It finally happened, yesterday afternoon, I was pulled over by on of the finest Traffic Patrol Unit (unmarked patrol car), Officer BB.
Place: Driving southbound from Allen, TX to Plano, TX on Service Road of I-75 somewhere just after Chase Oaks Blvd(i.e. just entering Plano City limits)
Time: Around 5:30 to 6:00 PM
Reason for being pulled over: Speeding, Officer BB claimed that I was clocked at 63 MPH in 50 zone. In fact, the speed in Allen section of the road is posted at 55 MPH.
Intent of the trip was to drive to Carrabass Restaurant to enjoy a nice Italian dinner with my wife and our Daughter of 7 and our son of 3.
The story is I did not notice the hidden, um marked black car was in pursuit, till It was square in my rear view mirror and the Xmas tree lights are flashing crazy. And, I was now entering the I-75. As soon as I noticed that I was being pulled over by the patrol car in my rear view mirror, I proceed to slow down and find a safe parking spot on the merge-in lane to the I-75.
My wife in the passenger seat, both kids are in the back seat, Ryan in his car seat and Yesmeena both wear seat belts. The officer run our Lic Plate number and of course discovered that I do carry. He approached our car from the passenger side, introduced himself as Officer BB from Plano PD traffic enforcement unit. He just added that I was doing 63 MPH in and accelerating fast, he did past 70 and was not able to catch me quickly. I responded that I do believe that I was doing 55. He requested IDs and proof of Insurance. My wife hand him over the docs from my wallet. And, I asked her to hand over my CHL too. The officer asked if I am carrying my firearm, I said: "yes". He asked where is it? I mentioned that it is in fanny pack on the weak side of my waist. He requested both home and work cell numbers and confirmed my home address. He asked why I was in a rush. My wife noted we are hungry and we where on our way to have dinner at Carrabass.
He went back to his car and proceeded to write up the ticket. Came back and asked me to sign it as notice to show up at court in 15 days. I kindly responded that I do understand the process. He finally, mentioned that I can benefit from defensive course and keep the ticket of my records. And, thanked us for Courtesy!
Ah, now wife said, go get your Valentine One installed in my RL instead of her MDX!