I've sold a few. Only really would like two of them back. Both are fairly easy to replace as thier both common still current models. Mostly I've sold to finance other purchases.
The only guns I've ever sold, were ones that I bought knowing I would get rid of them. (I bought a 5-fer of Turkish Mausers, planning to cull 3 and keep the best two; then I traded one more, and I'm down to one.)
But now I'm pondering selling two or three rifles that don't fit with my collection, are in excellent condition, and are just taking up space.
Anyone interested in an as-new MAS-36, and an unfired MAS-36/51?
Sold three (well, hocked... which makes it that much worse) eons ago that I wish I could get back (long story). One of them I know I never will be able to and was a Christmas gift in '77 (oh... the pain!!), and the other two I'm working on and hopefully will be able to replace someday in the not too distant future.
So far, I don't have any guns that I'm willing to give up or trade for, and I've vowed to myself that I won't ever repeat my failure from the past and the only time a pawn shop will see me again is when I make a trip to shop, not drop!
NRA, TSRA, TXGR, SAF, GOA & FPC "I'm not terrified of guns, I'm terrified of gun-free zones!"
i wish i still had my colt double eagle lightweight officer's model, and my last stainless colt 1991 duty gun. i have no plans to ever purchase a new colt again, but i'd really like to have those two back.
i don't have anything i plan to sell or trade anytime soon. i've got to buy a third cabinet in the near future. things are starting to get out of hand. and if my wife has anything to say about it, well, i could probably get a nice shooter in trade for her.
My father was having major surgery a couple of years ago. I ended up selling a Beretta 92 Compact M Type to raise enough money to get back home. At the time I thought I would buy another one when things improved financially for me. When I got a better job I trotted down to my local gun shop to replace my beloved M Type only to discover that it had been discontinued by Beretta.
I tried a couple of different guns as replacements but nothing else would do. I finally found a used M Type that I was able to work out a deal on and received it a couple of weeks ago. It isn’t in nearly as good a shape as the one I sold but I’m still thrilled to have one again. I’ll rehab it and cling to it for the rest of my born days.