a court" are.
followed by
Clarified what "school" is
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Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
Yes, Super disappointed this one was allowed to die. Funny how all the "Super Pro-2A" Counties all have illegal postage on every city hall, county registration, marriage license office, and a ton of other things illegal by statute. (Looking at you Smith County...

Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
GOA sent a notice today to support HB2837. Based on who is for and who is against it, I assume it's a good thing. The financial services, banking and credit unions against for it, even though it means more work for them. This will prevent credit cards from tracking purchases at stores that sell guns.
Call your senator and urge support. II did, but it won't matter.
https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/b ... 02837S.htm
Call your senator and urge support. II did, but it won't matter.
https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/b ... 02837S.htm
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
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Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
HB 2837Passed the Senate unchanged from the House version this afternoon and will be on its way to the Governor soon.
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Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
While not technically pro-gun legislation, SB 694 was passed in the House today and will be on its way to the Governor after it is signed in both chambers. This bill extends civil liability immunity to employees and volunteers of religious organizations providing security services. This answers a lot of concerns that religious organizations had when 85R SB 2065 was passed in 2017 allowing them to utilize volunteer security services rather than hiring security to protect their flocks.
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Re: 2023 Pro Gun legislation?
Below is the list of the weapons related bills that made it to the Governor this session. Bills that have not been signed or vetoed by the governor will become law on June 18th. Most of these will have no impact on a law abiding citizen whether carrying under the authority of an LTC or not.
The bills that have the most impact to an LTC holder are:
HB 1760 - Clarifies that a location with a school sponsored event has to be owned and under the control of the school and post-secondary educational institution in order for it to be off limits to weapon carry. Also defines "Post-secondary educational institution" and "School" to prohibit zoos, museums, and other locations that can serve an educational function from claiming they are off limits by statute.
SB 728 - NCIC reporting for children 16 years and older who are deemed mentally ill.
SB 1236 - Prohibits discharge of a firearm in or on the bed or bank of a navigable river or stream except under specific circumstances. Per the legislative intent, the bill was designed to curb trespassing onto private property in pursuit of game/birds while hunting in the bed or bank of a navigable river or stream. Navigable rivers and streams, including the banks are public property in the State of Texas.
Pro-2A bills that passed included:
HB 2837 - Outlaws using merchant codes to track firearm/ammunition purchases.
HB 3137 - Prevents cities, counties, and county commissioners from adopting regulations requiring firearms owners to purchase liability insurance.
-=-=-=-=-*-=-=-=-=- 88th Legislature Weapons Related Bills Sent to the Governor -=-=-=-=-*-=-=-=-=-=-
HB 3 Author: Burrows | et al. Sponsor: Nichols | et al.
Last Action: 05/30/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to measures for ensuring public school safety, including the development and implementation of purchases relating to and funding for public school safety and security requirements and the provision of safety-related resources.
HB 165 Author: Johnson, Ann | et al. Sponsor: Whitmire | et al.
Last Action: 05/22/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for an aggravated assault occurring as part of a mass shooting; increasing a criminal penalty.
HB 1760 Author: Hefner | et al. Sponsor: Hughes | et al.
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
HB 1989 Author: Cook Sponsor: Parker
Last Action: 06/02/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to the fees assessed by a district clerk for copies of certain court documents.
HB 2291 Author: Slawson | et al. Sponsor: Birdwell
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the carrying or possession of a handgun by certain retired judges and justices.
HB 2837 Author: Schaefer | et al. Sponsor: Schwertner | et al.
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to prohibiting a person or entity from surveilling, reporting, or tracking the purchase of firearms, ammunition, and accessories through the use of certain merchant category codes; imposing a civil penalty.
HB 3065 Author: Bailes Sponsor: Springer
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to the taking of wildlife by an employee of the Parks and Wildlife Department or by a person or agent of the person on the person's property.
HB 3137 Author: Isaac | et al. Sponsor: Springer | et al.
Last Action: 05/26/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to prohibited local regulation with respect to a firearm or air gun.
HB 3424 Author: Frazier | et al. Sponsor: Alvarado
Last Action: 05/30/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the eligibility and training requirements for commissioned security officers and personal protection officers.
HB 4504 Author: Moody Sponsor: Johnson
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the nonsubstantive revision of certain provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, including conforming amendments.
SB 224 Author: Alvarado | et al. Sponsor: Leach | et al.
Last Action: 05/29/2023 E See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to catalytic converters, including criminal conduct involving catalytic converters; providing an administrative penalty; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty; increasing a fee.
SB 386 Author: Hall | et al. Sponsor: Harless | et al.
Last Action: 05/29/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of a capital murder committed against a peace officer or fireman.
SB 599 Author: Birdwell | et al. Sponsor: Anderson | et al.
Last Action: 05/25/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the carrying or possession of a handgun by a district or county clerk and the issuance of a handgun license to a district or county clerk.
SB 728 Author: Huffman | et al. Sponsor: Leach
Last Action: 06/02/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual disability information with respect to certain children for purposes of a federal firearm background check.
SB 1236 Author: Flores | et al. Sponsor: Murr
Last Action: 05/29/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the use of certain weapons in or on the bed or bank of a navigable river or stream; providing a penalty.
The bills that have the most impact to an LTC holder are:
HB 1760 - Clarifies that a location with a school sponsored event has to be owned and under the control of the school and post-secondary educational institution in order for it to be off limits to weapon carry. Also defines "Post-secondary educational institution" and "School" to prohibit zoos, museums, and other locations that can serve an educational function from claiming they are off limits by statute.
SB 728 - NCIC reporting for children 16 years and older who are deemed mentally ill.
SB 1236 - Prohibits discharge of a firearm in or on the bed or bank of a navigable river or stream except under specific circumstances. Per the legislative intent, the bill was designed to curb trespassing onto private property in pursuit of game/birds while hunting in the bed or bank of a navigable river or stream. Navigable rivers and streams, including the banks are public property in the State of Texas.
Pro-2A bills that passed included:
HB 2837 - Outlaws using merchant codes to track firearm/ammunition purchases.
HB 3137 - Prevents cities, counties, and county commissioners from adopting regulations requiring firearms owners to purchase liability insurance.
-=-=-=-=-*-=-=-=-=- 88th Legislature Weapons Related Bills Sent to the Governor -=-=-=-=-*-=-=-=-=-=-
HB 3 Author: Burrows | et al. Sponsor: Nichols | et al.
Last Action: 05/30/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to measures for ensuring public school safety, including the development and implementation of purchases relating to and funding for public school safety and security requirements and the provision of safety-related resources.
HB 165 Author: Johnson, Ann | et al. Sponsor: Whitmire | et al.
Last Action: 05/22/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for an aggravated assault occurring as part of a mass shooting; increasing a criminal penalty.
HB 1760 Author: Hefner | et al. Sponsor: Hughes | et al.
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
HB 1989 Author: Cook Sponsor: Parker
Last Action: 06/02/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to the fees assessed by a district clerk for copies of certain court documents.
HB 2291 Author: Slawson | et al. Sponsor: Birdwell
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the carrying or possession of a handgun by certain retired judges and justices.
HB 2837 Author: Schaefer | et al. Sponsor: Schwertner | et al.
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to prohibiting a person or entity from surveilling, reporting, or tracking the purchase of firearms, ammunition, and accessories through the use of certain merchant category codes; imposing a civil penalty.
HB 3065 Author: Bailes Sponsor: Springer
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to the taking of wildlife by an employee of the Parks and Wildlife Department or by a person or agent of the person on the person's property.
HB 3137 Author: Isaac | et al. Sponsor: Springer | et al.
Last Action: 05/26/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to prohibited local regulation with respect to a firearm or air gun.
HB 3424 Author: Frazier | et al. Sponsor: Alvarado
Last Action: 05/30/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the eligibility and training requirements for commissioned security officers and personal protection officers.
HB 4504 Author: Moody Sponsor: Johnson
Last Action: 05/24/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the nonsubstantive revision of certain provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, including conforming amendments.
SB 224 Author: Alvarado | et al. Sponsor: Leach | et al.
Last Action: 05/29/2023 E See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to catalytic converters, including criminal conduct involving catalytic converters; providing an administrative penalty; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty; increasing a fee.
SB 386 Author: Hall | et al. Sponsor: Harless | et al.
Last Action: 05/29/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of a capital murder committed against a peace officer or fireman.
SB 599 Author: Birdwell | et al. Sponsor: Anderson | et al.
Last Action: 05/25/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the carrying or possession of a handgun by a district or county clerk and the issuance of a handgun license to a district or county clerk.
SB 728 Author: Huffman | et al. Sponsor: Leach
Last Action: 06/02/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23
Caption: Relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual disability information with respect to certain children for purposes of a federal firearm background check.
SB 1236 Author: Flores | et al. Sponsor: Murr
Last Action: 05/29/2023 E Sent to the Governor
Caption: Relating to the use of certain weapons in or on the bed or bank of a navigable river or stream; providing a penalty.