ammo on sale

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Re: ammo on sale


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

ristmo wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
KC5AV wrote:I think the cheapest 40 my wal mart is about $17 a box for 50 rounds, and I haven't seen any of the 100 round boxes since I bought an entire case a couple of months back.
Walmart near me in Plano had it for 23.00 and some change in the 100 round white box. The darned place told me they couldn't sell ammo after 10 at night, so I didn't buy any.
No way... I'm in Plano. Which Walmart? Hopefully they have some left time I get off work tomorrow. I've been documenting the prices I see, and lowest I saw that was $28 at another Walmart in Southlake.

LOL...maybe I shouldn't say until I get back over there. :smilelol5: It was about two to three weeks ago. Maybe they have raised the price since then. I will admit I don't spend alot of my valuable time documenting ammo prices around the world....but I intend to get my tail end back over there first thing in the morning just in case. I am going to kick myself over this if it is at 28. Had I thought it was that great of a deal, I would have been back the next morning. I will let you know if it is still at the same price....after I stock up...LOL.
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Re: ammo on sale


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

OOPs...mistake on my part. Just texted my daughters boyfriend about it. he was with me and wanted to buy a box or two of it also. He tells me I am was 24.86 or 24.96 according to him. he said he can't remember the exact amount but it was under 25 a box for 100 rounds. It was two Saturdays ago.

Anyway...I will let you know if it is still at that price after I get over there in the morning. The last time I made a post on a gun forum about ammo prices at a store, some fool who read my post tried to make their local walmart match the price at the store I shopped at. Turned out the price had gone up and they hadn't marked it up yet. The idiot screwed up my good deal. One of these days I will learn not to make posts about this stuff....LOL.

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Re: ammo on sale


Post by castrolr1 »

hey guys
Yesterday i was at the walmart in the woodlands
blazer brass 13.97 for 50 in .40
umc 250 pack was 60 or so dollars for .40
umc $80 for 250 pack of .45
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Re: ammo on sale


Post by KC5AV »

03Lightningrocks wrote:OOPs...mistake on my part. Just texted my daughters boyfriend about it. he was with me and wanted to buy a box or two of it also. He tells me I am was 24.86 or 24.96 according to him. he said he can't remember the exact amount but it was under 25 a box for 100 rounds. It was two Saturdays ago.
That's still a good deal. I checked my wal mart last night, and I was right. It is over $17 for a box of 50. They have a couple of boxes of 100, but they are $29 and change.
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Re: ammo on sale


Post by KBCraig »

It's hard to celebrate National Ammo Day when the shelves are picked bare. :???:

I did my best at a symbolic purchase, though. Wal-Mart was so dry that I paid Gander Mtn. prices:

.38 Special:
158 grn LRN American Eagle, 50 rounds, $19.99

.45 ACP:
230 grn JHP Corbon, 25 rounds, $29.99

.22 LR:
36 grn copper plated HP, 333 rounds, $14.99 (I almost choked, but it was that or a brick of Peters for $22.99)

12 gauge:
2-3/4" No. 4 Buckshot, Winchester Xpress, box of 5, 2 each, $4.99
2-3/4" 1 oz rifled slug, box of 15, $12.99

None of those were necessarily what I wanted, it's just what they had. Especially in the handgun section. There was plenty of birdshot, and good quantities of the limited selection of defensive shotgun ammo, but military calibers and non-FMJ handgun ammo was slim pickins.

With the state's take, that came to $95.20; the last time I spent that much on ammo I needed a dolly instead of a small plastic bag. :shock:
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Re: ammo on sale


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

I didn't get over to Wally World this morning. Too many "issues" at the office. I may or may not get by there today. It was the wally world at Coit and Spring valley. It is probably either gone by now or marked up to a higher price anyway. I wish I had of gone back the next day, but I am not a big fan of stores on Sundays. Post up if anyone get's over there before me and the price is still at 25 bucks per 100. LOL...that is if you don't buy it all. :tiphat:

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Re: ammo on sale


Post by ristmo »

It's hard to celebrate National Ammo Day when the shelves are picked bare. :???:
Ahhhh, I forgot today was National Ammo Day... and to think I all but stopped at a Walmart on my way into work to see if it happened to be the one with the $23 WWB deal! :smash:
some fool who read my post tried to make their local walmart match the price at the store I shopped at.
Tried that once with something else. Walmart's policy is the don't match other Walmart's prices -- only other stores.
I will admit I don't spend alot of my valuable time documenting ammo prices around the world..
I actually only spend a few seconds to make a note when I see a decent deal so I can know where to buy more at when I run low :-D.
.22 LR:
36 grn copper plated HP, 333 rounds, $14.99 (I almost choked, but it was that or a brick of Peters for $22.99)
This was about 10 days ago when I jotted down these prices, but just for reference, in case it's close for anyone, (this is the Walmart off hwy 26 in Southlake)
.22 550 rds Federal - $13.47
.22 550 rds Remington - $13.88
(Thought about getting a few boxes cause then I'd have to buy another gun to shoot it :-D. Still, at 2.5c / rd, I can't get over how affordable it is...)

9mm 250 rds Remington UMC - $48.92
9mm 50 rds Blazer Brass - $8.57 (Best price -- .17c / rd)
9mm 100 rds Winchester White box - $20

.40S&W 250 rds Remington UMC - $67.94
.40S&W 50 rds Blazer Brass - $12.47 (Best price -- $.25c / rd)
.40S&W 100 rds Winchester White box - $28

I've heard of issues with the steel Blazer ammo, but from what I've heard, Blazer Brass is a lot better... can anyone confirm?
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Re: ammo on sale


Post by flb_78 »

ristmo wrote: I've heard of issues with the steel Blazer ammo, but from what I've heard, Blazer Brass is a lot better... can anyone confirm?
Blazer doesn't make steel ammo. They make some aluminum cased ammo which shoots just fine for me. I usually get it at Natchez Shooter's Supply for 7.49/box.

I don't reload 9mm so the extra $1+ just for brass ammo isn't worth it for me." onclick=";return false;

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Re: ammo on sale


Post by ristmo »

Yes, yes... aluminum being the word I was looking for. Lol.

Ok, so I went to the Walmart on Coit and Spring Creek tonight. Unfortunately there were no great deals anymore. The other Walmart on Coit (just south of Plano Rd) had 50 rd boxes of Winchester .40 in 180 gr for $17. The Spring Creek location had the 165 gr box going for $17 and the 180 gr box going for $20. Unfortunately, the 100 rd box only came in 165 gr. Hope that helps. I got a couple of the 50 rd 180 gr boxes and a 100 rd 165 gr box. Not a great deal, but I needed some anyway.

One thing I noticed is that the Remington UMC was out of stock at both Walmarts, except for (I think), .45 Auto. I wonder if that just means they don't carry a lot of it or if it's actually a lot better. Blazer's still cheaper. FYI, Blazer Brass is up $0.50 from last time. Just one more reason I like to keep a little log :-D.

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Re: ammo on sale


Post by jiannichan »

I'll stop by that Spring Creek/Coit location today around lunchtime and check the prices. I am going to the range today with a couple friends after work and need to pick up some 9mm.

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Re: ammo on sale


Post by ristmo »

The other Walmart on Coit (just south of Plano Rd) had 50 rd boxes of Winchester .40 in 180 gr for $17.
And FWIW, I saw at least 4 boxes of it at the Walmart on Park and DNT for $16 tonight on my way back from the range. Sadly, I was trying it out in my new XD-40 sc, and my 15th or so round jammed. My guess is it's the ammo, not the gun. Also, a few rounds later, it looked like shards flew out as it left the barrel. I've never noticed it like that in my 9mm (or the rest I shot tonight), but combined, I think I'm going to give the Blazer Brass a go before buying any more WWB. (Unless I just see a killer deal.) The 250 rd boxes of UMC also did well in my XD-9. I may end up stocking up on it.

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Re: ammo on sale


Post by lunchbox »

anyone know where to find some 8MM mauser ammo
dont need the good stuff just surplus junk will do fine
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Re: ammo on sale


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

I was at wally world on 75 in Plano this evening. they had one box of the 100 round WWB .40 for 27.97. I bought it since it is cheaper than what most places are selling it for. The guy working there told me they are having trouble getting in more stock from their main ware houses. Not good good at all. They also had the wwb in 45 for 29.88 for 100 round box. I went ahead and bought five boxes. I wish I had bought the wwb I saw at the wally world two weeks ago but I didn't take it very seriously. Actually, the prices of ammo lately is just flat out ticking me off and I have to swallow my pride every time I buy it. I have been stocking up for the past year, thank goodness, so I am not feeling too desperate to buy ammo right now. I have cases of ammo I could sell right now and make a 100 bucks a case profit from what I paid 6 months ago...this is just crazy!

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Re: ammo on sale


Post by BobCat »

Got an email flyer this morning:" onclick=";return false; has WWB 9mm for $19 / 100 rounds and Blazer Brass 45ACP 230Gr FMJ for $15 / 50 rounds. Also Blazer - not brass - 40 S&W 180gr., FMJ for $13.50 / 50 rounds.

I hope I'm not violating any Forum rule by posting about a particular retailer.


Edited to add the .40 S&W price, and correct that the .40 cal is aluminum case.
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Re: ammo on sale


Post by RetiredE9 »

I recovered a coupla boxes of .45 1911 ball from my father's closet after he passed away.

Is there any reason why I shouldn't shoot them?

I'd rather be lucky than good
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