It was weird...

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: It was weird...


Post by bdickens »

Keith B wrote:There is an old addage that says 'Close enough for government work'. What that translates to if a CHL get's caught going past a 30.06 sign is 'CLOSE ENOUGH FOR the GOVENRMENT judge to make you do time on the WORK farm.' :biggrinjester:

I thought it was a jury that had to decide that.
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Re: It was weird...


Post by MojoTexas »

bdickens wrote:
MojoTexas wrote:
frazzled wrote:
bdickens wrote:
MojoTexas wrote:I encountered my first real 30.06 sign today. My wife had to have outpatient surgery to have her gall bladder removed, and as we were entering Presbyterian Hospital in Plano I spotted a stylish 30.06 sign. The colors were white and blue with a "gun-busters" sign, and the font was too small and italics, but the text was legit. I left my pistol in the truck and felt naked the whole time I was there. Thankfully no hospital ninjas attacked.... ;-)

In that case, it wasn't a real 30.06 sign.
Your statement has not been tested in the courts.
Yeah I am not willing to test the theory.

I am.

No wonder we've lost so many of our rights.

I don't understand what's so hard to understand about the sign has to say exactly this, be in English and Spanish, in block letters at least 1" high that contrast with the background and it has to be posted conspicuously. Am I just dense?
I didn't have a tape measure to measure the height of the letters, but the text was exactly right, and it was VERY conspicuous. The only thing that might make it semi-invalid was the fact that it was white letters on a dark blue background, and the letters were italic block letters, not normal block letters. It was close enough in my opinion that I didn't want to test it.
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Re: It was weird...


Post by Keith B »

bdickens wrote:
Keith B wrote:There is an old addage that says 'Close enough for government work'. What that translates to if a CHL get's caught going past a 30.06 sign is 'CLOSE ENOUGH FOR the GOVENRMENT judge to make you do time on the WORK farm.' :biggrinjester:

I thought it was a jury that had to decide that.
Nope, you can have a Judge only decison that can put you in jail.
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Re: It was weird...


Post by flintknapper »

longtooth wrote:4 rules guys.

1. Quality Gear.
2. Put it on.
3. Cover it up.
4. Leave it alone.

No one will know.

Absolutely true!

LT and I recently had lunch together. We happened to hit the restaurant about the same time as 8 DPS troopers.

If ever anyone is going to "make you", it would be this group. None of them gave us a second look (or didn't care). I honestly think... if you are well concealed and just go about your business, no one will notice or suspect.
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Re: It was weird...


Post by MechAg94 »

Once you get used to carrying, you also need to think about any unconscious moves or posture you do while carrying. Do you keep your shooting hand near your belt? Do you fiddle with your shirt too much? Do you look around in a guilty manner too much? It could be pretty much anything.

What always made me nervous was standing in line at a convenience store or something where people are right behind you. I keep thinking I must be printing a little. I guess you get used to the fact that even if you are printing a little, most people aren't thinking about guns.
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Re: It was weird...


Post by C-dub »

Keith B wrote:
bdickens wrote:
Keith B wrote:There is an old addage that says 'Close enough for government work'. What that translates to if a CHL get's caught going past a 30.06 sign is 'CLOSE ENOUGH FOR the GOVENRMENT judge to make you do time on the WORK farm.' :biggrinjester:

I thought it was a jury that had to decide that.
Nope, you can have a Judge only decison that can put you in jail.
I thought we got to chose whether we wanted a jury or not. I remember a long time ago hearing that if one wanted a case decided on the law, chose a judge, but if one wanted a case decided on the facts, chose a jury.
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: It was weird...


Post by Keith B »

C-dub wrote:
Keith B wrote:
bdickens wrote:
Keith B wrote:There is an old addage that says 'Close enough for government work'. What that translates to if a CHL get's caught going past a 30.06 sign is 'CLOSE ENOUGH FOR the GOVENRMENT judge to make you do time on the WORK farm.' :biggrinjester:

I thought it was a jury that had to decide that.
Nope, you can have a Judge only decison that can put you in jail.
I thought we got to chose whether we wanted a jury or not. I remember a long time ago hearing that if one wanted a case decided on the law, chose a judge, but if one wanted a case decided on the facts, chose a jury.
Didn't say you couldn't request one. Anyone can request a petit jury for a civil or criminal case. BUT, as you mentioned, if you hope to get by on a legal loophole, like size of letters, etc, a Judge is usually your best bet. Jury's will many times try to use a 'well you should have known that's what they meant' mentality and go with their gut vs. the actual letter of the law (which can work in your favor if you broke the letter of the law.) ;-)
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Re: It was weird...


Post by phrogg »

MechAg94 wrote:Once you get used to carrying, you also need to think about any unconscious moves or posture you do while carrying. Do you keep your shooting hand near your belt? Do you fiddle with your shirt too much? Do you look around in a guilty manner too much? It could be pretty much anything.

What always made me nervous was standing in line at a convenience store or something where people are right behind you. I keep thinking I must be printing a little. I guess you get used to the fact that even if you are printing a little, most people aren't thinking about guns.
Most folks are just going to assume you are carrying your cellphone there and that's printing. I carry 2 cellphones...the work one has been on the strong side 3:00 position since I got it. Now I choose to carry it inside pocket on the other side. But I still have the same lump on the strong side hip as I had before. Though right now its because I'm wearing an empty holster waiting for my plastic :???:. But everyone is used to that lump there and it hasn't changed.
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Re: It was weird...


Post by GrayGhost »

phrogg wrote:
Most folks are just going to assume you are carrying your cellphone there and that's printing. I carry 2 cellphones...the work one has been on the strong side 3:00 position since I got it. Now I choose to carry it inside pocket on the other side. But I still have the same lump on the strong side hip as I had before. Though right now its because I'm wearing an empty holster waiting for my plastic :???:. But everyone is used to that lump there and it hasn't changed.
I think, if I didn't know better, I would assume someone carrying concealed was a LEO. The more you can pull off the "it's no big deal" look, the more it will just be assumed you are not a bad guy and you probably have a legit reason for carrying. Assuming, of course, that your concealment has been made.
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Re: It was weird...


Post by camlott »

I think, if I didn't know better, I would assume someone carrying concealed was a LEO. The more you can pull off the "it's no big deal" look, the more it will just be assumed you are not a bad guy and you probably have a legit reason for carrying. Assuming, of course, that your concealment has been made.
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Re: It was weird...


Post by MojoTexas »

GrayGhost wrote: I think, if I didn't know better, I would assume someone carrying concealed was a LEO. The more you can pull off the "it's no big deal" look, the more it will just be assumed you are not a bad guy and you probably have a legit reason for carrying. Assuming, of course, that your concealment has been made.
I am a little overweight to really look like a cop, but I do have a cop-style haircut, and I agree that if you act confident and relaxed, nobody will probably make a big deal out of it if you accidentally print. I would wager that most CHL holders are relatively normal and clean-cut looking.
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Re: It was weird...


Post by CompVest »


Based on many of the LEOs I see you would have to be A LOT over weight to not be mistaken for an LEO.
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Re: It was weird...


Post by srothstein »

CompVest wrote:MojoTexas,

Based on many of the LEOs I see you would have to be A LOT over weight to not be mistaken for an LEO.

Based on a couple I know, you could not possibly be too over weight to look like a cop. And I don't have a lot of room to talk about it myself.
Steve Rothstein


Re: It was weird...


Post by PeteCamp »

CompVest wrote:MojoTexas,

Based on many of the LEOs I see you would have to be A LOT over weight to not be mistaken for an LEO.
Those are just the Police Chaplains who go to IHOP at the drop of a hat. :roll:

Seriously, I'm 61 and when I'm in uniform, or wearing the badge, some folks look at me like, "That old man couldn't catch a cold." Fortunately, I'm told I don't look as old as I feel.

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Re: It was weird...


Post by TxDrifter »

USA1 wrote:
It does get better with time. ;-)

Not only does it get better, but eventually you feel "nekked" when it isn't there. It would be nice to get to where I can carry in more states though. I always seem to fly to the ones that don't believe in the 2nd Amendment.
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