First LEO Encounter - Friendswood, TX

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: First LEO Encounter - Friendswood, TX


Post by speedsix »

...agreed, "batman license" CHL cape, sash, or badge labels are inflammatory, like "wannabe cop" and "rent-a-cop"...sometimes it's not what we say, it's the way we say it...and sometimes we say it that way on's best to discuss the attitude, opinion, or behavior instead of labelling it...but I'm one of the worst offenders...Mama said if I was a washing machine part, it'd HAVE to be the agitator...guilty as charged...
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Re: First LEO Encounter - Friendswood, TX


Post by The Annoyed Man »

GlennGAH wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
speedsix wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
GlennGAH wrote:The one thing that I learned during this encounter is that our Law Enforcement Brothers and Sisters understand that we are on their side and they see us as an asset. I have seen the horrible Dash Cam videos of incidents where LEO's are attacked while pullling someone over. I drive frequently for travel and always keep a sharp lookout for LEOS's who have pulled someone over. When I drive past, I try to observe what is taking place. I am committed to covering their backs if there is ever an incident and I am close enough to assist.

God Bless & Protect our Law Enforcement Officers!
A noble sentiment, and one that may well get you shot by the officer who is in trouble, or shot by his backup brother officers who are on their way to the scene. If I were you, I would work out WELL in advance exactly how you would insert yourself into such a situation without alarming the cop and bringing bad juju down on your own head despite your best intentions.

Look, I'm not knocking how you feel about it, and I think that most of us here have it at least in our hearts to want to be helpful in such a situation if we could do so without making things worse either for the cop or for ourselves, but your CHL is not a batman license. You are probably far more useful if you take a position behind cover (not concealment) and help with communications by calling 911 and providing them with an independent witness as to what is happening, and to whom. Only involve yourself as a shooter, or as a physical aggressor if you have no other alternative to save your own life, or if the officer in question ASKS for your help, or he's down and out of the fight and about to be killed. I'm betting that most of them won't ask, because it is not in their nature to drag citizens into danger, and doing so is neither in their job descriptions nor in their department policies.

Just my 2¢.
...I personally know two officers who are alive today because a citizen made the decision to step up with a gun and stop a BG:one BG who had disarmed the officer and had his own gun to his head cocked and about to shoot him; one, a lady who maced a carney who had a gun to the officer's head(he'd left his gun in the car... sometimes it goes real well...there's a lot to be considered quickly to make the right decision...don't let anyone belittle your willingness to help, but don't jump in without knowing A LOT about what's really going on and what's wise IN THAT SITUATION... is in state law that a LEO can direct a citizen to become involved...more often, the officer isn't able to ask...he's too busy trying to stay alive...I wouldn't ask him to wait for his backup...anymore than I'd wait for him to get there if I needed help...
That is exactly the point I was trying to make, and which is why I called it a noble sentiment. I wasn't belittling it. I guess that if an officer directed me to get physically involved, I'd do it to the extent that I am physically able to (which is limited), and if I saw a bad guy take down a cop and get his gun and make like he was going to execute the cop, I'd probably fire on him......from cover. But my point is that you had BETTER know exactly what is going on, what the officer's expectations of you are, and whether or not his fellow officers are aware that you are stepping in to help, so that you don't get shot in a case of mistaken identity. In fact, without confirmation from another source or personally witnessing the events leading up to that moment, you don't know if the guy standing over the "cop" is a plain clothed officer detaining a person impersonating a police officer with a stolen cop car. So, it's not that I don't want to be helpful to the police. I'm just saying that you have to be really circumspect about these things because the truth of what is happening may be difficult to ascertain. And maybe not, too. I'm just sayin'..... But that is why I counseled that one should work out well in advance what they might do in situation x, y, or z. Game it out.....just the same way we game out what we might do in any other developing tactical situation, then go practice it if there is a facility at which to do so (IDPA or something like that).....just like we have to make the decision in advance of deciding to carry a gun whether we are willing to use it in the first place if it comes down to that. There's no dishonor in deciding not to carry a gun, but if you decide to do it, you had better know what it is you think you're doing, and why, and not take on either foolish risks, or more responsibility than you can handle. That's really all I'm saying.
Again, point well taken, but please take into consideration that some of the forum members are prior military service and have extensive experience. You may want to structure your comments a little different in the future, i.e. 'CHL is not a batman license, etc." To someone like myself, it does not come across well but then again, everyone has an opinion.
Well, I apologize if the phrase offended. Such was not my intent. It's commonly used around here, and not just by me. Here's the 13 page search list of posts which make use of the term, going back to February of 2008: search.php?keywords=batman+license&term ... mit=Search; so I was using the term as short-hand for a larger which most of the members seem to understand.

Even so, may Tijuana donkeys eat the man who says that The Annoyed Man is too full of himself to apologize. :mrgreen:
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Re: First LEO Encounter - Friendswood, TX


Post by JP171 »

magillapd wrote:CHL info only comes up when a person or DL is ran, not vehicle. And then, only Texas CHL shows up in Texas only.

This is factually INCORRECT, I have been stopped and asked if I have my weapon prior to giving my DL or CHL to the officer, so it does show up in some form or fassion.
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Re: First LEO Encounter - Friendswood, TX


Post by WildBill »

JP171 wrote:
magillapd wrote:CHL info only comes up when a person or DL is ran, not vehicle. And then, only Texas CHL shows up in Texas only.

This is factually INCORRECT, I have been stopped and asked if I have my weapon prior to giving my DL or CHL to the officer, so it does show up in some form or fassion.
I have been stopped and asked if I had a weapon prior to having a CHL.
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Re: First LEO Encounter - Friendswood, TX


Post by C-dub »

JP171 wrote:
magillapd wrote:CHL info only comes up when a person or DL is ran, not vehicle. And then, only Texas CHL shows up in Texas only.

This is factually INCORRECT, I have been stopped and asked if I have my weapon prior to giving my DL or CHL to the officer, so it does show up in some form or fassion.
Maybe they just assumed that everyone has a gun in their vehicle. It is Texas after all. :lol:

viewtopic.php?f=94&t=50552&hilit=licens ... nt+deleted" onclick=";return false;
The requirement to have any license plate was accidentally removed when they were trying to remove the requirement for just the front plate. I have not heard or seen anything about them fixing this yet. Has anyone else? Did I miss it?
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: First LEO Encounter - Friendswood, TX


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

C-dub wrote:
JP171 wrote:
magillapd wrote:CHL info only comes up when a person or DL is ran, not vehicle. And then, only Texas CHL shows up in Texas only.

This is factually INCORRECT, I have been stopped and asked if I have my weapon prior to giving my DL or CHL to the officer, so it does show up in some form or fassion.
C-dub wrote:Maybe they just assumed that everyone has a gun in their vehicle. It is Texas after all. :lol:

The correct question in Texas is not IFthe driver has a weapon. The correct question is: How Many, What Kind and Where Are They??

I generally have anywhere from 4 to 10 within arm's reach when in my vehicle. :woohoo
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