TSA Contact

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: TSA Contact


Post by Abraham »

Easy for me to say, but: Quit Flying.

Thugs are now in charge at airports.


If you're livlihood requires flying, (again, easy for me to say) find another that doesn't...

Being bossed around by mini-brains is something I long ago left in my rear view mirror.

Yeah, we're retired, but could and would like to continue world travel, but not at the expense to the loss of my dignity being treated like a criminal.

If I travel, it's by vehicle and not by some supremely petty/mini-autocrat.

Last time we traveled for fun overseas, the over the top treatment by TSA was THE last time we flew...

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Re: TSA Contact


Post by lowdogtx »

RoyGBiv wrote:50% of all people are of below-median intelligence.
Your very kind
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Re: TSA Contact


Post by anygunanywhere »

Couple of years ago SWMBO and I flew to Europe. We flew from IAH to Boston Logan then caught our flight from Logan to Chuck DeGaul in gay Paris.

When we went through TSA at IAH the backscatter device picked up the titanium and stainless steel in my left leg which triggered a touchy feely pat-down from TSA. The IAH goons thoroughly felt, squeezed, and patted down my left leg as per the indication on the machine display.

We had to do the TSA scan again at Logan to board the intercontinental flight. The machine again picked up the metal in me. The TSA goon again said he had to do a pat down, but this one went after my right leg. He finished, stood up and told me "You are free to go." I turned, pointed at the screen, and said "Are you absolutely certain?" He said yes. I said "You guys are so efficient that I am truly amazed." He smiled. I said "You have no idea what I am talking about, do you?" He said no. I left, shaking my head.
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Re: TSA Contact


Post by Abraham »

RoyGBiv wrote:
50% of all people are of below-median intelligence.

no, that's being generous...

The world is swamped with these folks, they're everywhere...and a lot them are guys like Joe Biden, who should recognized as slow ...at best...
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