I ordered my replacement via ebay and it's on its way.
So my wife and I are going out, and she tells me, "we should take my car, your headlight is out and you'll get pulled over"
"Oh, its okay."
So we go out to eat, and we are heading home down a street where tons of kids speed, and my radar detector is going nuts. We pass one of Sachse's finest, and he lights me up as soon as I pass him, parked. He pulls me over literally 250 feet from my house.
Asked for my license and insurance, which I provided, along with CHL. He asked me where it was, and I said on my hip, and no further problem with that.
"Sir, I pulled you over because you have a headlight out, did you know that?"
"Yeah, its one of those xenon headlights that costs a ton, and the replacement is on its way to me."
"Well I'm going to give you a warning, just get the headlight fixed."
My wife is now smug, with the "I told you so!" look on her face

It's nice to have dealings with the police that are not stressful and awful, as they were in the previous place I've lived.