Balistol vs Hoppes

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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by RossA »

I have always had a problem with any "CLP" product that claims to both clean and lubricate. Think about this:
In order to properly clean a gun, a substance has to be a solvent which dissolves dirt, grime, old dirty lubricants, etc.
If a product dissolves lubricants, how can it also be a lubricant itself?
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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by Liberty »

Abraham wrote:How quickly the new cleaner/lubes fall out of favor.

No mention of Frog Lube or Fire Clean.

I'm using up the last of my Fire Clean, but man the stench of Hoppe's isn't something I'm going back to.

The quest for the best gun cleaner/lube is like trying to find the Ark or something similar.

Heck, bacon grease would probably be a good lube and smell great too!
I was mostly curious about the one product does all aspect. Most of my hand guns would likely outlast me if I never put oil in them. But I live them any way. Cleaning my guns has never been much of chore either. I don't typically get them that dirty. I've always used solvent and then oil, touch up with a little grease on the sliding parts. Today I cleaned my EDC, was mostly just dirty with lint and such. Sprayed wiped, a little scrubbing. Ran a boresnake through the wet barrel.with a little ballistic on the tail. Cleaned up good.seemed well lubed after it dried. Ballistic does stink. But it disappeared quickly. I do like the smell of Hoppes though. I will see how it works after putting a few rounds through it and cleaning it again.
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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by rotor »

RossA wrote:I have always had a problem with any "CLP" product that claims to both clean and lubricate. Think about this:
In order to properly clean a gun, a substance has to be a solvent which dissolves dirt, grime, old dirty lubricants, etc.
If a product dissolves lubricants, how can it also be a lubricant itself?
I would bet that most lubricants are also solvents or mixed with a solvent. You soak a patch with a CLP type product and the solvent removes most of the old junk and deposits some new cleaner junk.
Does it make any difference. My guns seem to work well with all of the commercial products. What I have never found is a product that removes carbon buildup.
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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by carlson1 »

rotor wrote:
RossA wrote:I have always had a problem with any "CLP" product that claims to both clean and lubricate. Think about this:
In order to properly clean a gun, a substance has to be a solvent which dissolves dirt, grime, old dirty lubricants, etc.
If a product dissolves lubricants, how can it also be a lubricant itself?
I would bet that most lubricants are also solvents or mixed with a solvent. You soak a patch with a CLP type product and the solvent removes most of the old junk and deposits some new cleaner junk.
Does it make any difference. My guns seem to work well with all of the commercial products. What I have never found is a product that removes carbon buildup.
Try Slip 2000.
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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by oohrah »

I use Ballistol exclusively on my black powder firearms becasue it is water based (probably why hickock45 uses it also). I clean with hot soapy water, but use Ballistol fro lube.(Can't use petroleum based stuff with BP, it gums up.)
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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by magillapd »

I also learned of balistol from Hickok45. I now use it exclusively and have never had a problem.
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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by Liberty »

oohrah wrote:I use Ballistol exclusively on my black powder firearms becasue it is water based (probably why hickock45 uses it also). I clean with hot soapy water, but use Ballistol fro lube.(Can't use petroleum based stuff with BP, it gums up.)
Ballistol is petroleum based, has White mineral oil, Propane and isohexane. I think though what makes it more suitable with black powder is that it that it emulsifies with water (mixes)
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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by Liberty »

magillapd wrote:I also learned of balistol from Hickok45. I now use it exclusively and have never had a problem.
He isn't even a huge advocate of the stuff. he uses it and it works for him. He probably has sold more of this stuff than he has guns though.
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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by SigSour »

Ballistol is good stuff.

From the MSDS it contains the following ingredients:
Mineral Oil
Potassium Oleate
Ammonium Oleate
Oleic Acid
Benzyl Alcohol
Amyl Alcohol
Isobutyl Alcohol
Benzyl Acetate
Isohexane (aerosol only) ... CH_BIO.pdf

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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by bulletslap »

I have used Ballistol to wipe down my old relics for many years, it does not harm wood or leather. I use Clenzoil also for the same reason.

I do not use them for bore solvent, or lubrication for friction points, as there are much better products for those purposes.

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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by MechAg94 »

I used to use Hoppes #9 as my lube all the time. I started using a few different synthetic lubricants that I like better: Slip 2000 and Mpro7. The MPro7 has the best applicator on the bottle. I have some Froglube, but haven't tried to use it yet. The main reason I went to the non-petroleum lubes is they generally have better high temp ability and they don't dry out. One of the reasons I have been told not to put lube on a trigger group is the lube will dry out over time and leave a non-lube film behind that can keep your gun from working. I had it happen with a 22 rifle once.

For cleaning, I generally stick with purpose made carbon removers, usually made by the same companies as above.

Sounds like Gun lubes and Gun cleaners are still one of those issues for which everyone has a pretty unique opinion and does what works for them.
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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by Flightmare »

Apologies for reviving an old thread, but I figured this youtube video is applicable;

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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by dlh »

Thanks for the link!
Great video!
I like Break-Free CLP the best--it is my go-to CLP.
Have not bought it in a gallon jug yet--but hey-it would be cool
to have that much lying around! ;-)
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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by patterson »

I only use Ballistol and have for years. I used Hoppes before I started using Ballistol and I dont like the harsh chemical odor and I dont like that you have to avoid getting it on wood.

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Re: Balistol vs Hoppes


Post by wheelgun1958 »

Can you use Hoppes on a cut?
The company made a breakthrough at the turn of the century, when the German Imperial Army needed an all-round oil with very special properties: a multi-purpose oil that would be suitable for all the materials of a weapon – for cleaning, care, and conservation of the metal parts, wooden stocks, and leather straps. At the same time, it was to be used by soldiers as a wound oil for smaller injuries, chaps, and abrasions. ... :_:86.html
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