pulled over

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: pulled over


Post by pbwalker »

srothstein wrote:My favorite answer was when they would yell that I had not clocked them since their radar detector had not gone off. I would always ask how good it was and what bands it covers. They would almost always say it covered all three (X, K, and Ka). I would then say that was the problem, I was using the new "P" band and their detector could not catch it. If they questioned me about it I would explain that the P stood for pacing (which was written on the ticket anyway) and they needed to look at their P band detector - the rear view mirror. It usually got them to laugh and accept they were not paying enough attention.
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Re: pulled over


Post by gregthehand »

AFCop wrote:Must be a recent change (2.5 years or so) because when I got my windows tinted the darkest they would go was 35%. More importantly we now know why I dont base a traffic stop on tint. Thanks for the education, I learned something new today. :cheers2:
Nope been that way for years. The tint places claim that there is a 10% tint already on windows from the factory.
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Re: pulled over


Post by Originalist »

Again, I owe you for the education. Thanks.
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