LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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For LEO's, what makes you more confortable when you pull someone over?

I prefer them to have their ID's and documentation ready by the time I get to the window.
I prefer them to not do anything until I get to the window, and gather everything when I ask them to.
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LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by Superman »

Tell us your preference and why?

I'm not an LEO, but here's my thought (slightly edited) from another thread:

I wait to reach for ANYTHING (except turn on overhead light, even then I turn it on as I'm pulling over) until the officer is at my window and he can watch everything I do. It makes them nervous to see someone fussing around in their vehicle while they are walking up. Even if it's just to pull out your wallet to get your DL and CHL ready in hand... you could be hiding drugs or pulling out something to kill them with. It's a small thing, but I do whatever I can to minimize their anxiety of walking up to someone they just pulled over.

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Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by RPB »

I'm not a LEO either, but i don't fidget around making them nervous while they walk up NOR do I fidget around while they nervously watch me through the window and wonder why it isn't ready and why their time is being wasted.

I keep my ID/CHL/Insurance in my shirt pocket, and when pulled over it's in my hand which is on the steering wheel.
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Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by speedsix »

...INALEOIALLT...but I have it ready when they walk up, too...
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Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by The Annoyed Man »

I wait with my hands on the steering wheel, overhead light on (if it is night time), and driver's window rolled down. As the officer approaches my car, I stick my head out the window, look back at him, and scream "I HAVE A GUN!!!!" That way, he'll know what to do next. :mrgreen:
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Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by RPB »

The Annoyed Man wrote:I wait with my hands on the steering wheel, overhead light on (if it is night time), and driver's window rolled down. As the officer approaches my car, I stick my head out the window, look back at him, and scream "I HAVE A GUN!!!!" That way, he'll know what to do next. :mrgreen:
"rlol" "rlol" "rlol" :smilelol5:
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Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by terryg »

Superman wrote:It makes them nervous to see someone fussing around in their vehicle while they are walking up.
I concede that this is true. My plan (from our previous discussion) is to get everything ready before they exit their vehicle. This is assuming they take their time, which has always been my experience. If you are still trying to retrieve all the documentation when they exit their vehicle, I would recommend stopping and putting your hands on the wheel. I want them to see be able to see my hands as early as possible.

The Annoyed Man wrote:I wait with my hands on the steering wheel, overhead light on (if it is night time), and driver's window rolled down. As the officer approaches my car, I stick my head out the window, look back at him, and scream "I HAVE A GUN!!!!" That way, he'll know what to do next. :mrgreen:
"rlol" "rlol" "rlol" "rlol"
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Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by Kadelic »

Pull over to a safe and well lit area. Interior lite on, hands at 10 & 2 with "papers" poised.
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Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by jeffrw »

speedsix wrote:...INALEOIALLT...

This site has some rather "unique" acronyms. I followed you up through INALEO. What does IALLT mean? (Sorry, just curious!)
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Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by gigag04 »

I voted for the second option. Not a fan of people reaching around for who knows what as I approach.
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Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by MadMonkey »

If I get lit up (which is often unfortunately, I mean do they REALLY expect me to keep track of the expiration dates of 4 different stickers on two cars??), I have my wallet out well before I stop, driver's side window down, left arm resting on top of the door (hand on the roof) and right hand resting on top of the door (both clearly, obviously visible) with the wallet on my lap. Hands stay in place until the officer shows up and asks for my ID, at which point I let him know I'm carrying and where it is BEFORE I move either hand. Once I know he's okay with it, I pull out my ID's and insurance and hand it over.

I have yet to be disarmed, and almost every officer who has pulled me over has thanked me for being "easy".

My approach is to make them as comfortable as possible, which makes both of our lives easier. The only (ahem)s I've run into are motorcycle cops, but that's to be expected... :biggrinjester:

Not saying everyone should do that, but so far it has worked for me. I still get tickets now and then, but I still get out of them often as well :woohoo
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Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by JustMe »

When I am driving any distance(not just short hops around town) I have my licenses in a little case that I take out of my wallet and purse and put in the pocket of my visor. Then it is right above the steering wheel.
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Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?


Post by Excaliber »

I keep hands on the wheel until I can tell the officer where my ID and carry gun are located, and ask him how he would like me to proceed.

I have yet to have any officer say anything other than it's OK to go for the ID - just keep away from the gun.

Needless to say, I plan ahead and keep them on opposite sides of my body.

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