Jumping Frog wrote:Always have a back-up plan.

Jumping Frog wrote:Always have a back-up plan.
Who is the hoplophobe?bizarrenormality wrote:Usually lower cost and less risk of being unnecessarily disarmed by a hoplophobe for starters.
Why would the TX legislators keep TX residents from obtaining a license from a state we have reciprocity with?Jumping Frog wrote:There is the pretty strong risk that the next legislative session will address TX residents and out of state CHL's, by requiring a TX resident to have a TX CHL.bizarrenormality wrote:More and more I think the out of state CHL is a better choice.
Always have a back-up plan.
There are two competing theories that stand up to scrutiny. The first says follow the money. The second says Texas legislators have the emotional maturity of a six year old throwing a temper tantrum.steveincowtown wrote:Why would the TX legislators keep TX residents from obtaining a license from a state we have reciprocity with?Jumping Frog wrote:There is the pretty strong risk that the next legislative session will address TX residents and out of state CHL's, by requiring a TX resident to have a TX CHL.bizarrenormality wrote:More and more I think the out of state CHL is a better choice.
Always have a back-up plan.
Not that I want to see ANY reciprocity agreements go by the wayside, but if the license is recognized to have reciprocity, I cannot think of any legitimate reason why a Texan should not be able to hold it.
This.There are two competing theories that stand up to scrutiny. The first says follow the money. The second says Texas legislators have the emotional maturity of a six year old throwing a temper tantrum.
If you mean "less risk of being disarmed by an officer", not true. You must follow TX law (in Texas) regardless of where the license came from. So you must display the license to the officer, and he may disarm you. He *may* even be MORE likely to disarm you than someone with a TX CHL, simply because he's less sure of your knowledge of Texas law.bizarrenormality wrote:Usually lower cost and less risk of being unnecessarily disarmed by a hoplophobe for starters.
I had asked the same similar question and never received an answer.sjfcontrol wrote:Other than officers, what hoplophobe do you think would disarm you, and why would an out-of-state CHL help?