Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners

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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by jason812 »

I would say the speaker is correct. We are the fringe. I do not know a single person who does not own a firearm. I also do not personally know a person who is in the NRA let alone a life member such as myself and many others on this forum. Do you think the average gun owner knows about the speaker assignments? I would be willing to say no. It is us the fringe who are not happy with the status quo in regards to our gun rights. The speakers comments are belittling and meant to make the outspoken seem uninformed when the opposite is true.

Think the dems would put any republicans in as committee chair? I think not. That Dallas Morning news article pointed out that his allies got the coveted assignments and chairmanships. Well if that's true and he put dems in charge of key committees, then his true colors are showing.

I hope he proves us wrong, but I won't hold my breath.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by RoyGBiv »

I'll look forward to lots of pro 2A legislation this year then, Mr Speaker. Thank you.

I'd be quite pleased to have you prove me wrong. :tiphat:
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by K.Mooneyham »

I will be honest, I don't know Speaker Bonnen in the least. Conversely, I have been acquainted with Mr. Charles Cotton for several years now. I trust what Mr. Cotton has to say on the matter of Texas law regarding self-defense and firearms, and how laws get made in our grand state. Additionally, it is nice to know that the noise we made has been heard, and hopefully despite the horrible tone of that response, that things will work out in our favor during the session. I will not, however, hold my breath.

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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by Ruark »

K.Mooneyham wrote: Sun Jan 27, 2019 3:35 pm it is nice to know that the noise we made has been heard
It's not just us, though. We're a drop in the bucket. This has also been a hot topic on other Texas gun forums, Facebook, etc.

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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by dlh »

Do not be misled, folks. Bonnen's actions are absolute political cut-throat and retribution. Look what he did to Drew Darby--a popular rep. from my area of the state. Darby is also a friend of the governor.
Well, we will see how it plays out by the end of the session. Hold on to your gun rights my friends!
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

Well, I hope my concerns are unfounded. We will see how things go.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by mojo84 »

I know this is primarily a pro-gun CHL site. However, I believe it is important for us all to be aware of the bigger picture and what the left is up to. Gun rights are just a portion of our rights that are under attack.

http://texasscorecard.com/state/texas-d ... s-liberty/

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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by txbirddog »

Too bad there’s no penalty for politicians flat out lying to get elected. :mad5 :mad5 :mad5
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by Jeff B. »

Maybe it's time to pull things from the Texas Republican Party, such as "Grass Roots Support", which is a monthly donation.

I see no need to continue to contribute to a Party which is actively betraying me.

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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by SewTexas »

the man thinks we're a Democracy..... :roll: ...and then he doubled down on it....and he's our Speaker.....we're in trouble.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by BCGlocker »

Charles L. Cotton wrote: Wed Jan 23, 2019 2:24 pm Below is an article posted on TexasFirearmsCoalition.com. I'll be releasing a podcast on this today or tomorrow.

Charles, did you release the podcast already? I must miss it.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by baytownb »

I read the article on the firearms coalition page, couldn't agree more. I was helping his primary opponent Damon Rambo because I knew he was the likely speaker choice and would be Straus 2.0. Unfortunately his name recognition, incumbency and big war chest crushed any chance of taking him out. Of course I guess someone else that could have been worse like Zerwas could have been worse but I am afraid Bonnen is living up to my expectations. I was SHOCKED to see his reply with his NRA rating as a shield and calling us all "fringe" gun rights groups. I hope the NRA or TSRA or whoever issues a rebuke of him using his rating like that. I contacted my legislators and the Governor and Bonnen's offices to tell them to remove panic button Pancho or move the constitutional carry issue to another committee with a reliable chair. Thanks for keeping up on this issue.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by ELB »

Jeff B. wrote: Sun Jan 27, 2019 9:46 pm Maybe it's time to pull things from the Texas Republican Party, such as "Grass Roots Support", which is a monthly donation.

I see no need to continue to contribute to a Party which is actively betraying me.

Jeff B.
The number one legislative initiative of the Texas GOP is Constitutional Carry. Between his committee appointments and his comments about “reasonable” gun bills He has basically told the Texas GOP to go pound sand.

The actual grassroots party, the precinct committeeman, county chairmen, and state level officials seem to have little actual influence on Individual legislators who call themselves Republicans. Individual politicians can raise their own money and run their own campaigns, and pulling support from the party simply gives more power to the individual politician.

I don’t know that this can really be changed. It has been a long time since The actual party apparatus of either party has had significant control of their politicians. The era of direct communication and direct fundraising Has created this situation.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by oljames3 »

SewTexas wrote: Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:04 pm the man thinks we're a Democracy..... :roll: ...and then he doubled down on it....and he's our Speaker.....we're in trouble.
When a politician refers to our republic as a "democracy", I have to chuckle. This always causes my opinion of said pol to decrease.
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Re: Speaker Bonnen's betrayal of Texas gun-owners


Post by The Annoyed Man »

baytownb wrote: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:50 am I read the article on the firearms coalition page, couldn't agree more. I was helping his primary opponent Damon Rambo because I knew he was the likely speaker choice and would be Straus 2.0. Unfortunately his name recognition, incumbency and big war chest crushed any chance of taking him out. Of course I guess someone else that could have been worse like Zerwas could have been worse but I am afraid Bonnen is living up to my expectations. I was SHOCKED to see his reply with his NRA rating as a shield and calling us all "fringe" gun rights groups. I hope the NRA or TSRA or whoever issues a rebuke of him using his rating like that. I contacted my legislators and the Governor and Bonnen's offices to tell them to remove panic button Pancho or move the constitutional carry issue to another committee with a reliable chair. Thanks for keeping up on this issue.
Yeah, I was wondering how Charles, who is on the national board of that organization that gave Bonnen that A rating, qualified as a “fringe” activist, and wondering low long Bonnen will keep his A rating if Charles has anything to say about it. I also wonder how much Charles liked swallowing being called that. If the NRA is a “fringe gun rights group”, then Bonnen is Thomas Jefferson. Unfortunately, Bonnen is turning out to be exactly what is wrong with the GOP, and why I don’t call it home any longer.
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