I had the Hawk alarm guy out today doing some work. About 2 minutes after he left I decided to head out. I went and started my truck and walked back to the door to set the alarm and lock up, I hear sirens and tires screaching. I look up and see a DCSO cruiser coming at me and whip in my lot. Now I still had the keys in the door, I removed the keys and kept them in my hand and approched the cruiser, I definately didn't want to put my hands in my pocket. I said I work here, I've got keys and a code.
They asked if I was the owner and I said no the VP. They asked for ID and I handed them my DL and business card not my CHL

I did'nt even think about the CHL until we were all 3 entering the building and decided to just let it ride. They were called out on a panic alarm and were very pumped. I brought them in called the alarm company and gave them the password and such. I conversed with the younger officer while I told the older officer to make himself at home when he asked to clear the shop and office.
All in all, pretty possitive experience. Response time was 2 min or less. Before the flaming starts, I was on property under my control so once I thought of it I didn't think that the CHL was neccessary. Apperantly my concealment is good since I was carrying a .45 with spare mag, a .380, and a tactical light, and nothing was said.
For those familar with Sunnyvale we are across the street from the FEDEX hub and Marazzi Tile, about a 2 mile stretch of all industrial properties in between residentials. The DCSO likes to hang out at the end of my street during rush hour catching speeders, DO NOT SPEED ANYWHERE IN SUNNYVALE. I think that I may begin stopping and talking to the Deputies just to have my face out there and get known by them since the force isn't all that large.
Just thought that I'd share.