Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by fullsizeaggie »

I couldn't find a new member intro thread or haven't found one so Howdy everyone. I'm enjoying reading everything!

I have had my CHL for 6 years, Im 27. I am the guy that gets pulled over at 5-6 in the am driving to work going 2-3 miles over the speed limit, its happened 3 times in 2 different cities in TX! I received a warning every time. I guess they were looking for late partiers!?! I did the simple stop engine, lights on, licenses out etc. Never asked to step out etc.

I drove commercial-medium duty trucks in TX for roughly 2 years. I was pulled over 2 times for safety checks. The first trooper was writing me a warning for "dim" lights....and 10 minutes into the stop he was like: Oh, are you armed? -kinda startled. I chuckled and told him no if I was then I would have shown him my license. He asked me why I wasn't carrying, I told him that I am on military bases and construction sites etc frequently. Good experience, cool trooper and Im on my way.

On to the 2nd stop.....Another safety check. I handed trooper my DL (unarmed), DOT papers etc, did all the light checks, brakes. He ends up giving me a ticket for rocks on the deck of the trailer. So Im over at his truck, and the APB lady rattles off name...blah...blah...then something to the sort of "subject holds TX CHL...". He instantly leans where his pistol is exposed and accessible and asked how come I didn't show him my CHL, I calmly told him I wasnt armed so I didnt show it. He rattles off "next time you better show your license regardless or someone is going to put your butt( uses another word) on the ground"! I was taken back at him, I explained how I just did my refresher course for CHL and previous stops and this had never been brought up...! He didnt really have an answer after that, I just signed the ticket and went on my way.

Thoughts? Similiar experiences?
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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by Purplehood »

Welcome to the forum.

Ummm, I am glad that I don't drive trucks. I get stopped an average of every 5-7 years.
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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by Jumping Frog »

I see it is your first post, so WELCOME!

LEO's are like any other segment of human society. A big bell curve with heroes and outstanding citizens on one end, scumbags and criminals on the other, and a whole lot of ordinary Americans in the middle.
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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by Teamless »

While it is true that you do not have to show your CHL if you are not carrying, is there a reason you don't want to?
Obviously they know (or will know soon enough) that you have one.

If I get stopped, or am asked by a police officer for ID, carrying or not, he IS getting my CHL.
If nothing else, he MAY let me off lighter but for sure, at least there is no issues when he finds out later that I am a CHL.
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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by SewTexas »

Welcome to the board

I often say there are two kinds of police officers, 1) bullies with badges 2) those who want to help people, thankfully we have several of this type on the board.
Looks like you have an example of each.
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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by RPBrown »

Welcome to the forum.

This is one of those cases where the LEO was not completely informed on the law. You would think that it being a DPS trooper that they would know the laws but I guess they are no different than any other person. Most LEO's do know the law though.

With that said, I almost always show both regardless if I am carrying or not just to avoid the hassle. Now, I am almost always armed with very few exceptions and even then, I would leave it in the car most of the time.

Come to think of it, the only time in the last few years that I did not at least have a weapon with me was when I went to the Bureau of Engraving or to Fort Hood.
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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by RHenriksen »

Yep - while *technically* you're not required to produce your CHL if you're not carrying, in reality there are good reasons to go ahead & do so anyway, and no good reasons to refrain from doing so.
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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by PUCKER »

fullsizeaggie wrote:He rattles off "next time you better show your license regardless or someone is going to put your butt( uses another word) on the ground"!
Thoughts? Similiar experiences?
First off, welcome!

OK, sarcasm on...maybe he thought you were cute and he wanted to rassle with ya? :biggrinjester:

Sarcasm off...sounds like a phone call to his supervisor would go a long way - ie - a refresher on the laws. :tiphat:

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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by fullsizeaggie »

Thanks for the welcomes!

Pucker-He was a brawny fella...and little ol young buck me...Ha!

Well from now on I will show all licenses. Sounds like that's the easiest route! Knock on wood!

I should have saved the ticket or gotten a copy. I was in the process of leaving that company, I was in a rush to get my name cleared before I left.

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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by MolonLabe »

Texas Government Code Sec. 411.205. REQUIREMENT TO DISPLAY LICENSE. If a license holder is carrying a handgun on or about the license holder's person when a magistrate or a peace officer demands that the license holder display identification, the license holder shall display both the license holder's driver's license or identification certificate issued by the department and the license holder's handgun license.

I believe you aren't required, but i keep reading that it is in your best interest to show it even if you aren't carrying. Which is confusing because my CHL instructor specifically told us that the law states that you are required to show it regardless.
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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by KC5AV »

MolonLabe wrote:Texas Government Code Sec. 411.205. REQUIREMENT TO DISPLAY LICENSE. If a license holder is carrying a handgun on or about the license holder's person when a magistrate or a peace officer demands that the license holder display identification, the license holder shall display both the license holder's driver's license or identification certificate issued by the department and the license holder's handgun license.

I believe you aren't required, but i keep reading that it is in your best interest to show it even if you aren't carrying. Which is confusing because my CHL instructor specifically told us that the law states that you are required to show it regardless.
If so, your instructor was mistaken. You are only required if you are carrying.
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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by Piney »

I'd agree with the "best interest" comment posted above.

Most of the times being in the presence of an LEO in their officlal capatities.... I was carrying. I provided both DL and CHL. Each time, my CHL was immediatly returned with a thank you and no other comments/actions.

Recently, I was involved in a minor wreck on the way to work, so not carrying at that time. I handed handed both again. He didnt ask about carrying. He told me that I no longer needed to show my CHL to an officer. He did thank me for showing him as a courtesy. We had a few minutes to converse so I suggested that the law had indead changed recently, but it was now one of those odd situations-- required to show but no legal consequence if I didnt.
He thanked me for the info, wrote the other driver a couple of tickets-- and we were on our ways.


Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by alvins »

what i find interesting police spout off that phrase "ignorance of the law isnt an excuse" i highly dought anyone knows all the laws of the land. the phrase is old and worn out.
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Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!


Post by tbrown »

george wrote:Cops aren't lawyers, or else they would making a lot more money practising law.

I don't expect them to know all the details of our complicated legal system.
They don't need to know every detail, but before they hassle a US Citizen for violating Law X, an honest professional LEO makes sure he knows Law X. Bullies, thugs and dirty cops don't.
sent to you from my safe space in the hill country
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