Tire stabbed

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Tire stabbed


Post by suthdj »

Well first time I had to show my CHL but a little history first.
My neighbors daughter(sally) was dating a guy(15yo, Barny) who lets just say has some behavioral issues and a strong thing for this girl even after she dumped him. He spent a bit of time bothering this girl nothing real bad I figure he has issues expressing his feelings like a 2nd grader pulling pony tails. Anyway the kid(Fred) down the block got involved some how and this kid(Barny) pulled a knife and cut him(Fred), well Barny goes off to kempo(juvi facility) for a short stay, gets out and goes back to bothering the girl so my son gets involved trying to help the girl out (I don't think she really wants help she seems to encourage the guy) the guy made some threats against my son we called police they cant really do anything because the kids the heard the threat started to back pedal and lose memory.

Now jump ahead a couple months to today. I am sitting on my throne doing my morning constitutional when my SUV alarm starts going off, yep wipe an run grab pj bottoms pistol and shirt shove pistol in arm pit and go outside. by now alarm has stopped I make a quick look around my SUV and find a flat tire everything else is fine I figure I picked up a nail, no biggie it's covered. go inside to finish getting ready for the morning. Come back outside and start airing up my tire after about 15 minutes and it has not really inflated much I turned off the pump to listen for a leak which I found right away about a 1/4" gash in the top of the sidewall. My older kid gets dropped off and I ask if he saw it flat when he left he says no, he takes the dog for a walk and to look to see if anyone else has flats reports back that Fred's parents SUV is also flat (hmmmmmmmmm go figure) so I call the police they arrive ask if I want to file a report I say sure just in-case they can get this kid somehow doubtful but we can hope.

Now neither of my kids know I have guns or even have a CHL and both of them are standing next to me when the LEO asks for my DL, So I bend over and quietly tell them to go away as I am handing my DL & CHL to LEO and he does not even bat an eye just set them side by side on his keyboard fills out report hands them back and all is good kids are still in the dark. So after all this I talk to other family and they said another guy down the other direction that also had a run in with this kid also had his tire stuck so 2 SUV's 1 Large PU between the 3 of us it is an easy $600+ of lost money due to one punk kid. which we can not prove. Oh and the family just had the tires changed a couple days ago. This was in the woodland springs area of N. Ft Worth. So not the best of days oh and to top all that off now I have to drive my wife's ugly orange bug that had a huge black widow spider under the hoods and a dead battery so I had to park it in the garage to set off a bug bomb and now charge the battery. All in all not the best weekend.
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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by lowonair »

back when we were living in an apartment complex my rear tire got stabbed. luckily i was driving a mitsubishi mighty max truck so a new tire was every bit of 30 bucks. i dont know who did it or why. come to think of it, it may have been the kids that were always harassing my girlfriend. they werent really anything to worry about though they were all about 12-14 and all had the build of a 5 year old girl. :lol:
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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by ELB »

At least the black widow didn't bite you. :shock:
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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by Abraham »

The inclusion of your "thrown" (sic) component in the story really imparted a certain je ne sais quoi refinement without which it may have suffered in it's authenticity...ah, or not.

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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by dicion »

If you foresee this continuing, perhaps investing in some sort of Camera Recording system would be a good idea.
Get them on tape committing the crime, and if they're readily identifiable, it's pretty slam dunk.

Also, you may want to try to improve on your post formatting a little bit, especially with longer posts.
I can guarantee you that many persons on this forum, saw your wall of text, and simply closed the thread, not reading it.
A huge wall of text like that is hard to keep your place reading it with perfect vision, and a lot of the members of this forum have much less than that! :smilelol5:

I have to admit, my first thought upon seeing it myself was also that, and to post the below image as well :mrgreen:

I did, however, change my mind, and read through it. The image below, however, is what a large majority of people will do when they come across a posting like this in the future.

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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by joe817 »

Sorry to hear about the problem suthdj. I hope you all catch that little cowardly weasel and he goes away for a long time, to where ever little cowardly weasels go.
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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by Carry-a-Kimber »

Glad you had time to "wipe", not so glad I know that. :ack:

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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by KD5NRH »

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6881381068" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

$300. How much can the damage cost you until he gets caught?

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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by Justin Franklin »

KD5NRH wrote:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6881381068

$300. How much can the damage cost you until he gets caught?
Thanks for the reminder. I have been considering putting in a camera system for the house. Better to be proactive than wait until it costs me some major bucks!
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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by suthdj »

:mad5 :mad5 :mad5 Just found my wifes car has a stabbed tire also :mad5 :mad5 :mad5

Yes sorry about long post I hate them also. I have a very short attention span.
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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by suthdj »

Abraham wrote:The inclusion of your "thrown" (sic) component in the story really imparted a certain je ne sais quoi refinement without which it may have suffered in it's authenticity...ah, or not.
DUH :banghead: Throne, there fixed it :oops:
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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by KD5NRH »

suthdj wrote::mad5 :mad5 :mad5 Just found my wifes car has a stabbed tire also :mad5 :mad5 :mad5
Any progress yet?
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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by suthdj »

Nothing the Detective said he would bring kid down to question him see if he would confess, other then that there is no proof or evidence so I am just out the money to repair tires.
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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by Fangs »

Lie to the kid and say you have video and if he confesses he'll only get probation, otherwise it's 2 years in juvie... :biggrinjester:
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Re: Tire stabbed


Post by suthdj »

Follow up: The kid was busted the other day for carrying a firearm, it seems he was at the local park full of people and showed his buds how he was always packing one of the adults saw this and called police he was stopped at gun point by the local PD it turns out it was a very real looking BB gun. I believe this was his final straw so now it is jail time. So I got no justice for the tires but it all worked out.
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