CPD car pulled up alongside me at a red light. He'd turned behind me back about 1 mile before; but I was not speeding (40 in a 45). Sat at the light till it changed. I moved on and he slid in behind me and lit me up.
Pulled onto a side street. Window down a slight bit, car off, keys on the dash and hands clearly on the steering wheel.
Nice officer. Told me he got a "no confirmation" on insurance on my car.

He asked for and got my ID - DL and CHL (1st time I've had to show it).
He also wanted my Proof of Insurance - gave him that next.
He checked the plate, VIN and then handed it all back to me. No mention on the CHL

Told me he'd never had a "no confirmation" on a car registered to a large insurance company.
I told him I'd check with my agent. He cut me loose and was gone before I could get my ID and Ins. paper re-stowed.
Checked with my insurance agent that afternoon....he was puzzled; state database had everything on my vehicle. So, not sure what it was all about.
But good outcome on the CHL presentation....no issues whatsoever.
Just like it's supposed to go. Would rather not have gotten stopped. But since it was the first time to show my CHL; I was curious as to how I would be treated.
Nice job Carrollton PD.