If you do alot of highway driving there's really no substitute for a CB, keep it on 19 and listen to the truckdriver chatter, it's VERY useful. You'll pick up all the lingo in a short amount of time, ie - slicktop, 4 wheeler, customer, etc...

CompVest wrote:I also, remember how foul the language got on it as well. That is why my husband and I got into Amateur Radio.
I know what you mean, I've noticed this as well as the ...er, uh...other incidents where one's CHL came into play.The Annoyed Man wrote:
...I am actually surprised by the number of people on this board who get stopped...
1. Anybody can buy a badge. Did you actually get a close look at it to determine if it's a REAL LEO badge?particle wrote:I was driving below the speed limit on the way home from work - about 55-60 in a 65. There was a grass fire off in the distance on the side of the road. The truck I was behind was the reason I was driving below the speed limit - he was interested in the fire, I was interested in getting home after a long commute. As soon as I had a clearing in the left lane, I moved over and accelerated around the truck. Behind me, up came racing a full-size white Chevy pickup. I wasn't seriously speeding at this point - maybe 2-3mph over the speed limit (normal traffic flow reaches 75-80mph on this stretch of highway). When I saw the truck come racing up on me, I stepped on it, then moved over into the right lane. At this point, the truck is tailgating me, so I sped up some more... By this point, we're both WELL over the posted speed limit (I honestly don't know fast we were going, I was just paying attention to the road and trying to figure out why this guy was riding my bumper). I pulled into the turning lane on the shoulder to prepare to pick up a movie for my wife, and the truck stayed right on my tail - he was so close, I couldn't safely slow down to enter the parking lot - I overshot the parking lot entrance a few feet (remember, he was riding my bumper), and (stupid, I know) I flipped the guy off. He responded by flashing his badge out his window. I pulled into the parking lot at the next opportunity, he got out and gave me heck for speeding, but never asked to see my license or insurance - he told me to put it away.
I was pretty ticked about the whole ordeal, but kept my cool. Personally, I felt like this guy acted WAY inappropriately in an off-duty, personal vehicle. I know I shouldn't have let the guy push my buttons, but (as a police officer) he should have never been pushing the buttons in the first place. I would have never sped up that much if he hadn't come racing up on my tail. I keep wondering if maybe he felt partly responsible for escalating the situation, but probably not.
I still have a great amount of respect for LEO, but guys like this don't do much for public opinion.
A few years ago I recall some complaints in the Little Rock news about marked cruisers pulling the same thing: they would charge up behind someone, and when they (naturally) sped up to get around the car they were passing, they got ticketed for speeding.particle wrote:I was driving below the speed limit on the way home from work - about 55-60 in a 65. There was a grass fire off in the distance on the side of the road. The truck I was behind was the reason I was driving below the speed limit - he was interested in the fire, I was interested in getting home after a long commute. As soon as I had a clearing in the left lane, I moved over and accelerated around the truck. Behind me, up came racing a full-size white Chevy pickup. I wasn't seriously speeding at this point - maybe 2-3mph over the speed limit (normal traffic flow reaches 75-80mph on this stretch of highway). When I saw the truck come racing up on me, I stepped on it, then moved over into the right lane. At this point, the truck is tailgating me, so I sped up some more... By this point, we're both WELL over the posted speed limit (I honestly don't know fast we were going, I was just paying attention to the road and trying to figure out why this guy was riding my bumper). I pulled into the turning lane on the shoulder to prepare to pick up a movie for my wife, and the truck stayed right on my tail - he was so close, I couldn't safely slow down to enter the parking lot - I overshot the parking lot entrance a few feet (remember, he was riding my bumper), and (stupid, I know) I flipped the guy off. He responded by flashing his badge out his window. I pulled into the parking lot at the next opportunity, he got out and gave me heck for speeding, but never asked to see my license or insurance - he told me to put it away.
I was pretty ticked about the whole ordeal, but kept my cool. Personally, I felt like this guy acted WAY inappropriately in an off-duty, personal vehicle. I know I shouldn't have let the guy push my buttons, but (as a police officer) he should have never been pushing the buttons in the first place. I would have never sped up that much if he hadn't come racing up on my tail. I keep wondering if maybe he felt partly responsible for escalating the situation, but probably not.
I still have a great amount of respect for LEO, but guys like this don't do much for public opinion.
I would have never pulled over just because he showed me a badge.particle wrote:I was driving below the speed limit on the way home from work - about 55-60 in a 65. There was a grass fire off in the distance on the side of the road. The truck I was behind was the reason I was driving below the speed limit - he was interested in the fire, I was interested in getting home after a long commute. As soon as I had a clearing in the left lane, I moved over and accelerated around the truck. Behind me, up came racing a full-size white Chevy pickup. I wasn't seriously speeding at this point - maybe 2-3mph over the speed limit (normal traffic flow reaches 75-80mph on this stretch of highway). When I saw the truck come racing up on me, I stepped on it, then moved over into the right lane. At this point, the truck is tailgating me, so I sped up some more... By this point, we're both WELL over the posted speed limit (I honestly don't know fast we were going, I was just paying attention to the road and trying to figure out why this guy was riding my bumper). I pulled into the turning lane on the shoulder to prepare to pick up a movie for my wife, and the truck stayed right on my tail - he was so close, I couldn't safely slow down to enter the parking lot - I overshot the parking lot entrance a few feet (remember, he was riding my bumper), and (stupid, I know) I flipped the guy off. He responded by flashing his badge out his window. I pulled into the parking lot at the next opportunity, he got out and gave me heck for speeding, but never asked to see my license or insurance - he told me to put it away.
I was pretty ticked about the whole ordeal, but kept my cool. Personally, I felt like this guy acted WAY inappropriately in an off-duty, personal vehicle. I know I shouldn't have let the guy push my buttons, but (as a police officer) he should have never been pushing the buttons in the first place. I would have never sped up that much if he hadn't come racing up on my tail. I keep wondering if maybe he felt partly responsible for escalating the situation, but probably not.
I still have a great amount of respect for LEO, but guys like this don't do much for public opinion.
Abraham wrote:The rent-a-cops at The Galleria ride Segways - you might have asked him if one can outrun a shoplifter...
Or, suggest you both wait for a "real" policeman to sort things out...and when the genuine article shows up, ask him/her what the punishment is for impersonating an LEO...that is of course if the "pretend LEO" was willing to wait...
The musical "ping" definitely made me smile. I wish that had been available when I was in uniform......gregthehand wrote:A lot of people who get pulled over when asked if their radar detector went off say no. I use to just use what we called the trigger on the radar so I didn't have to leave it running just for that reason. When I observed a car speeding I could just hit that button on the top of the remote and it locked in their speed. If someone had a detector it would come across as a half a second beep.
Just to add a little humor what I sometime found amusing was sitting at a light behind someone with a radar detector in view of me. You can hit the same button I mentioned above and make their radar ping over and over again. If you're really good you can tone out different songs like shave and a haircut, etc. Drives them crazy and they usually turn it off.